Chapter 344 Prepare to Poison
"Is it that simple?"

Jiang Shiqing is not easy to talk to, "You tell me about this, I don't know anything, I just want to get something out of my hands."

She casually stared at her nails, Danko's eyes were red.

Jiang Shiqing scolded Jiang Puqi, "You are exactly the same as your mother, you are greedy."

Jiang Puqi gritted her teeth, "What are you going to do now? Just say it."

Jiang Shiqing suddenly smiled.

She kept looking at Jiang Puqi who was trembling in front of her, "Don't get excited, what I asked you to do is not difficult."

"Well! Anyway, you can be by Jiang Beibei's side every day. When Jiang Beibei boils medicine for Ning Xicheng, you can secretly add something to it! If you can do this, then I will let you You go to see your mother!"

Thinking of her mother's pitiful appearance, Jiang Puqi couldn't care about anything else.

"I promise you!"

Jiang Puqi was overjoyed, "What an obedient person!"

By the time Jiang Puqi saw his mother, she already knew everything about his mother.

"Child!" Jiang Puqi's mother touched her distressedly, "It's no wonder that being a mother is useless, making you at a loss in this family, and ending up like this."

"It's all useless to me!"

Jiang Puqi cried and cried, "Mother, stop talking, as long as you are well, you can do anything!"

"No way, child!"

Jiang Puqi's mother hugged him, "Do you know what you are doing now, it is harming others and yourself, just listen to what your mother said, and don't do this bad thing because of Jiang Shiqing's threat, okay? it is good!"

Jiang Puqi stared at her mother with teary eyes.

"But you're going to die?"

Jiang Puqi's mother shook her head, "Things are impermanent, and things are always unclear, but if I watch my children do bad things, I will feel as if a knife is piercing my heart."

At this time, Mother Jiang and Jiang Shiqing were sitting in the hall.

Jiang's mother has been worrying, "Tell me why you are so unlucky? You just got engaged, how did that sick child recover? What's the idea?"

"You girl!"

Jiang's mother waved her hands in anger, "Why are you so unlucky? I don't believe it, you are so beautiful, you can't do it without a good family!"

Jiang Shiqing's head ached while listening.

"Okay, mother! Don't talk about it."

Jiang's mother was so anxious that she couldn't easily shut up.

She sighed, and quickly came up with an idea, "Why don't we do this! Let's just pretend that this incident never happened, and we'll be fine!"

"No way!"

Jiang Shiqing, who was originally lacking in interest, suddenly stood up, and she denied what Jiang's mother said, "Mother, think about it carefully, if this matter just goes away, my father will have to find my way again."

"I'm really tired, can you stop tormenting me?"

When Jiang's mother saw her daughter like this, she also felt pity in her heart.

She groaned, "It's because I didn't think carefully, and I did something wrong. If that's the case, then follow your wishes. Let's not look for it now, let's not look for it!"

Jiang Shiqing sat down bored.

She folded her arms, "Mother, you can rest assured, I have already made up my mind about this matter, we just need to wait a little longer, it should be over soon!"

Mother Jiang's eyes lit up, "What's your idea now?"

Jiang Shiqing didn't intend to say, "You should care about your brother first! My brother has been disappearing for some reason recently."

"I do remember that!"

Mother Jiang frowned, "I haven't seen him for a long time, what is he doing now?"

Anxious in her heart, Jiang's mother found Jiang Xin's servant.

"What's the young master's situation recently? Why don't you come to eat? Don't come to do things, why are you crazy now?"

The boy looked embarrassed, and he patted his head.

"Ma'am, the young master has been out of his mind recently. I don't know what happened outside, and I don't know what to do!"

"What's going on!"

Mother Jiang was worried, so she simply mentioned Jiang Shiqing, "What are you still doing sitting here? Since you have nothing to do, go over and have a look."

Jiang Shiqing was very unhappy, "Why do you want me to go there?"

Jiang's mother hurriedly wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Mother is suffering!"

Not seeing Jiang's mother acting, Jiang Shiqing had no choice but to pass by, striding heavily, she couldn't help scolding Jiang Xin on the road.

"It's estimated that something happened again, so we can't stop it!"

It was only when people passed by that Jiang Xin was assigning people from the Jianghu that he had recruited.

He pinched his waist, and his voice was as powerful as a male.

"Master paid you to guard me. Let me tell you, you must take good care of me and don't let me get into trouble, you know?"

People in the rivers and lakes hold swords.

"Don't worry! We will definitely protect the young master."

Seeing the strange situation, Jiang Shiqing stepped forward and knocked Jiang Xin on the head.

"What are you crazy about here?"

"What the hell happened?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Jiang Xin quickly turned his head away. When he saw Jiang Shiqing, he couldn't bear the sadness in his heart anymore, and burst into tears.

"Why are you here? Huh?"

 More, more, everyone, judges, quickly cast your votes in the bowl~
(End of this chapter)

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