Chapter 211 Going to Song City
General Wang knew that Jiang Beibei was sincere, and he was really thinking of the common people!
He also thought that it would be appropriate to bring a doctor by his side.

But Ning Xicheng, he was always unable to estimate.

This time she didn't refuse as before, "It's fine for me to keep someone as powerful as you by my side."

"This is fear."

General Wang smiled awkwardly, and he took a breath, "It's your husband! I'm worried about you, you said that I have trouble with him, if anything happens to you, don't blame me!"

"So!" He smiled again, "Why don't you just go back!"

Being abandoned outside again, Jiang Beibei's face turned livid in an instant. She lost her temper for a moment and asked angrily, "I am a doctor, not a big soldier as others say, why do I still listen to my husband?"

"Are you going to take me or not!"


General Wang is in a dilemma.

While he couldn't hold back Jiang Beibei, he was also worried about Ning Xicheng.

He has no way to worry about these two ends at all, and now he only cares about depression.

Fortunately, Guo Jing said something, "Boss, don't worry, Jiang Beibei is very powerful, we just need to take good care of her. As for General Ning, send a letter there."

"He can't get away anyway, and it's impossible for him to follow!"

Jiang Beibei's eyes lit up, she was right, she begged General Wang, "Then according to this, let me go!"

"All right, all right!" Although General Wang was reluctant, he finally agreed.

A group of people tossed the county magistrate for a while, and soon got ready to get up.

Before leaving, Jiang Beibei wrote a letter and handed it to the sentinel, "Just tell General Ning that we are all safe now, so he doesn't have to worry, it will be just like this!"


The sentinel took a step ahead, got on the pony and headed southwest.

General Wang and the others had already got on their horses, and he waved to Jiang Beibei, "Madam Ning, stop talking, get on the carriage, we should go to the state capital!"

"Okay." Jiang Beibei withdrew her gaze and ran back quickly.

After a night of exhausting boats and cars, everyone quickly came to the courtyard of Zhoufu Songcheng.

This place, this is the place reported by General Wang's subordinates, saying that the person behind the scenes is here!

They aggressively kicked open the courtyard door.

Unexpectedly, it was his subordinates who came oncoming, "General Qi, we are still one step late after all, the leader has already escaped, and we only caught one subordinate!"

General Wang was not satisfied with this result.

His already dark face suddenly burst into a chill, "You run so fast, the rabbits are not as fast as them, take me there quickly! See what that man said."

"Yes Yes!"

While walking on the road, Jiang Beibei smelled a familiar smell in the air, which was the fragrance of herbs.

After looking around, she asked directly, "Did you find any herbs in this yard?"


The subordinate pointed to the right side of the yard, "There is a warehouse in that place, and there is a pile of golden bells in the warehouse. They probably didn't have enough time before they left, so they threw the things away!"

"But that subordinate! Looking at that appearance, he seems to know the truth!"

General Wang curled his lips, and scolded in a cold voice, "You said it so rigidly that you didn't even catch anyone. I really don't know what you usually do for food!"

He waved his arms and pointed back.

"You first send a few people to look around, if you can find one, count as one, don't let this group of people run away!"

According to General Wang's intuition for so many years, this group of people can't run too far at all.

After all, these goods are here!If they don't want to lose money, they still have to squat here.


The people under him had a tacit understanding, and they waited for the order to be given. If they were not assigned, the people in the outer circle would go out!

(End of this chapter)

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