Chapter 287 Arsenic

Heard this.

Jiang Beibei focused on checking this person's complexion, the fundus of his eyes turned blue, the corners of his mouth turned white, and the coating on his tongue was purple, it was indeed poisoned.

But the toxic blood pressure in his body can't be suppressed!

Even in a coma, blood oozes from the corner of her mouth.

The doctor kept shaking his head from the sidelines, "It looks like this! Can it be saved? It's all trouble."

Jiang Beibei used a silver needle to touch the poisonous blood!

The blood was very thick, and there was still purple on the top, and a stench could be faintly smelled!
According to the situation of this woman.

It can be regarded as the poison of arsenic. Arsenic can be compared to red-crowned cranes. Its toxin is extremely strong, and it can kill people if it is swallowed!
She looked at the woman's pulse again, and the pulse was vain, showing signs of weakening!
Jiang Beibei was not good at making judgments, so she could only use silver needles to pierce Tianshu Tianmen and other acupoints, and then pierce Shangyang with needles to control the infiltration of toxins in the body by breaking the blood.

When Jiang Beibei was busy, there was constant noise around her.

Both men and children knelt before them.

The two kowtowed one after another, and their words were very earnest, "I beg the girl to save my wife!"

The male doll followed suit and cried.

"Mother, mother, please don't die, what would I do without you!"

But even though the tone was sad, the people on the side didn't feel it.

But he yelled at him, "Stop pretending here, don't you know what you are? You're really going to be hypocritical here!"

Jiang Beibei was examining the woman's body.

Hearing what was said later, I couldn't help but look at it from the corner of my eye!
The man pretended he didn't hear it, and continued to wipe his tears with his cuff and beg for help, "God, sorry to see you, doctor, just help me and save my wife!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding sarcasm grew louder.

They only thought they knew the truth, so they never let it go, "Idiot, you killed your wife with your own hands, and you are acting here now."

"Are you trying to get away with it?"

The man's face sank and he couldn't respond.

"Don't make any noise!" Jiang Beibei listened impatiently, these people were talking too much, and listening to it now, she always felt bored.

Some people shut up according to Jiang Beibei's wishes.

But some people felt unwilling, and they raised their heads to refute.

"You little girl is ignorant, you don't understand what we are talking about now, but do you know what this man has done?"

"Even if you do something, it's someone else's family business, there's no need for you to take care of it!"

Jiang Beibei pricked the silver needle and said in a nonchalant manner.

"You think we want to control it!"

A few people expressed anxiously, "Don't you know? This man hooked up with a widow, and he has made a fool of himself these days, and everyone can see it!"

The man's head is about to drop!

"is it you?"

Children can't tell the difference between people and the world!
Following everyone's intentions, I heard some reasons.

His small body was limp on the ground, "Did you really do it, Dad? Did you really do it?"

A man cannot refute with others, but manages his own children reasonably.

He clenched his fists and scolded, "Why are you so ignorant, you son of a bitch, I'm your father, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"But you!"

The child cried while talking, wiped his nose, and said with a choked voice, "But I clearly remember, before Mother fainted, you gave Mother the pastry!"

The man seemed to have been stabbed in his life, and he quickly stood up.


But what the child said just now has caused the whole room to erupt, and everyone exclaimed, all of them understood.

Jiang Beibei's eyes sank at this moment!
If that's the case, she won't be able to control it.

The people on the side were discussing again, and they screamed, "Let me just say it! You are a villain."

The women clapped their hands and legs.

"Although this woman is disobedient and usually abuses your mother, you just get her out. Why do you have to kill others?"

"I said I didn't!"

The man's face was pale, and he was furious, "If you talk nonsense again, I will tear your skin off!"

"You have!"

The child covered his eyes and cried bitterly.

The man waved his palm and wanted to hit him, "An unfilial son, I will beat you to death today."


Jiang Beibei took the child into her arms without any hassle. She glanced at the man, "Your wife can be awake for a while, but I can't save your wife's life."

During the confusion just now, Jiang Beibei had already sealed the acupoint with a silver needle, making him regain consciousness for a short time!

Hearing Jiang Beibei's words, everyone's eyes fell below!
The originally haggard woman finally woke up, she was saddened, and knew that she would not live long, so she only beat her chest to accuse the man.

"You heartless, kill me! Kill me!"

Just after saying this, the woman spit out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Beibei handed the child forward, "Good boy, say the last word to your mother! She won't be able to accompany you after that."


Although the child is small, he also understands the meaning.

He knew that his mother would leave him forever!

Seeing the pity of the child, the woman turned her head and cried, "My son, you must take care of yourself in the future, do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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