Chapter 281 Conflict
Looking at Ning Xicheng's fiery eyes.

Although Jiang Beibei understood the meaning.

But she still forcefully refused, "I'm sorry, Brother Ning, I know you must have worked hard this time, but my teahouse has just been established!"

"If you want me to go out, I won't agree!"

Jiang Beibei's current teahouse has cost her a lot of effort.

A lot of money was put into it.

If she doesn't get any results in the end, she is really not reconciled.

So I thought about it.

She decided to stay here anyway.

A woman is born wandering among such waves and rocks. She has found what she wants to do, and she can't give up so easily.

But hearing these words in Ning Xicheng's ears, it really had a different meaning.

He stared at this person in surprise, "So at this moment, in your opinion, I am not important, and you don't care, do you?"


Hearing this questioning, Jiang Beibei really didn't know how to explain it.

"That's not the intention. I just think that if I want to go to the battlefield, it's definitely not suitable for me. If I stay here, I can still take good care of my mother and the teahouse."

"Take care of our home and wait for you to come back then!"

As she spoke, she wanted to grab Ning Xicheng's arm.

But Ning Xicheng was sad at this moment, and felt even more empty in his heart.

He pushed Jiang Beibei's hand away, "You don't have to explain so much to me, if you don't care, I won't force you! After all, the relationship between the two of us is just reconciliation!"

"What are you saying!"

Jiang Beibei felt more and more strange.

But Ning Xicheng has fallen into his own thoughts of grief, he can't listen to anything.

At night, Jiang Beibei turned over to explain.

But what he faced was a cold face.

"Brother Ning!"

Ning Xicheng turned over directly, facing Jiang Beibei with his back, "I'll talk about it tomorrow, I said I won't make things difficult for you."

Jiang Beibei also knew that a misunderstanding had occurred.

But this misunderstanding cannot be explained in a day or two, so she just listened to it.

But in the morning.

Jiang Beibei woke up from a daze, but suddenly found that there was nothing around her!
Ning Xicheng's figure quietly disappeared without any news.

She stood up in horror, and ran to the yard to find Hu Yumei, "Mother, where is Brother Ning now? You know."

"I knew!"

Hu Yumei yawned, and fed the chicken with corn, "Young master left with someone early in the morning. I thought about waking you up, but he told you to sleep more."

Hu Yumei hit Jiang Beibei with corn.

"You say you damn girl! Your husband is going on a long journey, so it's fine if you don't go with him, even if you don't send him off, why are you so heartless!"

Feeling aggrieved, Jiang Beibei just covered her arms.

"What? It's obvious that he wants to leave. What does it have to do with me!"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Hu Yumei really didn't know what to say!

While the mother and daughter were arguing, the villagers from outside rushed over again. They were driven back by Jiang Cheng yesterday, and they were anxious.

Jiang Beibei's family must be promoted!
If you don't come to please me at this time, wouldn't it be a waste!


Before any of them approached, the voice of congratulations had already been heard.

Jiang Beibei was annoyed and was thinking about letting everyone go back when a disgusting woman came out.

Everyone walked back in disgust.

Only then did Jiang Beibei see that it was Fenglian.

Fenglian has no money and no tea house, and now she is living in a very desolate life, except for the silk clothes on her body, the rest is no different from a beggar.

She took a deep breath and begged for help without saying a word.

"Good man! I beg you to help me today, so please help me! I really have nowhere to go!"

Jiang Beibei retreated without a trace, not thinking of contacting anyone at all.

She glanced at this person indifferently, and refused without thinking.

"You have a bad mind. Even if I help you, you will betray me a second time. If that's the case, why should I make myself unhappy."

Listening to Jiang Beibei being so decisive.

Fenglian also knew that she had no chance!
She was resentful, and got up from the ground cursing, "You wait for me, you caused me to be like this, you will die sooner or later, the sky will be struck by lightning!"

Ding Shulan was here to congratulate Jiang Beibei.

Who would have expected to see Fenglian so arrogant.

She is also tyrannical, and in the village she is a very hot and oily girl.

Feng Lian scolded very much, and she scolded even harder, "You damn girl, your bones are like this! Why are you so unreasonable?"

"I did something wrong, and you still cursed others for being struck by lightning. In my opinion, you should go to hell. The second brother in hell has skinned you and torn your bones, but he can't live or die."

"Don't hurry up and get out!"

Feng Lian still wanted to scold, but Ding Shulan's offensive was too ruthless, so she had no choice but to run away in despair.

In desperation, Fenglian had no choice but to go home!
But when she reached the door, her husband and in-laws all blocked her. These people were also ruthless, turning their heads and turning their faces away.

"Don't come back, you are not from our family!"

"Just let me in!" Fenglian begged desperately.

Feng Lian's husband blocked the door with a stick, "It doesn't matter between us, we have reconciled after all, don't come over and lead our house, we don't like your high branch either!"

Fenglian waited at the door for a long time!After all, no one opened the door.

In desperation, she came to the river to seek death, "You forced me to death. Let me tell you, if one day I become a drowning ghost, I will definitely teach you to drag me down."

"No one wants to live!"

But at this moment, a man suddenly stopped her.

"This is dead, don't you want revenge?"

(End of this chapter)

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