Chapter 255 Herbal Medicine
The medicinal materials in her medicine field are too expensive, and it is best to exchange them for money, but if they are commonly used in medicinal food, it is a waste!
So she had to buy these low-level medicinal materials by herself.

She became interested and simply asked someone to take out the herbal medicine.

"Give it to you!"

The man prepared early and quickly handed over the things.

Looking at it, Jiang Beibei found that, as he said, the quality was indeed good, and it looked like it was carefully cultivated, and no less effort was put into it!
It's just that there are not many soils that can grow this medicinal material now!
She asked curiously, "You don't need to answer, but I just want to ask, how did you make it!"

The man is a cheerful person.

"There's nothing to hide about this. My family has an ancestral method. The same herbal medicine has been planted by us, and the efficacy of the medicine is much better!"

Jiang Beibei heard this.

Isn't this the same as her medicine field!

I heard the man talking freely.

Jiang Beibei is really interested in Yaotian!
"How about this, you take me over there to have a look, you are just a medicinal herb, I'm sure I can't see why!"

She is also considered a businessman now.

We know thing to take out!It must be a choice!

There are some things that I don’t take a closer look at, but I can’t figure out the way to do it!

When the man saw Jiang Beibei, he clearly wanted to cooperate.

He agreed to go, and he patted his head excitedly, "I'm afraid you won't go! It's not far from here, why don't you come with me!"


Jiang Beibei is agreeing.

Ning Xicheng grabbed him, "You want to go by yourself, and you want to go by yourself, do you still treat me as a human being?"

"Oh!" Jiang Beibei laughed helplessly, shaking Ning Xicheng's arm, "You come with me! I was also in a hurry just now, so I didn't tell you!"


Ning Xicheng was about to make fun of Jiang Beibei.

Xia Dashan ran over suddenly, "Boss, there is something going on in the barracks, I wanted to come over and ask you, are you free now!"

Ning Xicheng glanced at Jiang Beibei immediately.

Jiang Beibei breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not far away anyway, I'll definitely be back by dinner time!"

The man also assured by his side, "Don't worry, I've heard of your name, General Ning, and I don't dare to mess around with you no matter what!"

"That's it!"

It is rare for Xia Dashan to come to Ning Xicheng, it must be a big deal, and it is not easy for him to refuse.

The husband and wife confessed to each other, and soon they split into two groups.

Jiang Beibei found out that this man was really an honest person. He said it was not far away, but it was not far away, but it was only half a quarter's walk, and they arrived at the medicine field soon!
Now go inside and have a look!
The quality of the medicinal materials planted is really good.

But most of them are ordinary things, and they have a single appearance!

Jiang Beibei inspected the roots and stems of the medicinal materials, and then thought of asking, "Apart from this medicinal field, do you have any other places?"

The man was a little helpless.

He was busy using a small shovel to loosen the soil. "I've been targeted a lot recently. It's already hard work to grow so many medicinal materials. How can there be money!"

That's all for now!Jiang Beibei saw that the medicinal materials were in good condition, and thought that the man was in a difficult situation, so he suggested it immediately.

"I don't say anything else! You are a cheerful person." Jiang Beibei smiled, "Three months, that's not short! You will provide me with medicinal materials within three months, but you must ensure the quality."

"Words that make up the numbers!"

Jiang Beibei paused for a while, "I have plenty of ways to trouble you!"

With Jiang Beibei's words, the man was immediately grateful to Dade, "My God! You are such a straightforward person, I thought you had to think about it!"

Jiang Beibei adjusted her eyebrows slightly, and spoke briskly.

"Your own medicinal materials are good! Asking price is the first, plus it is close to where I live, so I will naturally consider your place. I don't lose money, why not!"

(End of this chapter)

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