Chapter 216

At the same time, General Wang said in surprise, "I never thought that this matter seems to be related to Jiang Shiqing!"

When it comes to Jiang Shi's love, the people in the hall look weird instantly!
Obviously, they all knew the woman General Wang mentioned.

Ning Xicheng's hand that was about to drink water was quickly put down stiffly.

A good-natured person at the side asked, "Does our general's wife know about this?"

"Yes!" As soon as the words came out, there were many curious people.

General Wang gave the group a blank look, "Do you think this general is stupid? How could Jiang Beibei know about such an important matter!"

When the voice fell, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's fine if you don't know"

After making sure that things were safe and sound, everyone's curious eyes quickly fell on Ning Xicheng.

It turned out that Jiang Shiqing that General Wang was talking about was not someone else, but Ning Xicheng's former fiancée!
Seeing that Ning Xicheng was silent, General Wang seized the opportunity to tease, "I said Ning Xicheng! When I was sitting under your seat, you were not as calm as you are now. For your fiancée, you did a lot. stupid thing?"

Everyone's heart tightened when they heard it!
No one knew that the matter about Jiang Shiqing was a pain in Ning Xicheng's heart.

The guard Ke Jin said, "It's been so long, our general has already forgotten it, so there's no need to mention it again"

But General Wang is not afraid of death.

He has been suppressed by Ning Xicheng for so many years, now it's time for revenge.

After all, he didn't mention it on Jiang Beibei's side before, and now that the matter fell on Ning Xicheng, how can he not say a few more words?
He pretended to be coughing, and raised his eyebrows with a high expression, "I heard that that person is your childhood sweetheart, you two grew up together, and she just abandoned you like that, are you willing?"

The offensive continued to fall on Ning Xicheng.

The man who was already dull was even more disturbed now.

He didn't speak, just stared at General Wang with a frown, "The matter is over, it's useless to talk about it, not to mention, what we want to investigate now is the person behind the scenes, and it's just a waste of time to talk about such old things!"

General Wang clicked impatiently.

"Don't stay out of it, who are you? I don't know yet!"

At that time, no one inside or outside the capital knew that Ning Xicheng's love was from death to life.

The two are childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, and after years of getting along, friendship naturally breeds.

Under the peach blossom trees, beside the willows and poplars, where is the lovesickness between the two of them?
It's not beautiful to lie to God!Do not toss two lovers.

Ning Xicheng was suddenly reprimanded on top of his position, and he was sent directly to this rural place, while Jiang Shiqing was still the young lady of the Jiang family!

The Jiang family has been in high position for many years, how could they endure that their son-in-law was regarded as a down-and-out person.

That's the capital!If Ning Xicheng is really related to the place where famous people gather, they will never be able to turn over for the rest of their lives!

So after a group of elders deliberated.

They decided to withdraw from this marriage!
I heard that it rained heavily that night, and Ning Xicheng stood alone outside the gate of Jiang's Mansion for a long time without leaving. In the end, his heart was chilled, and he never went to the capital again.

It was a pity for General Wang to say, "Although I didn't like you at the time, the relationship between the two of you is indeed right!"

"It's a pity!"

He suddenly smiled, "Time flies, you have a lovely person by your side, if you return to the capital, how will you two face each other!"

At this point, Ning Xicheng's eyes shot cold.

"To shut up!"

The word "simple" envelops killing intent, General Wang is not good at being presumptuous.

He lay back easily, rubbing his fingernails and asking, "How do you deal with this matter now?"

Ning Xicheng, whose face was covered with ice, finally got up.

He stood with his hands behind his back and looked outside.

After a long time, a steady voice asked, "What does this matter have to do with Jiang Shiqing? Make it clear, and don't miss a single word!"

(End of this chapter)

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