Chapter 314 Assassination
"What's going on with this thing?"

Jiang's mother heard the news and regretted it immediately.

The marriage with the second son was just mentioned, but now the news that the son can walk, it is a bolt from the blue in anyone's eyes.

She just wiped her tears with her handkerchief, and she blamed God all over her head, "God, what are you thinking about? You are trying to harm our Jiang family!"

"Oh, my son!"

Jiang's mother pulled Jiang Shiqing, "If this marriage is completed, how many grievances you will have to suffer in the future, what should I do!"

Master Jiang was also blowing his beard and staring with anger.

Since he got the news, he has been pacing in the hall. Although he didn't say a word, his expression was already mixed with a lot of remorse.

"Father and mother, the situation is like this now, we should also think of something."

Master Jiang lost his mind for the first time.

The status of the Pingnan Palace is extremely high, and the current emperors would shrink back from it. It is impossible for them to tamper with it now and really cause trouble to the prince.

So at the moment, their move is a wrong move, a wrong step.

"You damn girl, it's because of you that our Jiang family is so unlucky. You said you have a way, but why haven't you seen it for so many days! You should find a way now."

Under anger, Mr. Jiang could put all the resentment on Jiang Shiqing's head.

In Pingnan Palace, Jiang Shiqing had no choice.

But Jiang Beibei, they do have a way.

"Actually, father."

At this time, Jiang Shiqing suddenly said, "His Royal Highness, the eldest son of Pingnan Palace, has not fully recovered. If the doctor does not cure him, this person can only be a useless person."

"Since we can't do anything with rich people, then we can do it for Jiang Beibei behind this!"

"Jiang Beibei?"

Master Jiang was thinking about this person's name, and then he thought about it carefully, and exclaimed at the moment, this person turned out to be the rumored wife of Ning Xicheng.

His eyebrows twitched when he heard it.

What is the solution here?This simply made him jump into the fire pit.


Jiang Shiqing hated Jiang Beibei very much in her heart, and she tried her best to kill this person at this time, no matter how little anyone was used.

"No, no, no!"

Master Jiang quickly refused, "Are you confused? If Jiang Beibei dies, will Ning Xicheng not respond? Now that the situation in the frontier is better, Ning Xicheng will be rewarded with many rewards when he returns."

"Based on the current situation of our family, you are really trying to die!"

When Ning Xicheng was down and down, their Jiang family had already made trouble, and now they are doing something to his wife, which is probably a big taboo.

If Ning Xicheng touches their heads, the whole family will die!
"Then there's nothing else to do now."

Jiang Shiqing was still thinking of ways to pull it off.

But Mr. Jiang had already seen people through, and he scolded angrily, "You useless thing, who are you pointing out these useless methods!"

Jiang Shiqing suddenly felt scared, so she could only cry and pretend to be pitiful.

"Then I'm also thinking about my father!"

Mr. Jiang closed his eyes, "Okay, don't mention this kind of thing in the future, and think about it carefully."


Jiang Shiqing was aggrieved and shed tears, crying and saluting others.

The scene was anxious, and Jiang Xin also looked at it. He was dissatisfied with Jiang Shi's feelings in his heart, so he went to find Jiang Beibei that night.

Both Jiang Beibei and Dao Tou were surrounded.

A group of men in black besieged and went up, "Kill!"

The head of the knife picked up the big knife that he carried with him, "What the hell are these? You have found us, and you have to explain your identity quickly, who are you!"

The man in black's tone was cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"The person you provoked yourself, someone will naturally want your life, and you will know who it is when it is under the underworld."

"damn it!"

With a curse from the head of the knife, he shielded Jiang Beibei behind him, "You go first!"

Jiang Beibei frowned, "Let's go together, they are aggressive, they really want to kill people!"

A loud laugh came from the crowd, and they were full of arrogance.

"You can see this scene very clearly. Now that you know it, don't even think about living!"

After all, the man in black rushed forward quickly.

At a critical moment, there were anxious footsteps in the distance, and an exclamation was heard, "Who is it? Surrender quickly."

What happened next, Jiang Beibei couldn't remember clearly, she only remembered the flashes of swords and swords, and she was rescued.

When he came to the carriage, he turned out to be the prince.

The crown prince showed concern, and after making sure that Jiang Beibei was fine, he was afraid that people would be suspicious, so he quickly explained, "I know I have a special status, if you treat me, it will definitely cause trouble."

He sighed apologetically, "It's really embarrassing you! But fortunately, it was a coincidence that I asked someone to watch you, and now I've caught up!"

Jiang Beibei just gritted her teeth, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

Sure enough, this is the capital city!Under the so-called prosperity, I am afraid that there will be countless bones, and it will be unbearable everywhere!

The prince wants to ensure Jiang Beibei's safety.

He specially sent people back to the mansion, and at the same time gave the available manpower, "These people stay by your side, it is to protect you!"

Under the predicament, Jiang Beibei didn't rush to refuse.

She saluted him as a thank you, "His Royal Highness, go slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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