Chapter 240 The Song Family Visits
The two people in front of them sighed, but they didn't make any more accusations.

They knew well about Jiang Beibei's injury.

But I was afraid that I would be disregarding my life in the future, so fortunately I just said one more sentence.

"Then do you forgive me?"

Jiang Beibei asked the two people in front of her cautiously.

Ning Xicheng ignored it.

Hu Yumei grabbed Jiang Beibei's ear, "If you dare next time, I will never forgive you, it depends on you!"

Jiang Beibei quickly compromised and begged for mercy, "Got it!"

On the second day, the nurse next to Mrs. Song came.

When she heard that Jiang Beibei was injured, she quickly gave some medicinal ingredients, and after a little restraint between her two fingers, she quickly got to the point!
It turned out to be a schematic diagram of the decoration of the teahouse drawn by Song.

Now I have found a team of craftsmen!
Now, just wait for Jiang Beibei to go over and make a decision, to settle the matter!

"Now let me go to the town right away?" Jiang Beibei's eyes lit up, she stood up and looked in the direction of the nanny.

The nanny nodded, "The decoration is not a small matter. Our wife must wait for you to pass by, and you are the master of it!"


Jiang Beibei was thinking about what her future teahouse would look like.

Hearing the news, he rushed outside without even thinking about it!
But she just missed Ning Xicheng.

As soon as he reached the door, Jiang Beibei's body was directly blocked by Ning Xicheng. He coughed heavily, "Where do you want to go? The wound on your head is not healed yet, so you don't want your own life anymore, do you?"

"I'm fine!" Jiang Beibei twitched and grabbed her sleeve, "It's just a small injury, I'm afraid your movement is a bit serious!"

Ning Xicheng had a dark face, "I won't let you go, no matter what you say today, don't even think about it!"

"No!" Jiang Beibei pouted, and quickly acted like a baby with Ning Xicheng, "Brother Ning, this matter is very important to me, I beg you today!"

"Just do me a favor, okay?"

She grabbed Ning Xicheng's hand anxiously.

But even so, Ning Xicheng still had a cold face. He struggled to pull up Jiang Beibei's cuff and said word by word, "If you dare to leave today, don't even think about coming back in the future!"

The words in this are very threatening.

Mammy stood aside, in a dilemma, "What's the matter? This girl's wound is so serious that she can't even go out?"

Ning Xicheng's tone was not polite, "If you hurt your head, would you let yourself go out? Just weigh it carefully!"

Mammy shut her mouth immediately.

She also complained about Jiang Beibei, "The girl didn't know to mention such a big thing, so it's no wonder General Ning is so worried!"

"Since that's the case, then don't go to this town. The girl should rest and recuperate at home. I'll come to you again in a few days!"

When Jiang Beibei heard this, what a surprise!

"Don't go! My body is really fine."

Afraid of causing trouble, Mammy ran extremely fast.

Ning Xicheng pulled people again, "Where else do you want to go? Don't forget what you promised me earlier, huh?"

Under this majestic oppression, Jiang Beibei finally let go of her hands helplessly.

"I promise you that's it. Anyway, you are the head of the family, and you have to listen to everything you do now!"

Ning Xicheng raised the man's nose.

"Now you are complaining again."

Jiang Beibei pouted, "I don't want to talk, I'm going to look at my medicinal materials now, I don't want to talk to you, just ignore me!"

After saying this, she rushed to the backyard aggressively.

Ning Xicheng held back his laughter for a while, but he just shook his head helplessly.

On the second day, Jiang Beibei was studying her medicine field. Because of the epidemic, she went in in a hurry every time, and never even checked the situation inside.

Only when I came in this time did I realize that the things inside were already flourishing and growing extremely well.

She was thinking about picking.

A familiar voice came from inside the house, "Bei Bei, are you at home now?"

(End of this chapter)

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