Chapter 315
"Qi Ling, I really have no malice, and I will not argue with you about these things. Since this trial site has been passed on to your master, it is logical for you to inherit it." The connivance on Shao Ge's face has changed to A touch of helplessness.

Does he look like the kind of person who won't let go of petty gains?
It's just a trial ground, he wouldn't fight to the death with someone for such a little thing.

"I just want the place my master created back then, it's the land of Gu worms, and it's the most suitable place for my experience.

I know you may say that that place is included in the trial ground of the red-rank beast creator of the Tiangong clan you just got, but you can't deny that it was created by my master.

In the Tiangong family, creators have absolute ownership of the things they create, don't they?

At the beginning, the master specially divided an area in the trial ground for the Gu worms in order to select his successor from the red-rank beast creators of the Tiangong clan.

The trial site failed to fulfill his wish, but at this moment, he finally found his successor, and I have the right to inherit everything from him.

I know that you may feel that that place is included in your place, and if I take it away, I will destroy the integrity of this trial ground.

Don't worry, I won't do that.

I, like you, want to preserve this trial site that retains traces of our master's existence.

All I need is the qualification to freely enter and exit this trial ground, and I need to go to the Gu worm forest to practice.

Although the Gu worms created by Master have no reference value for me, because I have followed him through a hundred years of enlightenment.

But those Gu worms have other, more important meanings to me.

Qi Ling, I hope you don't think of me as a bad guy who robs you.

We are actually clansmen and partners who can fight side by side.

If you do this, the young patriarch will be very embarrassed. "

Shao Ge understands Qi Ling's weakness very well. The young patriarch is his sister, and seeing how Qi Ling looks like, he also knows how much Qi Ling dotes on his sister. It is impossible for him to do things that embarrass Qi Zhi.

"Just you? Not worthy!" Qi Qi's cold eyes swept over Shao Ge lightly, like a shadowy snake waiting for an opportunity in the dark.

He didn't regard Shao Ge as an enemy and bad guy at all, everything was just Shao Ge's own imagination.

He just didn't know how credible Shao Ge's words were.

Emperor Gu was from what era. When he fell, the young patriarch hadn't been born yet, no, even his master hadn't been born at that time.

Where did Gu Emperor get the news about Tianqing and let the disciples he will accept in the future protect and assist the young patriarch?
It's a matter that doesn't bear much thought.

"How could Emperor Gu know the existence of the young patriarch? We hope you can clarify this matter, otherwise we will not be able to open the authority of this trial site to you." Tun Ri fell off Tian Qing's wrist, golden When the short-haired boy appeared, he brought the topic back again.

"This, this, this!" Aye saw that the little golden snake on Tianqing's wrist turned into a person under his gaze, and he was completely stunned.

How should I put it, he has experienced too much in this short period of time, and his world view has been reshaped more than once.

"Tun Ri." Tun Ri lazily yawned, his short blond hair was curled up, with a bit of laziness and casualness, "Don't be so surprised, it has been normal for Creator Beasts to transform into humans before."

"If you work hard, all of your created beasts can also transform into humans." Shao Ge said, Aye is now the only person present who has not experienced the orthodox inheritance baptism of the Tiangong clan.

Shao Ge understood A Ye's mood at this time, if he was in the past, he would be shocked by all this.

"We used to have a really miserable life." Aye is very adaptable. At this time, he has shifted from being able to create a beast to become a human being to the tragic fate of the Tiangong clan.

According to Shao Ge and Qi Zhi, they were really good before.

But looking at the current situation, if you say it, you might be laughed out of the mouth by those who know what race they are.

It was too miserable.

"It's very miserable, so we need to change it." Shao Ge said, if the current Tiangong clan is not so miserable, they don't need them to change anything.

(End of this chapter)

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