Chapter 223
I only live in the mansion for one day.

The couple quickly took Hu Yumei back to the village.

Speaking of which, it had been a long time since they went out for the first time, and there was no news from the village for a long time, and the two of them were also worried.

Back to the familiar home!
The family that was not considered wealthy before became even worse.

Thick soil was piled up outside the house, and everything inside the house was rotten. The herbs that Jiang Beibei had piled up were all moldy now.

This is expected, but Jiang Beibei always feels distressed!

When she was picking up the medicinal materials, Hu Yumei babbled beside her, "Oh, hello! Why did I meet a disaster that I haven't seen in decades!"

"There are so many things in the house, all of them are gone!"

"Okay!" Although Jiang Beibei also felt distressed, but thinking of Hu Yumei, she could only comfort, "The money is all on us, and the house can be better maintained!"


Hu Yumei sighed, took the rag, and continued to wipe the table resignedly.

The whole family was busy, and when the village chief heard the news of their return, he rushed to their house in a hurry.

"Hurry up! Don't be too busy, I have something to say now!"

Jiang Beibei and the others collected their work, bowed their heads and ran towards the village chief.

He seemed very helpless, and clapped his palms to complain, "This time the flood came in a hurry, and the loss was huge!"

"Besides, it will be winter soon, and the food stored in many people's homes has been soaked, and they cannot be eaten at all!"

"Now, several families have reported this situation to me. I heard that General Ning is back, so I can only rush over to see you!"

Jiang Beibei clasped her hands together.

This matter is indeed very difficult at the moment.

Hu Yumei wiped the table and invited everyone to sit down, "What are you all doing standing up? Let's think about it for a while, maybe we can come up with a solution!"


The village chief nodded and led everyone to sit down.

We just started talking here, and three or four women who used to learn medicinal cuisine at Jiang Beibei's place came outside. These people had clean clothes and good faces, and they could tell that they hadn't suffered in the flood.

These people wear corn, sweet potatoes, straw and other grains on their hands.

"It can be regarded as waiting for you to come back! The food we have stored, you can make do with it these few days, and I will give it to you in a few days!"

Jiang Beibei felt the food in surprise, "Where did you get it?"

The person standing at the front patted his sleeves, "If we didn't listen to the village chief and leave the village early in the morning according to his instructions, the food is naturally prepared!"

Speaking of this, she was a little happy, "My family didn't lose anything!"

"Ah!" Jiang Beibei nodded in a daze.

Hu Yumei offered some tea to the women, "Sit down, too! Thanks to you who can see clearly, the rest of the village is not as lucky as you!"

Sitting down, Aunt Zhang was drinking hot tea, and she blew on the hot air above.

"I also blame them for being stupid. The village chief didn't listen to what he said. In the end, it wasn't my own bad luck!"

Jiang Beibei was not easy to respond, "But if they can't survive the winter, they will be pitiful after all!"

Everyone has ugly expressions and is not easy to answer.

Aunt Zhang sighed, "Don't feel sorry for this group of people, they are just doing it for themselves, if they had listened to others earlier, why would they be like this now!"

The village chief called Aunt Zhang, "Stop saying a few words!"

Aunt Zhang snorted coldly. "Village chief, you are so unreasonable. You don't even think about how many people died in the village. Don't these people just want to live on their own? I said it's terrible!"

The women in the village are like this, they always speak directly.

They always think that this group of people are stupid, if they really let them hold back, they will only feel uncomfortable in their hearts!

The village chief couldn't say no to Aunt Zhang, so he could only lower his head and sigh.

"How do you say what you like! After all, your current situation is good, you can look down on others!"

(End of this chapter)

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