Chapter 351
Ning Xicheng's embarrassment slowly returned, and now he was even more anxious.

"What is the emperor thinking? Your achievements over the years are among the best compared with the ministers in the court."

"You spent your heart and soul for the emperor, and this is the end result?"

The prince smiled mockingly, "In the eyes of the emperor, the relationship between us is not a relationship between a son and a father, but an enemy!"

"He intends to support Concubine Yu's son this time, and as far as the emperor is concerned, I have specially supported you this time, which makes him intolerable!"

Facing such a hard-pressed emperor, Ning Xicheng's complexion turned colder and colder.

With his hands hanging on the table, he continued to ask the prince.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

The prince recovered his expressionless expression, "Since the emperor already wants to marry me, I will act first so that they cannot do anything to me!"

Ning Xicheng also felt it was appropriate!

Rather than dying at the hands of others for no reason, it is better to earn a piece of world for yourself.

At this moment, he looked at Shizi.

"You'll be involved too?"

Because of Jiang Beibei's relationship, Ning Xicheng didn't have much good looks towards this prince.

Shizi shrugged, very accustomed to this person's tone.

He still had a gentle face, and the plan came out slowly, "I will be responsible for persuading my royal father to use the powerful army in his hands for the prince!"

"At this point, if you add the army under General Ning, even if the emperor has an idea, there is nothing we can do about it!"

"That's right!"

The prince followed the man's words and said, "At that time, I will meet you in the palace, so that the emperor will think that I really have nowhere to go."

"When he is presumptuous, let's catch him by surprise again, and the matter will be settled!"

Ning Xicheng thought hard, and he continued.

"If this is self-made, things can indeed go on, but if it's just the three of us, the palace can be breached! What about those ministers?"

The prince did not answer directly.

He told cryptically, "Concubine Yu's faction is so arrogant in the court, and many people are already dissatisfied with it."

Ning Xicheng nodded thoughtfully.

He firmly said to the prince, "When His Royal Highness sends troops, I will definitely be on the right."

The prince stood up gratefully.

"Thank you!"

The next day, Jiang Beibei got news from the queen.

As usual, let him enter the palace for others to check his body.

Ning Xicheng couldn't figure out what was going on behind the scenes, and when Jiang Beibei was about to leave, he closed the door tightly and pulled people to talk!

"This time you go, you must be careful, but you know?"

Jiang Beibei looked suspicious, and quietly waited for Ning Xicheng to explain.

Ning Xicheng has never been a person who is very happy.

Suddenly anxious so, presumably something must have happened.

Ning Xicheng paid attention to Jiang Beibei's intentions, thinking that they were husband and wife, so he didn't hide anything at all.

"You should know that the current emperor has long wanted to kill the prince."

Jiang Beibei recalled what the emperor said when he was in chaos because of drinking medicine.

She nodded hurriedly, "I learned about this by accident, is the situation already anxious?"

"Yes!" Ning Xicheng paused for a moment, his eyes were extremely serious, "What I'm going to tell you next, you must be careful and never leak it."

Jiang Beibei frowned slightly, "Okay!"

Next, Ning Xicheng briefly informed the prince of the plan, as for the details, he did not go into details.

Jiang Beibei was naturally anxious when he heard it.

"Then are you in danger?"

Ning Xicheng grabbed the man's arm, "Now that you suddenly entered the palace, you are the most dangerous. If you can't get out today, you must send a message to me."

Jiang Beibei pursed her lips, "Okay!"

When they came to the palace, Jiang Beibei continued to check the queen's body.

The body was the same as before, neither good nor bad, and the Empress Star God was sad. It was impossible for her body to improve in an instant.

After the tedious process was over, the queen pulled Jiang Beibei to talk.

"I heard that General Ning caused trouble for Xianxu, and many women came to your house to make trouble!"

Jiang Beibei felt bored thinking about it, so she stopped mentioning it.

"It's okay, just some stupid people."

The queen is someone who has been there, she can see clearly, "No matter what happens in the future, those foxes must not be allowed to enter the house, they will be involved in a lot of things."

Jiang Beibei smiled, "Don't worry! If Brother Ning dares to do this, I will isolate myself directly."

The queen smiled and couldn't help admiring it.

"Sure enough, I didn't misread you!"

The two chatted for a few more words, and the queen planned to send her out of the palace, but for some reason, the news of Jiang Beibei's coming to the palace was known by the emperor.

The emperor appeared with Concubine Yu.

He pretended, "Jiang Beibei! You have done a lot to take care of the queen these days. Since the two of you said so, why don't you stay in the palace and take care of the queen!"

Looking at the two of them, Jiang Beibei made a decision in her heart!
The prince's affairs have not yet come out, so she dare not make more moves.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will take good care of you!"

After making sure to keep Jiang Beibei in the palace, the emperor finally left satisfied. When the prince got the news, he immediately arranged for a young eunuch who knew martial arts to protect her without a trace.

The only queen who didn't know finally realized something was wrong.

She asked Jiang Beibei, "Will something happen in the palace?"

Jiang Beibei couldn't speak out, so he had to hide it.

"In a few days, the Empress will take care of her body!"

(End of this chapter)

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