Chapter 156 Ah Fang's Performance
As soon as these two groups appeared on the stage, they were full of enthusiasm, and the audience cheered continuously.

After four performances, the enthusiasm of the audience has been ignited.

Li Ke had already drank a bottle of water, his head and body were covered with sweat, and he looked enviously at the fans with towels next to him.

The lights on the two stages dimmed at the same time, and Chen Afang performed in the first group.

The song "That's That Girl" has a bright rhythm, and it has the taste of a hot South American song on the whole. The drum rhythm and small horn sonata in the song are quite sensational, and the chorus part has a lot of transitions. It is quite a difficult song. song.

In the opening scene, Chen Afang directly ignited the atmosphere. Although her character is not good, her singing skills are solid. Wearing a bright red leather jacket, she opened her voice with a high pitch of C3 difficulty.

At the same time, the English aria was soaring, the proud Ge Xiaohui was nothing compared to her.

However, the dance was very average. The hot dance at the beginning was a bit messy, and Wu Yunting from Huayan even danced to the wrong beat.

Then, Chen Afang and the other four took hot steps amidst the sound of dynamic music, surrounded Liu Yushan who was also from Huayan Music, and the five of them squatted down on one leg at the same time and faced outward.

Liu Yushan's voice is still good, not highly recognizable, but it is also at the level of a professional singer. She is also wearing a red red dress and completed this difficult aria very well.

The change of formation still looked messy on the whole, but Qiu Luqing from the "Mom Girls Group" had an average technical level, her singing was not out of tune, but she had no distinctive features.

Followed by Lu Fangxin's friend Chen Yanran, the girl who made the first episode of the show "Car Accident Scene".

Of course, her level will not change within a month, and this sentence is still out of tune.

But Chen Yanran is the only dancer in the team. Among these people, she is the one who can dance well. After all, she has received professional dance training since she was a child.

Then with her as the middle position, a triangular formation was formed, and a very Latin American dance began. This time it got better, at least it looked a little more orderly.

Wu Yunting, who jumped to the wrong time at the beginning, ushered in her first solo, but it was only half a sentence, her voice was average, and she was not out of tune.

The selection criteria for Huayan Music is also a mystery. The standards of Wu Yunting and Liu Yushan are really so-so!
Then there is Lin Jiaan, who is somewhat well-known in the graphic modeling industry in the HK circle. Her vocal level is average, and she can only be at a level that is not out of tune.

Then came Chen Afang. This chorus made her sing extremely well. The whole tone was kept in the D3 area, and her breath was stable.

Her ending sound is also very good. In terms of vocal strength, she uses the strength of the waist and abdomen, and combined abdominal breathing. The difference between her and Xu Qianhua is the tone.

Then came the singing in unison, and the six stood sideways in a row to start the fire output of the song's highest pitch, but all the audience could hear was Chen Afang's voice.

The audience and the little idols in the waiting room also couldn't help singing along.

This group is currently the best of all groups in terms of singing expressiveness.

Except for Chen Yanran who was out of tune, the others basically completed the corresponding tasks.

Yang Xiaoyue sat on a chair and watched the group's performance. Although she hated Chen Afang extremely, it was necessary for the overall interests of the show to keep her.

Although this program says that the personality is the most important, if you choose a group of people who can't sing or dance to make a group debut, no one will watch it.

The so-called personality must be based on your ability.

Chen Afang on the stage was also extremely excited at this time. She felt that she was in a really good state today, and her performance was flawless.

She was very wronged in her heart. With her own strength, she still exists as "Gao Hua". Why didn't the program crew kneel down and lick herself.

The other people in her group have different ideas. They already know that they have no hope of making a debut, but now they all hold the chance of staying for one more round of performances.

Among them, Chen Yanran and Qiu Luqing were the most eager.

She was a child of a rich family before her sophomore year. Because of the bankruptcy of the family business, this is the first time in two years that she has her own bed.

She wanted to fight, she wanted to stay a while, so she would have some visibility and maybe find a job that would allow her to survive.

Qiu Luqing also longed to stay. Since her parents divorced since she was a child, she never felt a little love from the world. She was so poor that she even drank dumpling soup left by other trainees.

She also has no place to live, the only thing she lives on is the sofa in the company and she has to endure the ridicule of her colleagues.

She and the other two's performances were cut off at the first stage, which made her feel the cruelty of this circle for the first time, so she practiced very hard, she wanted to prove herself,
In the last part of the song, they almost sang in unison, without complicated moves, let alone difficult dances. It can be said to be a stance-style output.

However, the songs were bright, the lighting on the stage was good, and besides Chen Yanran, they were all professional singers, so they performed well.

Li Zimeng on the other side of the stage watched their performance, and her confidence, which was not confident before, gradually returned.

In addition to her in their group, Wu Meixiang is also a first-class singer.

In addition, Liu Lixian of the magic number girl group is also very good at singing. Her voice is quite distinctive, sweet and recognizable, and she sings at a professional level.

Zhang Wenyu's dance level is good, and her singing is not out of tune.

In addition, Zhang Yaxuan's dancing ability is still good, and her singing level is average, and she doesn't lose her tune.

On the whole, the strength of the two teams is basically half to eight, and the difficulty of singing this song "Dark High Heels" is slightly less than that of the previous one.

However, the popularity of this song is wider. This is a song specially written for Sister Yu.

So today all of them are dressed in the royal style, especially the tulle red dress and red high-heeled shoes, which look very lazy and charming against the stage lights.

This time, in order to highlight Li Zimeng and Wu Meixiang, the program team adjusted the difficulty of the dance to the minimum. The overall performance depends on the level of singing and the singer's own temperament.

However, it is really difficult for these girls to show a charming look.

They are not actors themselves, and they can't show that kind of "Yanshi Meixing", and they don't look like Yujie, so they can only become more seductive and mature through makeup.

The most uncomfortable thing here is Zhang Wenyu, because she is too young, she is only 17 years old this year, sister Yu, charming is too far away for her, so she broke down and cried several times during the rehearsal.

The biggest blow to her was Zheng Chengcheng's withdrawal in the middle. All the rehearsals had to be pushed back to the beginning. She, who was already on the verge of being unable to hold on, really collapsed.

Li Zimeng is helpless, she is only 18 years old and she can't even speak Chinese well.

And the education she has received since she was a child is to let her be independent.

She didn't understand why the other party was so vulnerable, and she didn't know how to comfort her.

Fortunately, there are mentors, who sympathize with these girls and do their best.

(End of this chapter)

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