Chapter 333 Prison Disaster
above the high hall.

The emperor personally interrogated Concubine Yu's father and brother.

Concubine Yu's father's name is Du Jun.

As for this person's elder brother, his name was Du Zimei. The two of them knelt down numbly with a look of sadness on their faces.

Du Jun panicked and made no choice, disregarding the rules, and complained first.

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged. It is because the money supply in the family is too large. The gap has been too big in these years. I can only find ways to earn money!"

"For someone to open the iron mine privately, it's just for this idea. I know that I deserve to die, but we really don't know about the weapon!"

The emperor only thought that the two of them were arguing here.

"It's just stupid. I just want to ask you guys, how can you not know all about the iron mines that you own for others to open?"

Du Jun shrank his neck like a thousand-year-old bastard.

"I really don't know!"

"I have no intention of rebelling!"

Hearing these words, the emperor became even more furious, "You don't say anything yet."

At this time, the prince had already stepped forward.

He handed over the evidence he had obtained, "Father, you don't need to listen here, these two people are talking nonsense, we have already obtained enough evidence!"

"The things above here are the letters they exchanged. They are really going to rebel!"

"I do not have!"

Du Jun was taken aback, his eyes widened and he wanted to explain.

"Shut up!" The emperor flipped through the scroll, his expression becoming colder, and after checking the contents on it, he threw the scroll on the ground.

"Idiot! Rebellion, privately opened iron mines, so arrogant, do you still take me as the emperor in your eyes!"

"Your Majesty!"

Du Jun and Du Zimei wailed, and the father and son looked sad.

But even so, no one paid any attention to it!
After some entanglement, Du Jun and his son were charged with all the crimes, and were sentenced to death by the emperor and imprisoned in the dungeon!

Everything seemed to be done in one go, and the emperor didn't seem to have any doubts on the surface.

But after the prince retreated, the emperor's expression changed again and again.

He was full of suspicions, only felt that the matter was too accidental!
So in the middle of the night, the emperor called for the third prince.

The father and son looked at each other, feeling awkward.

The third prince stiffened, "Father, I don't know that my father's name is son-in-law, what is the purpose of coming here?"

Although he asked!
But the hearts of all the people present are like a mirror!

Such a big event happened in the Du family, how could the emperor do it at will!

"You? What do you think about your uncle and your grandfather at this time? Did you know that the two of them rebelled?"

After a series of pressing questions, the third prince's breath was a little anxious.

He didn't dare to do it casually, "Royal father, don't you dare?"

Just six words didn't make the emperor let go of his suspicions. He continued to question with dark eyes, "Why don't you dare? Your uncle opened a private mine and refined weapons behind his back, isn't it for you?"

"My son really dare not!"

The third prince is a bit wild.

At the same time, the door was suddenly opened, and Concubine Yu rushed forward anxiously, "Your Majesty, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with the Third Prince!"

"How did you hear the news?"

The emperor was angry again.

He clearly remembered that the fact that he came to find the third prince in private should have been kept secret.

Concubine Yu panicked again, she couldn't hold her hands and feet, she faltered and said, "The concubine just found out by chance."


The emperor snorted coldly, and he stood up, "You mother and son are really daring, it seems that this rebellion is also a meddling of yours!"

"No, Your Majesty!"

Concubine Yu hurriedly begged for mercy, dragging the third prince to her knees, but at this moment, the two of them had no chance.

The emperor waved his sleeves, "Don't beg for mercy, these days in the palace, think about your sins!"

As the door closed tightly, a dark shadow fell on the faces of Concubine Yu and the third prince.

Knowing that things have changed, the queen is in a good mood.

She gave Jiang Beibei a vacation and asked her to go out of the palace. Jiang Beibei was thinking about going back to deal with things, when she returned home, she found it was full of excitement.

It's Daotou and others having dinner together.

When they noticed that Jiang Beibei was back, everyone rushed forward, "Why are you back? What a coincidence!"

Looking at the excitement, Jiang Beibei thought about asking a question.

"What's the good thing?"

The blade pushed Jiang Cheng out, "It's not this kid, you said that the change in the past few months is really astonishing, even I was shocked when I heard the news!"

"What's going on here?"

Hearing what the knife head said, Jiang Beibei became more and more curious.

The blade patted Jiang Cheng's shoulder, and he had a smug expression on his face, "You can talk about such an important matter yourself!"

Jiang Cheng was a little shy holding the teacup.

"Sister, because my studies in the academy are good, the master thinks I'm a promising talent, so he recommended me to become a doctor of the Imperial College. After these days, I can earn money by myself!"

"That's great!"

Jiang Beibei was pleasantly surprised, but when she was about to praise him, she found that Jiang Cheng had lost a lot of weight. He was originally a handsome young man, but now he looks like a bamboo pole.

"Have you had a bad day recently? Why are you so thin?"

Jiang Cheng was visibly flustered, he scratched the back of his head.

"There are no things, you read it wrong, right? Everyone go back to eat!"

The protagonist said so, and the rest of the people dispersed.

But the head of the knife that remained in place became suspicious.

He propped his chin, "Boy, what else are you hiding from us!"

(End of this chapter)

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