Chapter 309

As for the possible dangers on this road, Shao Ge is not afraid.

The Tiangong Continent is shrouded in a huge cloud, and every beast creator living in it is surrounded by a huge and meticulous lie, and gradually loses its true appearance in the lie.

Past glory, true talent, these things are all covered up under layers of lies.

Nothing could be worse than now.

Rather than being surrounded by lies and deceptions all his life in a daze, or living a hard life but only living in the lies of others, Shao Ge wants to know the truth under the layers of fog, even if the truth is very cruel, it is better to live his life now .

"I hope I can know the truth of everything." Shao Ge said to Tian Qing when he was walking towards the red cup fruit, when he still had reason.

Tian Qing smiled, it was a very shallow and fleeting smile, there was no harmlessness or shyness in the shallow dimple at the corner of his mouth, with a very pure trace of agility.

It's great, the red-rank beast creator who is suitable for Gu Dao is such a person.

Tian Qing always felt that all this was such a coincidence. In the Tiangong clan ten thousand years later, too many clansmen have been completely lost. They will do anything to gain a higher status, and even point their knives at their compatriots.

But there are still some people who still persist. Among these people, Tianqing always seems to be able to find some Tianjiao, some beast creators who can support her path and make them no longer lonely.

When she learned about the current situation of the Tiangong clan, the idea of ​​being destroyed if she could not save it flashed through her mind, but it was because there were such people that she could feel the light of the Tiangong clan.

"You will know, and I also hope that you can stand in the same camp as us." Tian Qing's eyes softened slightly.

She watched Shao Ge take out the liquid from the sea of ​​consciousness. Shao Ge's primary color is a kind of beige red, and the two colors are intertwined. insect.

The beige and red intersecting liquid is contained in the inward depression of the red cup fruit.

At this time, the red cup fruit finally had the appearance of a vessel, containing the liquid from Shao Ge's sea of ​​consciousness.

Shao Ge slowed down at this moment, his eager and thirsty expression calmed down, he carefully observed the red cup fruit in his hand, and felt the different colors from the fusion of the red cup fruit and himself.

A Ye has already bitten several red cup fruits, and seeing Shao Ge's strange but unique movements, he finally knows the gap between himself and the other party.

He couldn't do this set of strange and natural movements, and a voice in his heart told him that even if he did that, he wouldn't feel anything special.

With a red fruit in his mouth, Ah Ye has already eaten this fruit as a snack. To be honest, although it doesn't look very good, it tastes really good.

Looking at Shao Ge, Aye is holding a fruit in his mouth, this situation is a bit weird at any time.

Tian Qing had never seen such a strange set of behaviors by Shao Ge, but she knew that no matter how much Shao Ge tossed about, nothing would happen, so she looked at A Ye very reassuringly.

With this look, he saw the cores of several red cup fruits thrown on the ground.

Taking another look at Aye, who didn't respond at all, if he wasn't sure that this person was indeed a red-rank beast creator, Tian Qing would have doubted whether this guy was a member of the Tiangong clan.

The predecessor of the Red Cup Fruit was the Heavenly Potential Fruit, although there are some differences between the Red Cup Fruit and the Heavenly Potential Fruit due to Emperor Gu's reasons, but some things in it will not disappear.

A Ye's behavior of eating it as if it were an ordinary fruit made Tian Qing feel a little suspicious.

This guy, wouldn't it be that he has no talent for the path of Gu Dao at all?
If that's the case, then Aye is also a rare talent.

There is only one person who is a red-rank beast creator who can't walk the way of Gu. After the appearance of the red cup fruit, there is only one such person, and that is Qi Qi's master.

That person has reached the extreme in the way of poison, because of the impact of the Gu way on the red-rank beast creators, all the red-rank beast creators will try towards the Gu way.

Only the Great Elder, who was completely unable to touch the Gu Dao, reached the bottom of the Poison Dao.

But Aye and the Great Elder are different.

(End of this chapter)

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