Heavenly Creation Beast

Chapter 438 The Calamity of Canglan Academy

Chapter 438 The Calamity of Canglan Academy

"Are you really going to Canglan Academy?" Jia Shoudu looked at Lu Zhengyang who received the news and was packing up, with a complicated look in his eyes.

He seemed to want to say something, but he was afraid of something, so he could only carefully insinuate.

"Didn't I say it before? I came to Canglan City for Canglan College, and I have Mr. Wei's certificate in my hand. No matter what, I can enter Canglan College." Hearing this, Lu Zhengyang, I thought it was Jia Shou who felt that he might not be able to enter Canglan Academy as an orange-rank beast creator, so he explained with a smile.

Jia Shoudu opened his mouth, and finally let out a sneer.

This matter really made him say that he didn't know what to say, but Jia Hanming suddenly told them not to get too close to the people from Canglan Academy in the middle of the night last night.

At that time, Jia Shoudu also asked why, but it was a pity that Jia Hanming didn't say it clearly, but just told them in a long voice that it was not good to get close to people.

Jia Shou felt that his elder brother must have guessed something, but it was not so easy for his elder brother to tell him what was going on.

Jia Shou'an is too cunning, even if he grinds himself to death, he won't tell him what he doesn't want to say.

"Don't worry, I've also inquired about it during this period of time. There are not only orange-rank beast creators in Canglan College, but also red-rank beast creators." Lu Zhengyang had a good impression of Wei Liqing at the beginning, and felt that this He is an amiable old man, so he has no objection to coming to Canglan Academy to study.

He lives alone in the mountains, and he doesn't know much about the situation in Tiangong Continent and the beast creators. Lu Zhengyang feels that he is not at a loss if he has a chance to understand all of this systematically.

Jia Shou didn't know what to say at all. He wanted to tell Lu Zhengyang that Canglan Academy might be in trouble because there were students in Canglan Academy and scarlet beast creators.

Canglan Academy is still very famous in the Southern Region. The Southern Region is originally a continent dominated by colleges. The influence and radiation of families, forces, and sects in the Southern Region are not comparable to those of the Academy, and the Canglan Academy is very important among them. A prestigious school.

There is a reason why the founder of Canglan Academy is three blue-rank beast creators.

Blue-rank beast creators can be said to be very rare in the southern region, but there are three blue-rank beast creators gathered in one Canglan Academy.

No, it should be four. It is said that the earliest people who established the Canglan Academy were actually four blue-rank beast creators, but one of them did not know what happened. Not long after the Canglan Academy was established, there were no recruits. Time is gone.

There are so many blue-rank beast creators in the academy, Canglan Academy should have become the only one in the southern region.

It's a pity that for some unknown reason, the Canglan Academy recruited students that included the mediocre yellow-rank beastbuilders, the somewhat weak orange-rank beastbuilders, and even the red-rank beastbuilders who were despised by the world.

Because Canglan College recruits students of different levels, even if Canglan College has three blue-rank beast creators, it still cannot stand out among the many colleges in the southern region.

Jia Shoudu has heard some news recently. He heard that the reason why Canglan Academy recruits red-rank beast creators is because the grandson of Wei Liqing, one of the founders, is a red-rank beast creator.

It is said that Wei Liqing wanted to improve the status of the Red Beast Creator in Tiangong Continent.

It's a good thing, but this incident seems to have touched the interests of many people, making some people unable to sit still.

Canglan College, I'm afraid it will suffer in the near future.

Jia Shou thought that he and Lu Zhengyang were also friends, and he didn't want to see Lu Zhengyang fall into a huge pit, and wanted to persuade people not to go, but he couldn't make things too obvious.

After all, that was all his speculation, whether it was true or not remains to be seen.

Lu Zhengyang didn't know what riddles Jia Shoudu was playing, so he didn't change his mind about going to Canglan Academy.

It's just that when he looked at the luggage in his hand, he couldn't help thinking of the move that he left yesterday and never came back.

I don't know where that little thing went, but it was really stubborn, and he walked away all night and didn't come back.

Lu Zhengyang was thinking whether to leave a letter to Niu Yi telling him that he had gone to Canglan College, but then he thought it was wrong.

After all, this is the territory of the Jia family. Jia Shoudu let him live for free because of the love between the two of them. It would be embarrassing for Jia Shoudu not to sell his room for the sake of his beast creation. .

Lu Zhengyang didn't think Jia Shou couldn't do it, but he thought he shouldn't let people do so much.

It's just that they met by chance, but because of their character and temper, they said a few more words, and the two really didn't have a deep friendship.

So he didn't make a request in the end, he just thought that if he really wanted to find him, he could share his perspective.

Although Neiyi was unwilling to share the perspective with him because he was angry, Lu Zhengyang did not prevent him from seeing the scene on his side.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Zhengyang didn't say much.

Therefore, Jia Shoudu watched people leave and walked towards Canglan College, not knowing that the little hairball that ran to Tianqing last night was Lu Zhengyang's creation beast.

Seeing the back of Lu Zhengyang drifting away into the crowd, Jia Shoudu patted his head and finally sighed.

"Your friend is going to Canglan Academy?" A calculating voice sounded in Jia Shoudu's ear.

Jia Shoudu glanced at Jia Shou'an who was speaking, looked sleepy, and hummed.

"Don't stop him? I think you should have guessed something, right?" Jia Hanming also came out. The handsome and frail young man had a little smile on his lips, and the glint in his eyes proved that this person was not as simple as others thought. It's easy to bully.

"It's useless for me to stop you." Jia Shoudu murmured in a low voice, "And if I stop someone, what kind of reason should I use? He has become a sinner of the Jia family."

Jia Hanming looked at Jia Shoudu with a little surprise, but he didn't expect that Jia Shoudu actually understood it very well.

So some people don't really understand, nor do they really know nothing about these things, it's just that there are people who are more powerful than him in front of them, so they can lie down naturally.

"If it turns out that there is indeed a problem with Canglan Academy, I will ask the people over there to show mercy to your friend. Jia family, it is not difficult to protect someone." Jia Hanming looked at him not very interested. Jia Shoudu suddenly said.

Jia Shou was stunned for a moment, but didn't react immediately.

And Jia Hanming didn't explain too much, the main family only valued Jia Shou'an, and Jia Shoudu, Jia Shou'an's younger brother, was actually incidental.

After all, he couldn't just take Jia Shou'an away, leaving Jia Shou'an's close relatives to suffer in Qingmo City in the Southern Region.

Although Jia Hanming liked Jia Shoudu's bright and optimistic personality during this period of getting along, he seemed to be able to get along with everyone quickly.

But he knew that now was not the time to give Jia Shou all the details.

The Jia family's development to its current scale cannot be separated from the protection of the powerful outside the territory, and the longevity pill given by the powerful.

Otherwise, at best, they are better than those mortal wealthy businessmen. Among the beast creators who really came from the Jia family, only recently has a blue-rank beast creator.

According to this kind of ability, it is impossible to occupy such an important position in Tiangong Continent.

To take advantage of the extraterritorial power, it is necessary to do things for the extraterritorial power.

Unfortunately, Canglan Academy is among the things that the powers outside the territory want them to do.

Jia Hanming didn't have any idea about Canglan College's desire to improve the status of the red-rank beast creators in Tiangong Continent, and he didn't mean to be inferior to the red-rank beast creators.

But the one above them seems to be dissatisfied with this situation, not only the one above them, but also the outside monks in the Temple of Light, the Temple of Blood in the Dark Night, and the Alliance of Heavenly Medicine seem to be unable to accept this situation.

So Canglan Academy can only ask for more blessings.

Lu Zhengyang didn't know that Jia's family wanted to protect him because of his relationship with Jia Shoudu.

At this time, he had just arrived at the gate of Canglan College, and before he had time to marvel at the solid water door of Canglan College again, he was attracted by a noise.

 Lu Zhengyang: I'm here, young patriarch
  Tianqing (with a smile on his face): I heard that you don't really want to help me and the Tiangong clan

  Lu Zhengyang: Young patriarch, you can't just listen to the one-sided words of Nio Yi, give me a chance, I'll be there soon

(End of this chapter)

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