Chapter 160

The audience at the scene, please call me Chongchong

It's a lonely night and I want to talk to you


A girl with a fit body, six-pack abs, dreadlocks on her head, and a nose ring on her nose danced wildly in Lan Yening's bedroom with a red wine bottle in one hand and a cheering stick in the other.

Chen Jianfeng, whose body was covered with colorful light bulbs, was also shaking his body, and the long wine red hair that was specially kept was like silk dancing wildly in the wind.

Another girl with fair skin, short blonde hair, a sweet face, and a plump body was also shaking her body to the beat of the music.

Strong alcohol smoke filled this small space, and a confused atmosphere enveloped the entire bedroom.

The dirty braided girl saw someone coming in through the door, so she couldn't help but hit a bar.

Those eyes with colored contact lenses are full of primitive instinct.

When she saw Lan Yening's face clearly, her big mouth covered in purple lipstick burst open, revealing her piercingly white porcelain teeth, like a beast that wanted to devour life.

"Haha! Haha! Damn, the little nipple is quite attractive! Come on, let my sister blow you up."

While talking, the girl twisted her body and rushed towards Lan Yening like a trembling cobra snake.

At this time, her eyes were a little scattered, and there was even a line of saliva on the corner of her mouth.

Lan Yening felt nauseated, turned around and was about to leave.

"Our big star is back, haha! Haha! The best one in the company, come on! Let's play together, these two girls are as fierce as leopards." The rather handsome and masculine Chen Jianfeng shouted.

Lan Yening felt speechless for a while.

This Chen Jianfeng was originally a football player, and his family conditions were not good.

Because he had to treat a sick mother, he worked in the clubhouse for a while, and was discovered by the company's scouts and joined this group.

It's just that after a little bit of fame, I don't know what my surname is. Sleeping with fans, playing with station sisters, and asking girls with apps, don't play too much.

The most disgusting thing is that he often shares the videos of the girls he tricked into having sex with him, especially those female college students, because he didn't graduate from junior high school because he studied football.

He didn't even make a mosaic of himself in it, and then a video almost went viral, and the company paid a lot of money to settle it for him.

The girl with dirty braids saw that the porcelain doll with her mouth was about to leave, she was already aroused and became anxious, she jumped up and landed on Lan Yening's back.

"Come on! Pretend to be shy, let you play for nothing, and usually want to touch my sister at least [-]."

Lan Yening, who had been suffocating for a long time, didn't get used to her at all, grabbed her hair and threw her back into the bedroom.

There was a loud clanging sound, and it seemed that many things had been hit by the sound.

"Fuck! Go to hell! You stinky glass, incompetent..."

Dreadlocked girl yells in the bedroom after taking a whack.

Chen Jianfeng and another short-haired girl laughed wildly.

"Damn it, damn it, why am I still here, with these animals." Everywhere Lan Yening passed was full of crazy shouts, and there was no place to stop from the second floor to the third floor.

When passing another member Li Nian's room.

He saw a woman with 'Flowers and Snakes' tattooed on her back playing a game with her
Li Nian, who was originally muscular, threw away his wig, and wore big white rabbit ears on his bald head.

That very manly face was covered with thick liquid foundation, white and blue stockings were worn on the hairy legs, and a pair of small white shoes were on the feet, and he called "Mom" to the woman. I was wrong".

Lan Yening couldn't stand watching or listening anymore, so she could only leave from this place, and at the same time called her manager to pick him up.

"Xiao Ning, those people don't pay attention to them." A very gentle voice sounded in the former's ear, and at the same time, a burst of pleasant cologne poured into his nose.

This is his manager Lu Tianxiang, an old man who has been in the Yule industry for 5 years. This person has a strong family background, so he has very good resources.

Zhang Shuya also spent a lot of money to let the other party bring Lan Yening.

"How could they be like this? They're not considered popular either!" Lan Yening shook her head.

"Hehe, those people are just like that." The sunny and handsome Lu Tianxiang laughed.

"Brother Lu, what about the show the day after tomorrow? They are so crazy that they can't dance the next day."

Hearing what Lan Yening said, Lu Tianxiang had a sneer on his face: "Since they like to play so much, let them play! You will be on the show the day after tomorrow alone."

"This, this is not good, Brother Lu."

"What's wrong with this show? I also fought for this show. Those bastards can't support the wall and can't drag you into the water together!"

"But, sister Shu Ya."

Lan Yening's saying this is hiding evil intentions. He clearly knew that Zhang Shuya would not say anything if Lu Tianxiang did this, but he still wanted to secretly provoke the relationship between the two.

"Xiao Ning, don't worry! Sister Shu Ya, I'll talk about it." Lu Tianxiang said as he reached out and patted the other party's leg lightly.

Lan Yening's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was filled with chills. He knew about Lu Tianxiang's hobbies, and even knew some of his ulterior secrets.

From Zhang Shuya to Lu Tianxiang, and the people in various circles he has come into contact with, none of them are good people. Under the glamorous appearance of these people, there are unimaginable filthiness for ordinary people.

When they drove to the hotel, the "Tianqiu" program was in full swing.

Two pairs came out one after the other. Although Fu Xiaoyu saw a large audience in front of the screen in the waiting room, he felt completely different after arriving at the scene.

Especially when I hear fans calling my name at close range, those can be said to be ups and downs.

But when she saw Meng Meixuan also come out, a look of worry appeared on her face, she clearly knew the popularity and strength of her opponent.

Meng Meixuan was actually worried about the same.

In her opinion, the strength of Fu Xiaoyu's group is no worse than her own.

Wu Zixuan's lesson just happened not long ago, everything depends on fate!

"Are you ready?" Long Zitao shouted loudly.

The audience couldn't help shouting: "Ready!"

Under the fiery eyes of the six people and the opening formation like a flower arrangement, did the performance kick off, and the spotlights behind them shone brightly.

The show they performed is: "You don't have to like it if you don't mess around"

The overall positioning of this song is hot and spicy. Unfortunately, the outfits of the dark high-heeled shoes group have already used bright red, so in order to avoid collisions, this group wears fresher clothes, mainly white and blue.

As the C position, Fu Xiaoyu wore a shiny jacket on her upper body, matched it with a super short denim skirt, and pure white sneakers, which undoubtedly showed off her long legs.

As soon as these people appeared, the music started, and there were bursts of cheers from the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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