Chapter 324 Chapter 320 The Fourth Illusion
in the hall.

The side concubine discussed the poisoning with King Pingnan.

She had a worried look on her face, and the tears almost didn't stop.

"My lord, something really happened to my sister. What do you think the princess should do? What should we do with the entire palace!"

"The relationship between my sister and me is so good, I feel uncomfortable!"

King Pingnan didn't sleep well for several days and nights, his face was very dark.

Looking at the chaos outside, he suddenly found a person missing.

"Where is the second child now? The situation of the princess and the eldest brother is like this. He is usually such a sensible person, where is he now?"

His anger couldn't be contained.

The side concubine continued to wipe away her tears, not afraid of it.

She said with some sobs, "My lord really misunderstood. Our children have always been filial and regard the princess as their own mother."

"Only when I got the news, I immediately went to the temple to ask the eminent monks to pray for them. If the prince said that, it would really hurt our children's hearts."

Hearing these words, King Pingnan felt a little guilty.

He rubbed his temples, and hugged his side concubine very apologetically, "Blame me, things are too complicated now, I really can't think clearly!"

"It's okay, my lord!"

The side concubine enjoyed this person's embrace, "I believe my sister and the others will pass!"

King Pingnan sighed, "Now I can only rely on Jiang Beibei, saying that Jiang Beibei really has nothing to do, I'm afraid things will be powerless!"

The side concubine sneered in her heart.

Just because of the poison in our hands, even if Jiang Beibei is the king of heaven, I may not be able to cure it. Stop dreaming.
The servant girl outside came to shout suddenly.

"It's not good, my lord, go and take a look! The situation of the princess and His Royal Highness is urgent, and something big is about to happen!"

King Pingnan and the side concubine both stood up.

With different expressions, the two quickly broke through the crowd and came to the side hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they passed by, the two of them had already died!
The princess's face was flushed from howling, and she lay on the ground crying loudly, "Mother, brother, why are you all? Why did you leave me?"


At the same time, the maid on the side also cried bitterly.

Everyone in Pingnan Palace knows that Princess Pingnan is an extremely good person. She never treats her servants harshly and feels that she treats them very well.

But now that such a thing has happened, they are heartbroken!
Standing aside, Jiang Beibei was very sorry, "I'm sorry, I was powerless. I had exhausted all my strength just now, but I still couldn't save the two of them."


Knowing such bad news, King Pingnan's eyes turned white.

He was trembling and wanted to speak, but he felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and only heard a thud, and King Pingnan fell straight down!

But in an instant, the field was in chaos.

In the chaos, the side concubine finally seized the opportunity.

She coughed and stood among the crowd, acting like a master.

"How did it become like this? Now that something happened to the princess, you don't want the face of the palace, right? Hurry up and get the master down, and the rest of you, quickly pack up the things here."

"As for my sister!"

Seeing that the princess was still there, she always pretended to choke up, "Don't delay the preparations for the funeral earlier."

After going out, the side concubine couldn't hide her joy.

She turned her head and called her confidant, "Taking advantage of the chaos in the mansion, quickly clean up those things, don't let them catch me!"

Now that the princess is dead, her confidants are not in a hurry.

He came up and congratulated the side concubine, "Congratulations to the side concubine, after so many years of forbearance, I finally got what I wanted. I think not long after you came here, you are the Jiang Beibei member of this family."

The side concubine smiled triumphantly.

"As long as you can win the prince's heart, I will be Jiang Beibei's people sooner or later, so hurry up and go there."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The confidant rushed outside with a hippie smile.

Not long after his confidant left, someone knocked on the door outside.

"Your Majesty, the prince is already awake, and I want you to go there, so you should clean up quickly!"

"Why did you wake up so soon!"

The side concubine muttered something, but followed.

When the side concubine passed by, the princess and Jiang Beibei were both there, and the expressions of the two were different from before, with disdain now.

Before the side concubine could ask any questions, King Pingnan sternly shouted.

"Quickly kneel down to this king, do you know what you did wrong now?"

The side concubine just didn't know, "What did I do wrong? Why don't I know, lord, did you listen to someone? This time I misunderstood my concubine!"

Finding out that the side concubine was still pretending to be innocent, King Pingnan was furious!

"For so many years, you have acted in front of this king, and now you are acting like this, do you even believe yourself?"

The concubine's body froze, "Nothing!"

"Oh!" The princess felt more and more sarcasm, she didn't want to watch this so-called acting again, "Hurry up and bring someone here, let this woman see, what did I do wrong?"

When the words fell, a maid was escorted forward with two packages.

(End of this chapter)

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