Chapter 300
Jiang Beibei greeted the children behind.

"According to what I said, don't mess around, these things are for life-saving, can you hear me?"

Several children with candies raised their fans.

They nodded excitedly and said in unison, "We know!"

After ensuring the situation, Jiang Beibei took the pregnant woman aside.

She whispered softly, "What's the matter? What concerns do you have now?"

The pregnant woman hugged her belly and sighed.

"I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about my child. You said that this child was born under such circumstances, isn't that a crime?"


The pregnant woman frowned, "If this infects my own child, I might as well die, the child is only so young!"

"Don't cry yet!"

Jiang Beibei wiped away tears with a handkerchief.

Worry hurts the body, and it hurts the heart!
When the mind is disturbed, the human body will be more unstable.

She fanned the wind and asked the pregnant woman to sit down. After checking the pulse, Jiang Beibei was shocked.

This man's body has reached its limit!

It is estimated that after suffering from leprosy, the body deteriorated, coupled with Yousi's mental distress, it naturally became like this!

She hurriedly gave acupuncture and moxibustion, and found an anti-fetal medicine to cook.

When the soup was handed over, Jiang Beibei and others repeatedly assured, "Auntie, you can trust me now, as long as the children are separated in time when they are born, I have plenty of solutions."

"is this real?"

Pregnant women sit up regardless.

Jiang Beibei protected the silver needle on this person, and then pushed him down. Before taking the anti-fetal medicine, he couldn't move around.

"I promise you!"

Jiang Beibei explained again and again, "Leprosy is just an infectious disease after all, but it has no genetic factors. I have investigated this, so you can rest assured."

Hearing this, tears rolled down the eyes of the pregnant woman lying on the bed!

She hugged her stomach and gritted her teeth in aggrieved manner.

And this news!It happened to be heard by the villagers who came to look for Jiang Beibei.

The man didn't move, just turned around and ran out.

In the hall of the village chief, everyone gathered here.

The person who heard the news told the whole story, and he was heartbroken, "I just heard it from Jiang Beibei just now, and this news is simply, simply too heartbreaking."

Many villagers on the field wiped their tears.

Only then did they know!Why their children have leprosy since childhood!
It was only because they were stupid people who didn't protect them at all that it led to such a tragedy.

Many people fainted from crying, especially those who are mothers.

Jiang Beibei was also invited to the village chief's place after giving the pregnant woman an anti-total drug.

Unexpectedly, when they came forward, most of the villagers kowtowed to Jiang Beibei, and they begged, "Please girl, it's fine if we die, but what about our children? Hurry up and save them! They How poor! How poor they are!"

"My son!"

Jiang Beibei looked a little sad.

But the reason is that these people really don't know about it, otherwise they wouldn't let the tragedy happen.

She quickly helped him up, "You don't need to kneel down for me, I just had a chance with you by accident, don't worry everyone, things will be fine in the end."

"At least now you also know that if you have a child and keep them separated in time, the child will not get sick. This is also good news, isn't it?"

Under Jiang Beibei's comfort, the collapsed villagers finally stood up.

They sniffed gratefully, "Thank you girl!"


Jiang Beibei waved her hands, and at the same time greeted everyone, "I forgot, the soup was boiled here, and you drank two detoxification soups earlier, how are you doing now?"

Everyone nodded. Although the effect was slight, they were indeed moving in a good direction.

Soon everyone drank the third detoxification soup!
With the accumulation of the previous two herbal medicines, the third detoxification soup had just been swallowed, and they all sighed.

Nothing else, just in the joints that were still painful just now, the pain relieved unexpectedly.

While everyone was amazed, a familiar mechanical sound came from Jiang Beibei's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, your points have arrived at one hundred. 】

Jiang Beibei is overjoyed, now that the points are accumulated, she can already get the herbs she needs.

"Girl, thank you! You have worked hard these days!"

Several villagers came forward to express their gratitude again.

Jiang Beibei responded perfunctorily, "It's okay, this is what I should do. As a doctor, I'm already very touched to see you get better!"


Jiang Beibei pretended to look around, she pointed to the southeast direction, "I saw a mountain nearby, is there any herbs in it?"

People in the leprosy village usually dare not go out!
Because as soon as they go out, people outside will throw stones at people, telling them to go back, and don't come out to cause harm!
So these years, they have only lingered in the village.

The bewildered look of everyone caught Jiang Beibei's heart.

She smiled and nodded her fingertips, "It's okay. If you don't know, I'll go there by myself. I don't have enough herbs. I have to go and see."

"it is good!"

The villagers nodded obediently.

When he came to a hidden place, Jiang Beibei instantly entered the space.

(End of this chapter)

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