Chapter 206 Being Discovered
Now that Jiang Beibei has come here, Guo Jing quickly discussed with others, "We have to leave the city right now, I guess General Wang has got the news and came to see us! We can't stay here for long."

They all know it too, just like the county magistrate.

If they stay any longer, there will definitely be trouble.

"Yes!" Jiang Beibei also agreed at this time, "The person behind the scenes has not been found out yet, we can't delay here any longer!"

"But what should we do now?"

If it was something else, Jiang Beibei probably had some ideas.

But the crowd outside was surging, and the county magistrate went mad like crazy. Jiang Beibei didn't know much about these 36 tricks and the art of war, so naturally she didn't dare to make random decisions.

Guo Jing sat on the ground with dark eyes.

"We have to figure things out tonight. The town is so chaotic right now. We might have the possibility to get out. Don't worry."

He only knows one thing on the battlefield.

Only when people calm down can they sort things out.

"Then listen to you!" Jiang Beibei nodded obediently.

A few people here were discussing, and the guards watching the scholar beside him were bored.

One of them was thirsty, he slowly got up from the ground, and at the same time opened his robe and said to his partner, "I'll go and pour them a pot of tea first, I want to drink some myself, do you want to drink?"

The partner was so sleepy that he only raised his eyelids slightly.

"Hurry up! This kid is not at all restless."


The guard opened the door to go out, and the companions on the side also relaxed their vigilance, and didn't pay much attention to the scholar.

Unexpectedly!This is a chance for talent.

Xiucai seized the time and suddenly slammed his head against the wall, making a painful sound at the same time.

Originally, this place is remote, so even if the scholar makes some noise, it doesn't matter.

But tonight is a special situation!
When the county magistrate issued an order, all the soldiers in the city had to come out and search, not to mention a remote place, even a corner, they had to search thoroughly.

When the scholar went crazy.

These soldiers happened to be patrolling around here.

They heard a strange voice, and their eyes changed quickly, "Did you hear someone shouting next to you?"

Hearing these words, all the soldiers stopped in their tracks.

They began to look left and right, and soon set their sights on the dilapidated hut in front of them.

One person saw the light and shadow in it, "There are people inside, everyone hurry over."

He heard very complicated footsteps outside.

Guo Jing and the others changed their minds, they stood up in horror, "No, these people found us!"

At this time, Xiucai was still writhing on the ground, vaguely hearing that someone had come to rescue him.

Guo Jing gritted his teeth and cursed, "It's that idiot again! Damn it."

At the same time, he pulled Jiang Beibei up, "Madam General, we have to leave quickly."

Jiang Beibei's complexion was a little pale, and she, who was not good at martial arts, was a little flustered at this moment.

They didn't leave the gate, they turned around and ran to the rear window, everyone jumped out frantically, and only the scholar was left in the room panicking.

The soldiers kicked open the door and saw no one.

They accidentally stepped on the scholar underneath, and the scholar howled again in pain.

The stone was taken out of his mouth, and the soldier asked impatiently, "Where did this group of people go now?"

Scholar's eyes were full of hatred, he pointed at the window behind and shouted, "Hurry up and chase them, they will all run away."


The soldiers quickly straightened their bodies, and quickly headed towards the back of the house.

Seeing that the people behind were getting closer, Guo Jing had no choice but to divert the target. They had to leave the city gate from the moment they were best. This was the only choice.

As they continue to advance in the dark night.

This group of people finally came to the gate of the city in a critical moment!

But what people didn't expect was that the county magistrate had already brought the archers and waited above.

The county magistrate complacently turned to the people below, "You bastards dare to escape under my nose, it's really a dream."

"Archer, draw the bow for me."

(End of this chapter)

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