Chapter 140
"Thank you, thank you for your love!" Lai Ruohong waved to his fans.

Many people didn't expect this short girl to have so many fans.

However, some people thought that these fans were arranged by her company.

In fact, these are all her fans at station B. Although she was in a girl group, it was not successful.

However, she did a good job as a UP host, and the reason why she became a UP host was to continue the life of her group. Unexpectedly, she didn't attract fans of the group, and she gained a lot of fame.

Situations in life are so wonderful sometimes.

"Meixing and Peiqin will have a performance the day after tomorrow. I don't know how many fans of our group can come. I heard it's hard to get a ticket now." Lai Ruohong's innocent face showed a worried look.

"There must be a lot of people coming back, we have to work hard." Jiang Meixing smiled a little disappointed.

Lu Peiqin, who was beside the former, was also a little bit disappointed.

Although their fans also came, they knew that it was all arranged by the company, and that their teammates were the real fans.

But they are not jealous of Lai Ruoyun, because the atmosphere inside their group is very good, and everyone is very united and hardworking in order to survive.

Lai Ruohong looked into the distance, and the smile on his face became brighter: "We have survived the most difficult time together. Before we were about to disband, we miraculously released a song called Chao Mingyue. This time, we You can also get the favor of God and create miracles.”

"Yes, the three of us will definitely enter the next round together." Jiang Meixing's beautiful eyes also shone with determination.

"We won't lose." Lu Peiqin also clenched her fists to cheer everyone up.

Lai Ruohong felt sore in her heart, she knew that the three of them were not outstanding, sometimes, she really envied girls like Ye Yuwei.

Tall and beautiful, with a tenacious will and an attractive personality.

I even envy Lu Fangxin, who is ignorant and only being himself, but there are still so many people who like it.

But I always maintain a full of vitality, and I have to show a sweet smile.

Because the audience thinks that she should be like this, carefree, like a deer running under the blue sky and white clouds in the fairy tale world.

In fact, she is also unhappy, and she is also very tired and bitter.

But she knew that she couldn't be her true self.

Distraught, she arrives at the dance practice room.

"Ruohong, I'm hungry again." Duan Yuxin, who was practicing dancing, ran over and said weakly.

"You're working too hard. You're almost on a hunger strike during this time. You need to eat!" Lai Ruohong looked at his captain and friends with a heartbroken heart.

"That's right, Yuxin, although we want to lose weight, you can't go on like this!" Zhang Xiaohan who was on the side also said quite seriously.

"I know, but I saw you all so thin, I was so scared!" Duan Yuxin pouted aggrievedly.

After coming here, what impressed her the most was that the ladies and sisters are so colorful.

Singing and dancing can only be regarded as the most basic skills, and many people can also play musical instruments and compose music.

The guitar is the most basic, and there are several who play the piano well.

This made her envious but also aroused great motivation. She practiced dance desperately every day, and at the same time saw these young ladies losing weight, she did not hesitate to work hard to lose weight.

With unremitting persistence, she was so thin that she could see her collarbone.

The originally slightly chubby face has also become smaller, coupled with those big eyes, it looks much more beautiful than before.

The most important thing is her voice.

It may be that after losing weight, her lung capacity has become larger, and her voice has become clearer and more stable, which made her lose weight continuously like a demon.

"Yuxin, you really can't stop eating like this, or you'll die when you faint from hypoglycemia as soon as you come on stage." The experienced Lai Ruohong said seriously.

"Then what should I do?" Duan Yuxin panicked.

"You can drink some milk and eat some bananas, so you can prevent hypoglycemia."

"Thank you Ruoyun, it's nice to have you here."

Duan Yuxin's words came from the heart, thanks to the former for helping her straighten out the relationship in the group these days, he also took everyone to practice together, and even taught her how to dance house dance.

"Everyone is in the same group, so naturally we have to help each other." Lai Ruohong likes the former very much, and feels that there is no pressure to be with her, and he doesn't think too much.

"Yinghan, you're here, let's practice singing together! What you told us last time was really useful." Duan Yuxin ran over to hold the former's hand.

Chen Yinghan let go without showing any signs of expression, and said with a smile, "Okay! Yu Xin, your talent is very high. Others have to learn for a long time, and you will learn it soon." Chen Yinghan looked at the other party enviously.

Although Chen Yinghan's timbre is mediocre, she has deep knowledge of music theory, so after the teacher's class, she will give everyone extra lessons to help everyone understand what the teacher said.

Duan Yuxin is simply a singing genius, he knows everything, the only thing he needs is time to practice.

"Yuxin, you must not overuse your own voice when singing high notes, you must learn to use a mixed voice, otherwise your voice will 'age' early due to overuse," Chen Yinghan said seriously.

"Yes! I practice every day." Duan Yuxin nodded very seriously.

This period of time has benefited her a lot. She knows that if her voice does not have the correct method of vocalization, she will have to use it for up to five years.

At this time, other people in her group also came, and they happily started practicing.

Luo Qijia, who was in the same practice room, looked at them enviously.

She felt that the atmosphere in Duan Yuxin's group was so good, everyone's hearts were united, their energy was united, and they all worked so hard, but her own group couldn't describe it in words.

Due to Yu Xiaohong's temporary withdrawal due to something, only five people could complete the dance of the original six people.

This is not the worst, the worst thing is that Yu Xiaohong left after practicing for three days.

In this way, they wasted three precious days in vain, and the dancing and singing had to be redistributed.

To make matters worse, she had a cold, or a bad one, and her voice couldn't make a high note, so she could only sing songs in a lower key.

"What's the matter with you, can you sing and dance seriously? If so, I won't make any money, so I just leave." The teacher in charge of the dance yelled angrily.

Over there, Gao Ziyi, who was still making a funny face, was too frightened to speak.

"The public performance is coming soon. Maybe it will affect yourselves. Why can't you be more serious? Is it so difficult?"

Listening to the teacher's words, Luo Qijia felt that she was really going to collapse, and these four guys really couldn't handle it.

"Come again, everyone pay attention." After venting, the choreographer teacher started a new round of torture.

The reason they don't take it too seriously is because they feel that they don't have much hope in this group.

After the second episode of the program was finished, the rankings came out, and these people were all at the bottom except Gao Ziyi.

However, after being warned, Gao Ziyi got better. Gao Ziyi stopped laughing and laughing with props and magic wands, and everyone entered the real practice state.

(End of this chapter)

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