Chapter 293 Cooperation
The confidant listened to the matter.

Before the two of them could finish speaking, they quickly leaned forward and went to the tent.

Panting and almost crawling into it, he half-kneeled on the ground and shouted, "General, I know a piece of good news. Maybe we can use this matter to pull Ning Xicheng off his horse. It's true."

When the general heard this, he quickly became interested.

He leaned forward excitedly, "Tell me carefully, what's going on? What prohibited thing that Ning Xicheng did?"

The corner of his confidant's mouth froze, and he scratched his chin.

"It's not."

The general was very angry very quickly, and he was thinking about something, if it has nothing to do with Ning Xicheng, then there is no need to mention this matter.

What a waste of time.

"You bastard!"

The general cursed angrily, "Think carefully about your broken head, what else can you do besides saying those useless things by my side."

"You don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed too!"

The confidant was scolded for no apparent reason, "Boss, I haven't finished my words yet, why are you so angry?"

"Then tell me!"

The general growled.

The confidant had no choice but to lower his head slowly, "Although it has nothing to do with Ning Xicheng, it has nothing to do with Xia Dashan, who is not sensible, but he will cause trouble."

"I just heard him tell that stupid guy that they have a channel on the opposite side, and they said they want to buy some fur there for business!"

"Tell me, if this matter is captured by us, we will put a hat on them casually, and the crime of collaborating with the enemy will come?"

The general listened carefully and found it appropriate.

"You're right!"

He sneered sarcastically, and slowly leaned his body back, finally feeling a little relaxed.

"If Ning Xicheng can be brought down, then the crown prince can be brought down, crown prince"


The general suddenly stood up from the seat, "It's just a junior who dares to ride on the emperor's head. Sooner or later, we will let them know how powerful they are."

The confidant judged the situation and knelt down to congratulate without hesitation.

"The humble minister will first congratulate the general and wish the general a triumphant return."


The arrogant man just now returned to his seat, hugging his purple sand teapot, and sneered from time to time.

At the same time, Xia Dashan connected with the businessman, making sure that the other party had the best time, and immediately found the knife head, "This afternoon, at the foot of Qilian Mountain, let's meet with the businessman, and you can ask if there is any goods you like. !"


The head of the knife praised Xia Dashan, "When our shopkeeper was in the town, I admired you so much. I didn't believe it at first, but today I saw that you really have a lot of hands and eyes."

Being praised so much, Xia Dashan was a little dizzy.

He smiled honestly, "I'll let you talk nonsense here, we must go there this afternoon, the merchant is still waiting for us there."

"Good good!"

The head of the knife immediately packed things.

In the afternoon, Xia Dashan came to the foot of Qilian Mountain with the knife head.

The merchants were dressed in the Liao Dynasty, and they looked very rough. They had scary red faces and rough hair, but their figures were extremely thick. They only stood in front of people, like a man-made mountain.

"Hi boss!"

Regardless of the country, Daotou was enthusiastic, "What goods do you have?"

The Liao businessman had been waiting for someone to come, and he quickly took out the furs he had hoarded, speaking in an unproficient Central Plains dialect.

"Look, they are all left over from last year. They are very warm."

"Look at it!"

The knife head touched the leather, the quality is really good, and the price is very affordable, if you take it back, you may be able to make a lot of money!
"That's fine, I want it all!"

Jiang Beibei gave a lot of money, more than enough to buy these furs.

But he is not stupid, he is still thinking about negotiating some prices.

so!Still have to stay here.

Dao Tou was afraid that it would be bad for Xia Dashan to stay here, so he simply suggested, "Why don't you take someone back first, I still have something to talk to this boss."

"That's it!"

Xia Dashan thought there was still something to do in the tent, so he didn't plan to stay longer.

When he was about to leave, Daotou called Xia Dashan again, "Brother Dashan, there is one more thing to explain. Our shopkeeper has sent a few letters."

"When the general finishes reading it, he must remember to return it. If I take it back by the way, it will save trouble."

"I remember!"

Xia Dashan nodded in agreement, and at the same time instructed, "You must be careful about this matter. It is not easy for the court to be strict with it now!"

The two of them thought that it was not a big deal, so don't even think about parting ways.

Daotou also discussed the matter with the businessman, and he left soon after Ning Xicheng's reply.

And just as they left the merchant's house!
Several soldiers rushed out suddenly.

With spears in their hands, they said aggressively, "How dare you do business with us Central Plains people, are you Liao people short of money and crazy?"

"Come here! Come quickly."

"We have to arrest them today so that we can teach them a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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