Chapter 311 Cooperation
In the Chiang mansion at this time.

Master Jiang kept scolding Jiang Shiqing angrily.

He originally thought that Jiang Shiqing had something to do with the crown prince, so now they should let their Jiang family rise to the top, not what they are now!

As a result, time passed day by day, and nothing changed here!
And because of Jiang Beibei, Jiang Jiaping suffered a lot of insults for nothing.

He put his hands behind him, and cursed with hatred, "Sure enough, she's still a woman, why is it so useless? How did you promise your father before?"

"Is this what you call a guarantee? You are trying to die!"

Jiang Shiqing showed panic, and begged for mercy in the previous way.

"I already have a solution in my hands. I just need father to give me some chances. I will definitely change the current situation. I beg you."

"It's no use begging me!"

Mr. Jiang stared angrily with his beard.

He pointed to his own face, "It's because of you, now I have lost all my face, and you still ask me to give you a chance, why are you!"

Master Jiang's voice became louder, and Jiang's mother was crying beside him.

"Master, this is our daughter after all, it's not good for you to do this."

"It's you, loving mother with many losers."

Mr. Jiang cast his grievances on Jiang's mother, and he gave another order, "You go to Pingnan Palace immediately, this marriage contract must be fulfilled!"

Jiang Shiqing couldn't believe it, so she could only beg.

"Father, you are simply pushing me into the sea of ​​fire and doing things like that for others. You are insulting me."

"What about insults?"

Mr. Jiang yelled at Jiang Shiqing, "If you don't have money, people all over the world can insult you!"

Under such oppression, Jiang Shiqing also knew that begging was useless.

In desperation, Jiang Beibei found Jiang's mother, "Mother, can you take me there together, at least let me meet the second son!"

Jiang's mother also felt sorry for her daughter, and finally agreed.

Sitting on the carriage, Jiang's mother looked at Jiang Shiqing with a gloomy face, and she persuaded, "Good boy! You are thinking too much at this time, and your father paved the way for you is right."

"The son is just a sick child, and he can live for a few years. When this person dies, he will be Princess Pingnan in the future!"

Jiang Shiqing lowered her eyes, "I hope so!"

After getting off the car, Jiang Shiqing pretended to be Jiang's maid and entered the Pingnan Palace.

When the elders speak, the rest of them retreat together!

Jiang Shiqing also took advantage of this opportunity to secretly go to the backyard, where Jiang Shiqing met King Pingnan's second son.

She directly revealed her identity, "I am Jiang Shiqing. Now my mother is discussing with the princess about our marriage. I came to see you today and I have something to say!"

"It's just getting married!"

The second son did not show any surprise during the whole process.

He looked like he had no desires, and his tone was flat, "You will marry me later, anyway, it will look like this. I am the second son of the Pingnan Palace, and I will not get the throne!"

"You said this lightly, and you really don't care if you think about it!"

Jiang Shiqing could tell that this kind of person was not much different from her.

After all, it's just a fake.

"Do I have to care?"

The second son straightened his sleeves, and he said directly, "I am an idle young master in this palace. I have food and drink every day, and I don't need to study. I can do whatever I want,"

"In the entire capital, how many people envy me?"

Jiang Shiqing sneered, she had no desires and desires, she was calm and breezy.

She sat down disdainfully, "Then let me tell you one thing, don't get excited later."


For the Jiang family, the second son has never taken it seriously.

Jiang Shiqing sneered, "You don't know that the little genius doctor who cured our emperor is now treating your brother. You said that His Royal Highness's illness has recovered. Does this throne have anything to do with you?"

"how is this possible!"

The second young master patted the table and stood up, "My elder brother is in such good health, why bother to heal him?"

"You don't have to pretend!"

Jiang Shiqing became more and more disdainful, "You just want to get the throne, don't you?"

Hearing these questions, the Second Young Master finally didn't bother to hide, he took off his disguise, "Is it true or not? Don't just find false news to lie to me."

"If it's not true, will I risk my life to come to you?"

Jiang Shiqing raised her eyebrows and spoke disdainfully.

If a woman meets a foreign man, if she is caught, she will be soaked in a pig cage at that time.

"So what do you mean?"

The second young master cast a slanted glance at Jiang Shiqing.

Jiang Shiqing stretched out her jade hand, "I came here today to cooperate with you. We are all people who love power. This is the imperial city? So what if you die alone? Even if you are the prince, it doesn't matter."


The second son slowly clung to Jiang Shiqing's palm, "You say that, I really want to marry you!"

"Don't take advantage of me!"

Jiang Shiqing glared at the man, and immediately threw her hands away, "The most important time now is to prevent Jiang Beibei from treating the crown prince, why don't you act quickly?"

"Don't worry, my subordinates are doing their job properly!"

The Second Young Master snapped his fingers and shouted towards the dark place, "You guys, hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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