Chapter 208 General Wang Appears

This matter is not just as simple as having no way out, he was beaten by Jiang Beibei's hands, and he was beaten like this, how could he not hold a grudge!
He must avenge this revenge.

But the county magistrate didn't listen, he still hesitated and said, "If we really kill them, we will pay for offending General Wang here."

Xiucai gritted her teeth, "Don't you kill them? Don't you pay? You have no choice in this matter."

The voices between the two were once raised.

Jiang Beibei at the bottom also listened.

She interrupted at this moment, "The county magistrate above, listen carefully, this scholar is not only thinking of you, he has other thoughts in his heart!"

The scholar suddenly panicked, and he climbed onto the city wall supporting his aching body.

"Shut up! I'm only thinking of adults, how dare you slander me here!"

Jiang Beibei sneered, "Is this slander? You know it yourself!"

She walked out from the crowd, and at the same time pointed at the scholar, "The reason why this man works for you is because he wants to get the prescription from me. He wants to get rich!"

Jiang Beibei didn't know if the county magistrate knew about it!
She can only gamble now.

If the county magistrate knows, the situation is already like this anyway, and it can't get any worse.

If the county magistrate doesn't know, he will definitely have other thoughts about the scholar at this time, and he can talk about it then.

"certainly not?"

The scholar almost went crazy, he shouted hoarsely, "The reason why I didn't tell the adults in time is because I didn't want to attract people's attention. If the prescription can be given to the adults, the local people can live a better life!"

The county magistrate's expression was clearly displeased.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The scholar trembled and wanted to explain again, "I'm not talking nonsense, no matter where I am, my whole heart is for you, my lord!"

Jiang Beibei was amazed below, "That's a nice statement, but as for how to do it then, I guess we don't know!"

"shut up!"

The scholar wanted to jump off the city wall, and took a handful of gravel to stop Jiang Beibei's mouth.

Just when the two were arguing.

Suddenly a group of people rushed up with torches in the distance.

Jiang Beibei took a closer look, and it turned out to be these people in the town. They roared up, raised the torches in their hands, and knelt on the ground without hesitation.

This scene made everyone exclaim in surprise!
The county magistrate on the city wall also frowned inexplicably, "What are you doing? Are you going to kneel before me for these people? Stand up for me."

The people below were all focused on escaping Jiang Beibei's troubles. They had already made up their minds, so it was impossible for them to stand up easily.

The group extinguished their torches.

At the same time, he quickly kowtowed forward.

"I implore the county magistrate to re-investigate and restore their innocence."

"I beg my lord to spare them, my lord to spare them."

"They are good people!"

This group of people had already passed their Qi, so they shouted very smoothly.

Where no one saw it, the county magistrate's face was already extremely ugly.

Of course the scholar knows that the county magistrate cares most about these popular opinions!
So he seized the opportunity and shouted from the side, "Did you see that, my lord? If we don't deal with Jiang Beibei, these people will rebel!"

The county magistrate cursed with a cold face, "How dare they? Kill them directly, you arrogant people."

While speaking, Xiucai quickly stood up.

"Archer, hurry up and draw the bow, and send all these disobedient people out!"


The archer moved again, and walked down with a murderous look on his face.

as they drew their bows.

Suddenly there was a roar from outside the city, "I'll see who dares."

Everyone looked confused, and it turned out that it was General Wang who led the troops. He was sitting on the horse cursing, pointing at the county magistrate above and cursing, "Get out of here! How dare you do something to my people, how brave you are."

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