Chapter 198
The next day

The morning sun shredded the tranquility of the base.

According to regulations, the remaining 55 trainees and 7 auditors all went to attend the class.

Under the urging of the staff, Lin Jiayi and the others walked out of the base with their own things on their backs.

Looking back at the base building, all the people couldn't help but burst into tears.

My dream-chasing journey has come to an end, and my life for more than a month has been like a dream.

Everyone got on the bus, and the atmosphere in the whole car was extremely suppressed.

Soon someone felt something was wrong: "Where are we going?"

Only then did everyone wake up and look out the window. The car was driving towards the suburbs.

"Is this going to the airport? Then we go our separate ways." Li Tiange joked.

"It's not about letting me continue to perform! To promote the show." Wang Yumeng laughed.

At this moment, the TV on the car suddenly turned on, and Long Zitao appeared inside: "Hi everyone!"

"Hello, Longfa!" Although all the girls knew that this was a recording, they still asked out of habit.

"The reason for the program group's secrecy is that you can't leave until the fourth episode of the program is broadcast, but a very good place has been arranged for you."

When everyone who was downcast and depressed heard this, they all regained their spirits.

"Where to go, it won't be traveling abroad!"

"Think too much! Don't send us to other provinces!"

"I want to go to the deep mountains and old forests for retreat."

While everyone was chatting and laughing, Long Zitao announced where he was going.

It is a resort, where they can also learn tea ceremony, Guqin, and relax for a while.

These girls are very grateful for Penguin's arrangement, and they did not expect to take such good care of them.

Wan Kai, the top Penguin executive whom these girls thanked, was sitting in the office of the base and looking at Ye Yuwei in front of him.

Wan Kai's face was indifferent, and there was no slight change because of the other party's appearance.

With great power in his hands, he has seen many, many beauties who are not inferior to Ye Yuwei in beauty and temperament.

"Mr. Wan, this is the original version of my contract with Xinghe and my participation in this show. Please read it."

Ye Yuwei handed over the file bag respectfully, completely different from the rebelliousness she showed in the show.

Wan Kai smiled slightly, and was not surprised by the former's behavior at this time. People like them almost all lived under masks.

The lawyer on the side took the file bag, opened it and began to read it carefully. Time passed slowly, and the office was silent.

Wan Kai found that although the other party looked natural, her hands were always placed in one place, which showed that the former was very nervous.

The current composure is just a disguise, but it is already very rare to be able to achieve this level.

Ye Yuwei was secretly happy, because she knew that the other party was trying to boil an eagle!

The reason why I didn't talk to myself for so long is to gain a psychological advantage in the next negotiation.

But it also shows that the other party is very interested in me and wants to sign me, otherwise I don't need to play this trick at all.

Half an hour later, the lawyer nodded to Wan Kai.

The latter also showed a smile on his face: "Yuwei, tell me about your conditions!"

"Normal artist appointments are fine." Ye Yuwei's words made Wan Kai a little strange.

"Mr. Wan, I still know my worth." Ye Yuwei continued.

Wan Kai nodded: "Yuwei, although you are very popular in this show, according to the general rules, your debut may be your peak."

Ye Yuwei looked at Wan Kai without showing any weakness: "Mr. Wan, you should not only want to do this show just for this season!"

When Wan Kai heard this sentence, his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

"Mr. Wan, Penguin should make this show a brand and use him to create stars for you."

"In order to establish this brand, I think you should not let us debut at the peak."

Wan Kai didn't expect that an idol who was always empty-headed in his eyes would have such insight, but he didn't intend to be taken away by the other party just like that.

"Yuwei, we have many choices, not necessarily you."

"Mr. Wan, you don't have many choices."

"Oh! I want to hear why."

Wan Kai looked at Ye Yuwei with interest.

"Although there are many girls in the base, most of them are under contract."

"And I have no contract, my popularity is not bad, I have also been in a girl group, and my singing and dancing standards are not low. It can be said that I am a very good investment."

Ye Yuwei said unhurriedly, she knew that it was because she had these advantages, especially because she didn't have a contract, that was the biggest reason why the other party came to see her.

Wan Kai laughed:

"You're right. Since you and I are both famous brands, then I won't engage in mysteries."

"I can give you a good signing contract, but I can't guarantee that you will make your debut on this show."

Ye Yuwei's expression changed. The reason why she was willing to sell herself as a penguin was to make her debut on this show. This was the biggest guarantee for her career in the arts in the future.

"Mr. Wan, my bottom line is that I must debut in this group."

"Yuwei, everything in this show is in progress. It is still unknown whether you will still have the current popularity at the end."

"And we don't have a deep understanding of you. We don't know if you have other black materials. If something goes wrong, our loss will be huge."

Ye Yuwei fell silent, she was weighing the pros and cons.

"Of course, if you sign a contract with us, we will give you protective footage, and at the same time help you fight against gangsters outside the show." Wan Kai added weight.

"Okay, I can promise you, but I have one request."

"you say"

"If I can't make my debut in the program group and want to terminate the contract, you can't charge me too high liquidated damages."

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Yuwei made this request.

"No problem, if you can't make your debut because of black material, you are of little value to us." Wan Kai smiled.

When Ye Yuwei left, the smile on Wan Kai's face had disappeared.

The reason why he came to discuss this matter with Ye Yuwei in person was because Penguin discovered a fatal loophole in himself.

That is, when they signed trainee debut contracts with these trainee companies, they did not sign huge liquidated damages.

In other words, once a debutant leaves Penguin, they cannot impose strong economic sanctions on them.

Penguin can't be blamed for this incident, because he himself didn't expect that this show would become popular, and the group's economic value and brand effect would be so great.

In this way, it is necessary to leave some people who can be with Penguin.

In the event of an emergency, these people can also support the debut group.

Ye Yuwei happened to meet these conditions, otherwise Penguin wouldn't care just relying on the conditions Ye Yuwei said.

In Penguin's eyes, the one with real economic value is Lu Fangxin artist.

Because she is an existence that truly breaks through the circle.

(End of this chapter)

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