Chapter 111
The water erosion that swept away the sky did not go to the deserted land as he said.

The deserted land is just a place name that was spoken out to cooperate with Tunri. In fact, even if it is water erosion, I don't want to go to that guy's territory.

Taking Tianqing to the bottom of the water, Shui Xi looked at the boy with great interest, or more importantly, he was looking at the blue ribbon in the boy's hair.

"I know you're not drowsy, so stop pretending." After waiting for a while without waiting for Tianqing's response, the water erosion directly revealed Tianqing's disguise, and at the same time, there was a familiar sense of helplessness in his heart.

"What good is it for you to point out this point!" After being discovered, Tian Qing naturally couldn't pretend anymore, but he still had to complain about what should be complained.

Water erosion thought about it very seriously, and then gave an answer: "It can save time."

"Oh." Tian Qing was extremely indifferent, without any trace of fear or worry in his demeanor, "The excuse of the son of an old friend is not very good."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's the son of the old man, or you can say it's the old man himself." When Shui Xi said this, he had been paying attention to the expression on Tian Qing's face.

He didn't see anything from Tianqing's face, and he wasn't discouraged either.

The young patriarch has always been good at deceiving people and beasts, so it's normal if he doesn't see it.

"You know me?" Tian Qing's interrogative sentence used an affirmative tone.

"You don't know me?" Shui Xi didn't answer Tian Qing's question, but looked at Tian Qing in surprise.

No, how could the young patriarch not know him!

Probably seeing the doubts of the water erosion, Tianqing explained lightly: "I feel familiar, you should be a creation beast left over ten thousand years ago, right?"

Speaking of this, Tianqing paused before adding: "Tunri should be the same. If I guessed correctly, the nine king beasts in Qingmo Forest are all created beasts that survived thousands of years ago."

"We can't be regarded as created beasts anymore. We can only be called strange beasts without our creator." The arc of Shui Er's mouth was full of bitterness, and at the same time, his heart was full of doubts.

Is this person testing him or does he really not remember the past?
"I know you have doubts in your heart, but I want to tell you that I lost my memory." When talking about her memory loss, Tian Qing was very calm and indifferent, as if the person who lost her memory was not her at all.

"Impossible!" Shui Xi denied as soon as he heard this, "The space-time channel should not make people lose their memory."

"Who knows, maybe it's been too long, maybe it's because I lost my memory before I entered." Tian Qing's tone was light, and he was very calm about his memory loss.

It can also be said that she is not in a hurry to retrieve her memory at all, after all, losing that part of her memory does not affect her life at all.

She clearly knew what she was going to do, and when she encountered things that belonged to that memory, she was able to grasp the specific conditions of those things very clearly.

If it wasn't for sure that such a large area of ​​her was sealed, Tian Qing would even think that her subconscious didn't put this part of memory on the surface.

"That shouldn't be!" Shui Er's tone was still very sure.

He looked down at Tianqing, and finally realized that the animal form was inconvenient, so he changed into a human form neatly.

With long silver hair and a shawl, wearing a silver-white soft armor, the man's silver eyes are sharp and sharp, but at this time they are more of scrutiny and worry.

Without saying a word, he directly took Tian Qing's hand, and began to explore Tian Qing's current body: "Don't resist."

It is not clear what strength the young patriarch is now, Shui Xi is very afraid that the young patriarch's resistance will hurt her, and if the young patriarch is not injured, then he is probably the one who is injured.

Neither situation is what he wants to see.

"Did you see anything?" Tian Qing really didn't resist, she could feel that the water erosion was not malicious.

Of course, she still has a kind of self-confidence. If the things that enter her sea of ​​consciousness are malicious to her, she will definitely not be the one who is unlucky.

"No, I'll go back and ask Cang Qing about this matter." Shui Xi put down Tian Qing's hand, frowning, as if he had encountered a problem beyond his comprehension.

"You go." Tian Qing spoke very well, "Just remember to send me out."

"You're not together?" Shui Xi frowned slightly when he heard Tian Qing's words, wouldn't the young patriarch go back with him?

"Me? Forget it. You have to remember not to let go of your guard against strangers so quickly. If I am someone who wants to harm you, then your behavior will bring you big trouble." Tian Qing was very Kindly remind this beast who should be her old friend.

"You think it's so easy for me to let go of my guard against anyone?" Shui Xi sneered, if it wasn't for sure that this person was the young patriarch, no one else would have had the chance to get close to him.

"I don't know if you treat others like this, but I think it's better for me not to go with you. I still have something to do in Qingmo Forest." Tian Qing frowned. Her previous behavior was to leave the team and feel at ease Going to look for Chi Yan Twin Grass is not to reunite with others.

"What's the matter for you? We can help you." As soon as Shui Xi said this, Tian Qing's face turned cold instantly.

It suddenly occurred to me that their young patriarch not only dared to do anything strangely and deceived people, but also had a very important characteristic, that is stubbornness.

She doesn't like elders and friends meddling in her affairs at all, she just likes to solve it by herself.

But when he knew he couldn't solve it, this guy was very flexible and would immediately ask someone for help.

It can only be said that the young patriarch has the pride of the Tiangong clan in his temperament, and also has a bit of her cleverness.

Thinking about it this way, the matter that the young patriarch didn't need their help should be something she can solve by herself.

Knowing this, Shui Xi didn't say anything to help, but just reminded Tianqing: "We are more familiar with Qingmo Forest, if you can't solve it by yourself, come to us, don't be brave."

"I'm not that kind of person." Tian Qing finally showed a smile, and the shallow arc looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

"Then I'm leaving, where are you going, I'll take you there directly." Just after Shui Xi finished speaking, looking at Tian Qing's current face, he suddenly thought of something, "By the way, you should be a girl, right? "

"It's not like? Or do you have a bad memory?" Tian Qing was stunned for a moment, the corner of his mouth showing a bit of danger.

What does it mean?
Why is she not a girl anymore!

Shui Xi shook his head, and he knew the answer by seeing the young patriarch's reaction. That's right, the young patriarch didn't only have his soul left, he should have brought his body along with him.

"I'm going to Blazing Tianshi's territory, you should act more sloppy." Tian Qing thought that he was facing a man's face now, and knew that the water erosion could not be the fault of this matter.

But still not very cool.

Facing Tian Qing's cold tone, Shui Xi didn't mind, and sent the young patriarch over directly through the underwater channels extending in all directions. As for him, of course he went back to find Cang Qing.

That's great, just came out to be active and waited for the young patriarch to come to the door, and then there were people.

 Water erosion: I’m still the best, and I recognized the young patriarch as soon as I got out
  Tun Ri, who didn't see anything at all: ... I don't accept it, why didn't I see anything when I met the young patriarch first!
  Water erosion: because you are stupid

  Tun Ri: ... get lost
(End of this chapter)

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