Chapter 316
After Jiang Beibei's recuperation.

The son's health has been greatly improved. He walked in front of Jiang Beibei with a cane, and he couldn't help showing his joy, "I can really walk now, I really didn't expect it?"

He has been disabled since childhood.

Every day I see others can walk in peace, I am always envious in my heart.

Before he met Jiang Beibei, he always felt that it was impossible!Until today, when he landed on crutches, he still felt that he was still in an illusion!
"wait wait wait!"

Jiang Beibei could be regarded as catching up, she pushed the man into the wheelchair and sat down, "Don't act too hastily, your meridians are already depleted, plus the accumulation of toxins all year round, you have to continue acupuncture!"

"it is good!"

The prince smiled, and he was not dissatisfied at the moment, allowing Jiang Beibei to control him.

After the acupuncture and moxibustion, when the blood vessels expanded, the prince felt drowsy, just at this time Pingnan Wang and his wife came to him.

Wait until the servants in the mansion send the son to rest.

The three of Jiang Beibei sat down.

Princess Pingnan couldn't help thanking her, "Miss, it's a great kindness to be able to cure my son. These days, I have been worrying and working hard, and it took a lot of effort. You talk about it, and I don't know what to do." The answer is."

King Pingnan also restrained his usual seriousness, and asked Jiang Beibei with a smile.

"You don't have to stick to etiquette. If you have something you want, just mention it directly to our Pingnan Palace, and we will definitely try our best to help!"

"What do I want those things for?"

Jiang Beibei shook her head and refused.

Hearing that Jiang Beibei didn't want it, Pingnan Wang and his wife both pressed their expressions. If they were not allowed to repay such an important matter, they would always feel uneasy.

Sensing the expressions of the two, Jiang Beibei simply joked, "I just came to the capital and opened a small teahouse, if you two want to help, just mention my name outside, it's all for helping! "

"That's good!"

King Pingnan got up, "After that, I will definitely talk to my staff and take care of your business."

At this time, the princess suddenly called Pingnan Wang.

"My lord, didn't you say that there are still people looking for you? Now that we've talked about it, you should go too."

"Call me away so soon!"

Although King Pingnan was slightly dissatisfied, he still left according to the princess' wishes.

When the gate was closed, Princess Pingnan pulled Jiang Beibei to her yard, "When you talked to me earlier, my heart was beating, thinking about who was going to kill me."

"That's why I specially found a maid to sort out all the things I used during my pregnancy. If you don't mind the trouble, please help me take a look!"

Knowing that Princess Pingnan was worried, Jiang Beibei, who knew that the search results would not be found without sophisticated instruments, still helped.

But as expected, I really couldn't find any!
Because of the age and improper preservation, the atmosphere above has faded a lot.Jiang Beibei couldn't find out why.

Seeing Jiang Beibei shaking her head, Princess Pingnan was disappointed.

"Sure enough, still can't find it?"

She didn't want to accept it.

At this time, someone from outside suddenly came to report, "The side concubine is here, and she is waiting for you, empress!"

"The concubine is here!"

The princess has a normal expression.

She called Jiang Beibei, "It's been so long, it's normal if you can't find it out, it's really hard work, how about this, go out with me for a drink of medicinal food."


"Yes!" The concubine wiped her sleeves with a handkerchief, "Recently, the side concubine said that the food in your teahouse is good, so I always buy some nourishing medicinal food when I come back."


Jiang Beibei didn't think much about it.

But when he came to the side room, the side concubine came up and greeted Jiang Beibei. This person was very enthusiastic, "Doctor Jiang, it's really worth seeing once, so it turns out that you are not only good at medicine, but also look so iconic! "

"I'm afraid God will envy you!"

Jiang Beibei blushed a little after being praised.

Princess Pingnan joked, "How do you say this? Look at what people are listening to, can't you restrain yourself a little bit?"

The side concubine looked at Princess Pingnan's arm, "Good sister, you know, I just like her."

"Good good."

Princess Pingnan and the side concubine have a very good relationship, and they always smile when they talk.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three of them sat down to drink tea.

For some reason, the side concubine suddenly mentioned the medicinal food, "Although the price of your Siwu soup is not expensive, it is indeed very suitable for us girls!"


The side concubine slowly made a suggestion, "It's best if you can use authentic medicinal materials for the Shudi here, even if the price is more expensive, I will buy it!"

"This is also thinking that everyone can afford to drink!"

Jiang Beibei responded squarely.

The medicinal materials in teahouses are divided into high and low prices, there are expensive medicinal diets, and there are low-priced medicinal diets.

Suddenly, Jiang Beibei's expression became serious.

She opened her mouth in surprise, "Miss side concubine, you can tell the difference clearly, isn't this familiar medicinal material genuine?"

The side concubine realized that she was revealing her secrets, and hurriedly dealt with it.

She tied her hair, "I just heard someone mention it, and I want to talk more with you, and listen to everyone's thoughts."

Jiang Beibei nodded thoughtfully, without asking any further questions.

During the conversation, Jiang Beibei found an opportunity to leave the table, and she came to the princess by the way, "Princess, I have something to ask, did your side concubine study medicine before entering the palace? "


The princess shook her head suspiciously, "I've never heard of it!"

Jiang Beibei suddenly had a strange look in front of his eyes.

This side concubine seems a little strange.
(End of this chapter)

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