Chapter 346 The Empress Is Infertile
Ning Xicheng looked at this person silently.

"What's your name?"

Jiang Cheng saw that the person was really nervous, so he simply explained to him, "This person's name is Jiang Puqi, brother Ning, don't be so cold! It's really frightening people at this moment."

Ning Xicheng glanced at his daughter suspiciously, and finally said nothing.

Jiang Cheng waved at Jiang Puqi, "Don't you still have something to do? Get out!"


Jiang Puqi was waiting for this sentence.

Hearing this, he quickly ran out!

Although Ning Xicheng didn't ask questions later, when he recalled Jiang Puqi's appearance, he suddenly felt a little familiar.

He had seen this person before.

Now the situation is complicated, there are strange people around, maybe they will pose a threat to them, after all, there are battles in the capital.

No one knows who sent the people around them!

In order to understand the situation, he went to look for Jiang Puqi again.

Unexpectedly, the person who came over said, "The girl went out to buy medicinal materials, and she is not here."

Search left and right to make sure that this person is indeed not there.

Ning Xicheng just gave up.

He believed that Jiang Beibei was still in the palace, so he got into the carriage and went to pick her up!

Since the queen got hurt last time, she has been in a bad condition. She has been coughing continuously since last night, so Mammy quickly found Jiang Beibei.

Jiang Beibei took his pulse from the sidelines, and his expression became more and more ugly.

She only thought that there was still a chance, so she pondered and searched again.

But when Jiang Beibei made another move.

The queen had already withdrawn her arm, and there was only indifference in her eyes, "You don't need to make any more efforts, I know my body, what will it look like now? There's nothing I can do about it."

"Empress, you can't think like that!"

Jiang Beibei looked worried, for fear that the queen would think about her again.

The queen silently covered the blanket around her, "Just tell me! What does this palace look like now? There is no need to hide it anymore."

Jiang Beibei looked embarrassed, "Because of the last miscarriage, the Empress may never be able to conceive again!"

"Is this all?"

The queen didn't feel sad at all, but just smiled.

Jiang Beibei felt chills in her heart, "Empress Empress, we can't do anything else, and someone drugged this matter!"

The queen seemed to have seen through it long ago, "I know about it!"

Jiang Beibei clenched her fists.

"I will definitely find a fair one for you, Empress Empress, they are really too much!"

The queen sighed, she had already thought about it.

In the palace, it was nothing but fighting, and the queen was already feeling very tired due to this situation every day!

It just so happens that her body is already weak now.

She really didn't want to get involved anymore.

"Okay! Bengong really didn't take it to heart, you just prescribe some medicine to replenish your body, you have worked hard these days."

And at this moment, the queen's mother suddenly came!
She put on a show and comforted the queen first, "My dear daughter, it's okay, with mother by your side, we can get better no matter what!"

It was rare for the queen to listen to this person say these words, and it was rare for the queen to show joy in her heart.

"Mother, you really think so."

The queen's mother nodded hypocritically, "What's the situation now?"

Jiang Beibei said straight.

"The empress can't conceive anymore!"

Hearing this sentence, the queen's mother's expression changed drastically.

"Why can't you get pregnant? Wasn't your body pretty good before? You can get pregnant for the first time, but can't you get pregnant for the second time? Are you lying?"

But looking at the expressions of Jiang Beibei and the queen, she knew a lot in her heart.

Knowing that the queen has no place to use it.

She suddenly started spitting, "You useless person, I gave birth to you in October, how could you be like this!"

The Queen watched helplessly as her mother changed face.

The mind that was already uncomfortable, now only feels embarrassing.

She was very angry, "It seems that in your eyes, I am just someone who can be used. It is really a joke."

"I'm here for your own good."

Her mother started talking again.

But the queen didn't believe it anymore, "Pull this stupid woman out, and she will never be allowed to enter the palace again. If I let this palace find out, you will all be executed after hearing it!"


The maids in the palace have long been uncomfortable with this man.

Only waited for the Queen's order to be issued, and immediately pushed the person out!

As the shouts outside gradually faded away.

The queen just sighed, "How could I meet such a mother!"

Jiang Beibei's distressed face made this person feel even more distressed.

"Empress Empress."

When it was noon, Ning Xicheng came to the palace to pick up Jiang Beibei.

The two parties bid farewell with sadness on their faces. After getting into the carriage, Jiang Beibei finally said, "The Empress will not be able to conceive a child in the future, and I look at her as if she is very tired of things in the palace!"

Ning Xicheng took Jiang Beibei's hand and said with emotion.

"This is the imperial palace. The truth is everywhere in the palace. No one can avoid it!"

Jiang Beibei lowered her eyes silently, and slowly leaned her body into Ning Xicheng's arms.

"Husband, after the new year is over, let's bring mother to the capital, and we don't have to go back after that!"

Ning Xicheng patted Jiang Beibei's back with his hands.

"it is good!"

The two of them walked outside the house, and suddenly saw the princess rushing towards him.

She looked angry.

"My father is really unreasonable. People like the second child are not human at all."

(End of this chapter)

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