Chapter 289
The little boy saw someone coming.

Obviously startled.

He couldn't face this person, so he leaned against the door tremblingly, "I'm sorry, sister, I didn't want to hide this matter from you."

Jiang Beibei picked up the arsenic that was about to burn, and threw it into the water neatly.

When the white smoke dissipated, Jiang Beibei put down her hand covering the little boy's nose.

"Explain it!"

Jiang Beibei's face was gloomy.

She knew that she was really a clever child, otherwise she would not have known her identity and begged her to help others.

but now.
Things were indeed beyond Jiang Beibei's expectations!

"I don't want to explain."

The little boy faced Jiang Beibei with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Jiang Beibei was the best person to him other than his grandmother, he didn't want to tell about those fiascos.


Knowing that this person was worried, Jiang Beibei simply followed the temptation, "I'm not trying to punish you, I just want to know, how did you escape the yamen's search? If so, I will help you!"

The little boy was moved now.

He was about to explain with tears in his eyes, when the old man's shout came from the house next door.

"Son, grandma has something to do with you, you should hurry over now, but I heard."


The mother-in-law coughed continuously, and it sounded a bit piercing.

Hearing the sound, the little boy quickly wiped away his tears and ran to the old woman very quickly.

There is no change in Jiang Beibei's appearance from the last time he came here.

The old man's body is getting more and more embarrassing!
She coughed mournfully, "Girl, I'm really sorry to trouble you. I was still in a coma last time, so I didn't say thank you. Today you are here! I have something to tell you."

"Good boy!"

Her voice was weak, and she raised her arms tremblingly, "I discussed this matter with my child. If you really want to blame, then blame me!"


The little boy was standing by the bed and weeping aggrievedly.

Jiang Beibei took a deep breath, trying to figure out why, she gritted her teeth and thought for a while.


She struggled to ask three words.

Why use arsenic to harm people?
And why bring the child to die together!
Jiang Beibei couldn't figure out all these things.

The old woman coughed, and she winked at the child, "Go and get this sister a stool to sit on. She is our guest after all, so don't neglect her."

The little boy was very obedient, and seriously got Jiang Beibei a stool.

He didn't say much, he just stared at Jiang Beibei with almost pleading eyes.

Jiang Beibei lowered her eyebrows and sighed.

When the little boy left the house, the old woman was a little uncomfortable with Jiang Beibei. She cried bitterly at first, full of grief.

"It's useless to blame me. I gave birth to an unfilial son, and let this unfilial son get a bad wife. This has led to a family tragedy!"

"Blame me!"

Listening to the old woman blaming herself over and over again.

Jiang Beibei couldn't help but said distressedly, "You're right, old man. You're just getting old. This is a normal change. It's because young people like them are confused and don't know how to behave!"


The old woman was crying, heartbroken, "I'm just old, they treat me like a waste and want me to die! They've been tormented by them all these years, I can't stand it!"

"Just take a look!"

The old woman stretched out her bruised arm.

"This unfilial son is now taking care of the widows outside. Recently, the number of beatings is relatively small, but that little grandson of my family has suffered!"

"Don't look at this child's appearance is good, in fact, there is nothing good on his hands and head!"

The old woman can't go on talking!
Weeping in a muffled voice, "Why do you think we two, grandparents and grandchildren, have to suffer like this? We really have no choice but to take that woman's life!"

Jiang Beibei was moved!
If she was in such a situation, perhaps, she would also make such a choice.

"So!" The old woman finally finished speaking, and she stared at Jiang Beibei cautiously, "Girl! Don't say forgive me, please spare this child! I'm an old bone, forget it!"

"But the child! There is no more to suffer."

A silver tear came from the corner of Jiang Beibei's eyes. She opened her mouth, but soon stopped talking.

When you walk outside the door.

The little boy was waiting for her at the door. He lowered his head in a panic, "Sister, are you going to take me away now? Because I killed someone."


All kinds of words can't be said after all.

Jiang Beibei knelt down and rubbed the little boy's cheek, "If it happens later, will you still do such a thing?"

The little boy shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"I just want to take care of my own grandma now. I dare not think about other things. Don't talk about my sister!"


Jiang Beibei nodded, and gave the little boy a bag of silver taels.

"There are tens of thousands of choices in this world, and there is no need to go the absolute side. If my sister doesn't say anything today, take good care of your grandma in the future!"

"Grandma doesn't have much time, so live a good life with this money."

The little boy broke down in sobs, lowered his head and hugged Yinzi tightly.

"Thank you sister! I remember."

 It's almost the end of the month, tickets are coming to the bowl~
(End of this chapter)

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