Chapter 340

I found that the people under me were so arrogant.

The already angry emperor became even more furious.

He threw the blade on the ground, "Are you guys going to rebel now? You're so arrogant that you don't even listen to my words, do you?"

"What are you guys doing!"

The crown prince did step forward, and he was equally furious.

The emperor did it on purpose at this time.

He must know that there is something strange in it, but so what?After all, he just wanted to use this opportunity to oppress the prince.

"Your Majesty, the evidence this time is not clear at all. My ministers have already said it thousands of times. Your Majesty, you have to investigate all kinds of matters in the previous dynasty, even the people who dealt with it!"

"But now, it's just what a few women said, and you believe it. Your behavior really chills Doctor Jiang's heart!"

The emperor was speechless for a while, and after a short silence.

He began to talk again, "They are doctors in the first place, and this is what they should do."

"It's also true that Doctor Jiang saved you."

The prince continued, "If this person really wants to do something, he can do it when the empress is just pregnant. Why can't he retreat at this time? Isn't he courting death?"

The emperor immediately couldn't refute the prince's words.

He waved his hands impatiently, "Then I'd like to listen, what exactly are you talking about at this time?"

Jiang Beibei was extremely disappointed with the emperor.

But at this moment, the queen's matter was important, and after she calmed down a little, she finally reluctantly talked about it.

"Your Majesty, someone deliberately changed the incense in everyone's house in the palace last night. The incense contained drugs, and many palace people did not respond at all!"

"So when the empress shouted, they didn't hear anything, so they missed the opportunity!"

After speaking, Jiang Beibei ran to the back and took out the incense ash.

"This is the evidence. If the emperor doesn't believe it, you can examine this thing carefully, and you will get the answer!"

The emperor glanced at Jiang Beibei, and seeing everyone's eyes gathered, he had no choice but to do so.

"Come here! The general is calling over and inspecting it carefully."

Hearing the name of the court official, Jiang Beibei could only suppress her anger. This person is Concubine Yu's running dog. If it weren't for this person's operation, how could the queen not be able to keep her child!
"No." Jiang Beibei quickly refused.

The emperor stared at this person coldly, "Don't push your nose, now I'm giving you a chance, and you still think so? Just based on your own words, how do you know there's a ghost in this?"

Now that his face has been torn apart, Jiang Beibei simply speaks out!

"Your Majesty, this person belongs to Concubine Yu, it's not because you don't trust him, but because the situation is very anxious now, if you want to make things clear, Hai Jing, the emperor sent a new imperial physician, that's the best!"

The prince also said, "Your Majesty, the empress's child disappeared for no reason. Even if you don't consider us, you should consider the age of the empress!"

The emperor clicked his tongue, "Go and invite!"

The imperial physician rushed over from the imperial hospital, and after checking the ashes, he quickly said, "It does have the effect of drugging, and safflower is added in it, this thing has the effect of redness, and it will cause women to miscarry! "

The emperor was taken aback when he heard this.


After getting the exact answer from the imperial physician, Jiang Beibei knelt down with the incense ashes.

"I implore the emperor to send someone to investigate, don't let the empress suffer for nothing, I implore the emperor!"

Jiang Beibei saw the queen's recent sufferings.

She saw that this person was in a high position, but she had no choice but to be very careful in doing things, and was under the control of others in everything.

But even so, someone still wants to kill her
So at this time, Jiang Beibei must find out the person behind it.

Lady Yu, Concubine Yu, no one can escape.

"Go and investigate!"

The emperor twitched his mouth and sat down impatiently. Now that the situation is like this, if he says he won't investigate, the matter will not be easy to handle!
The prince is already ready.

Just now, he transferred a dog from the guards in the palace. This dog has an extremely sensitive sense of smell. After smelling the incense ash, he ran quickly in the palace and finally found the incense buried in the corner.

By this time, the person behind it had still not been found out.

But the little maid who was working behind the scenes was flustered, thinking of coming over to take away the incense, who would have bumped into the prince as soon as she came up!

The prince was just about to question, when the dog suddenly barked at the man.

The little maid's face froze and she knelt on the ground.

The crown prince pressed the dog's head with his hand, suspiciously put the incense on the tip of the dog's nose, the dog sniffed it carefully, and quickly ran to the little maid to have fun.

Seeing the dog's hooves constantly scratching, the prince noticed something was wrong.

He asked with a cold face, "Did you take this medicine?"

The little palace lady didn't have much ability, but she was instigated by others to do things behind her back.

But now it falls in front of the prince!
Before she could speak, her body was already trembling uncontrollably.

"His Royal Highness, this matter has nothing to do with me, I was wronged."

Hearing these absurd words, the prince's eyes boiled with anger.

"Are you still lying at this time? Say it!"

Under the strong oppression, the little maid kowtowed to the bottom, "I'm sorry Your Royal Highness, I dare not say it, I really dare not say it."

The prince clenched his fists slowly, "Have you thought about the consequences, if you don't say it, you will die as usual? Are you sure you want to put your own life at risk for the sake of those behind you?"

The little maid's mind was shocked.

"I say."

She pointed her finger out, very anxious, "Master Yugui ordered me to do it, she ordered it."

(End of this chapter)

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