Chapter 242
"That's fine!"

The craftsman nodded without thinking.

"We just built a shop for a medical center a few days ago, so we used some Sinan Road, released some more lime, and found a ventilated place, it should be safe!"

"If it's not enough!" The craftsman's eyes lit up, "Let's dig a cellar. There are several shady places and dark rivers inside!"


Jiang Beibei followed suit and nodded.

Listening to these people's words, they are quite reasonable. After all, they are the people invited by the Song family, so they shouldn't be unreliable.

Seeing that they were chatting happily, Hu Yumei was thinking of going out to prepare some refreshments for them.

Unexpectedly, just after going out, there was a woman standing outside the door.

The woman looked at the excitement inside, and she poked her head towards the door from time to time, and when she saw Hu Yumei coming out, the man hurriedly greeted her.

"Sister Hu! What's the situation in your house? Why are there so many people here?"

"What's the big deal?"

After all, she is her neighbor, and she knows everything, and Hu Yumei didn't want to hide it.

She picked up melon seeds from outside, "Isn't this Mrs. Song from the county government office? She came here specifically to look for my Beibei."

"My Beibei has an idea now! I'm going to open a teahouse in the town, and the two of us plan to open it together."


The neighbor yelled in surprise, but at this moment he was envious, "Your Beibei is so powerful now that he is rich enough to open a teahouse!"

"so far so good!"

Although Hu Yumei is humble on the surface, she is always proud in her heart.

After all, as far as the situation of her family is concerned, it can be regarded as one of the best in the village. Compared with previous years, there is a big difference!
The neighbor nodded enviously, "What's okay? You can open a tea house, so you can think about living a better life in the future!"

"I'm going back first!" The neighbor had pigweed in his basket, "My family has a new pig, and it's waiting to be killed during the Chinese New Year!"

Hu Yumei greeted, "Okay, you go back first, and leave me a piece of pork when the Chinese New Year comes, don't forget it!"

The neighbor beckoned, "Don't worry!"

On the way, this neighbor happened to meet another woman from another family. She couldn't control her mouth, so she pulled others to talk.

After this, the news that Jiang Beibei was going to open a teahouse quickly spread in the village.

After all, the village is only that big.

A little news came out, and everyone knew about it.

This matter also fell into the ears of Jiang Cheng's mother!

She thought about it carefully, Jiang Beibei is a kind person, here to help Jiang Cheng study, and also saved Jiang Cheng's father, logically speaking, she shouldn't be begging Jiang Beibei for anything!
But she is at home, so it is too difficult!

Without Jiang Cheng's father working outside, it is rare to be able to eat a good meal. She has to earn money.

After much deliberation, Jiang Cheng's mother finally told Jiang Cheng's father what was in her heart.

The woman covered the man with a quilt, and the inquirer was extra careful.

"The head of the family! Your current situation is considered good, there are not too many problems, I simply thought, if I go out to do errands, forget it, and earn more money for the family!"

Hearing this sentence, the man only blamed himself for being useless.

He sighed, but there was no way to stop him, "You wait for me these days, when I get well, I will definitely make money for the family, the child can go to school, and you can have a full meal!"

The woman wiped her tears, "Don't talk about the head of the family! We are all a family, even if we work hard, I will be fine!"

The man asked at this time, "Then who do you plan to work for? There is no place to work near us!"

The woman gritted her teeth, "I heard that Jiang Beibei opened a teahouse there, and the teahouse must be open to people, why don't I work there!"

Unexpectedly, the man changed his face at this moment, "What are you talking about? We have already caused Jiang Beibei a lot of trouble, and now you have to find someone else's house."

"How can this work?"

The woman didn't dare to refute now, so she could only superficially agree.

"According to the master, if I don't go, it's because you are not in good health now, so don't be angry!"

Having said that, the woman quietly went out after arranging dinner at home.

(End of this chapter)

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