Chapter 305
1234! 2234!

Luo Junxiang, Zhang Wei, Hu Binbin, and Wang Junhe led a group of girls doing aerobic training in the rhythm of radio exercises.

This group of people seemed to be equipped with springs, jumping non-stop with the rhythm.

This kind of physical training is an essential foundation for singers, especially singers and dancers.

Because the concert of singing and dancing singers usually lasts about two and a half hours, it is impossible to sustain it without sufficient physical fitness.

At this time, the gap is obvious. Those who have received professional training can basically follow the rhythm.
Such as Wang Na, Lu Fangxin, Jiao Jinglan, etc. will not work.

In addition, Gao Ziyi, who made herself fat by eating too much and was usually lazy in practicing, couldn't hold on anymore.

The cameraman is looking for those who can't jump to shoot.

As soon as the music changed, everyone began to twist their waists, hips, and punches again.

Then began to shout slogans.

This group of people looked so crazy that even the big brother of the camera laughed.

In fact, the theme of this issue is to create a relaxed atmosphere.

In the previous two performances, if the show group wanted to show the love and killing between girls, then this time it is full of tenderness.

Because Lu Fangxin's incident has fermented to the present, the program team was directly named.

If we don't engage in some positive energy, it is obviously impossible to explain.

And this issue also invited seniors. The companies of these seniors obviously don't want their artists to get involved in some kind of disputes, so the overall atmosphere is still very good.

descended amidst the noise
Ye Yuwei, who had been showing for a day during the day, felt too tired, and lay down silently after returning to the dormitory.

Xiao Du's letter described in detail all the recent situations.

Among them are Xiao Du's own guesses and judgments.

The letter was very long, but Xiao Du was very smart, so he packed it in twenty envelopes.

At the same time, each letter was marked to facilitate Ye Yuwei's reading.

Judging from the letter, the black storm that was most deadly to him has subsided now.

The main point of those black fans attacking her is her character design.

Ye Yuwei was not too worried about this.

Personality is a double-edged sword, some people like it and others hate it.

She just needs to hold on to the person she likes.

What worries her most now is that Penguin still hasn't signed her.

In other words, until now the former is still vacillating.

"Yezi, what are you thinking?" Wu Zixuan came to her bedside.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired." Ye Yuwei smiled and sat up.

"Time flies so fast! I really like it here."

There is a trace of nostalgia in Wu Zixuan's soft voice.

"Yes! This is the starting point of our dreams and glory."

Ye Yuwei also expressed emotion, this sentence came from her heart.

"Yezi, no matter what people say, we understand each other."

Looking at Wu Zixuan's sister-like smile, Ye Yuwei suddenly had the feeling of seeing Lu Bingbing.

She didn't know why the other party came to say this to herself, but she still smiled and said: "Some fans actually don't understand us."

Wu Zixuan nodded: "I know that the fans in your original group were torn apart a lot due to various reasons."

"Sometimes it's because of some insignificant things!"

"There are too many people in our group, plus the anxiety of being young and famous."

"So many times, things that seem inexplicable to outsiders can become the fuse."

Ye Yuwei thinks about it now, some things in her regiment are really childish and ridiculous.

She also knew the reason, that is, many sisters in the regiment had no social experience.

This place is just the opposite. Those who can stay are basically those with high dual quotients.

"Yezi, I hope we can be best friends in the group in the future." Wu Zixuan's sister-like smile is really sweet and beautiful, like flowers under the first ray of sunlight at sunrise.

Ye Yuwei didn't know what the other party meant until this time.

This is to win over oneself, commonly known as engaging in "little gangs".

Wu Zixuan should have a high probability of thinking that she can debut, so she prepared in advance.

Ye Yuwei smiled wryly in her heart, is this another "chief captain"!

For her, the biggest enemy after forming a group is Meng Meixuan.

The styles of the two overlap in many places, both can be the ACE in the group, and both can stand in the C position.

Although Wu Zixuan was touted by fans all the way to be very strong, but her character design directly stuck her to death, and she was doomed to have no leadership spirit among fans.

In the eyes of fans, she is the strongest support, but not the king.

"Of course, we will always be friends." Ye Yuwei stretched out his hand.

Satisfaction flashed in Wu Zixuan's eyes, and she also extended her hand to hold each other.

She is very happy with this alliance. In her opinion, capturing Ye Yuwei means capturing Lu Fangxin.

In the end, although there are 11 members, the core is 4 of them.
In terms of actual popularity, neither she nor Meng Meixuan is as high as the previous two.

Being able to become best friends with them has benefited me a lot.

As for Meng Meixuan, the two belong to the same company, and they are born rivals.

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door.

"Sister Yezi, are you resting?"

Hearing this voice, Wu Zixuan couldn't help but smile ambiguously: "Yezi, it's Zijing."

Ye Yuwei was generous: "Not yet, come in! The door is unlocked."

Zhang Zijing, a literary young woman with long hair and a trace of indifference, walked over.

When she saw Wu Zixuan sitting beside Ye Yuwei's bed, she couldn't help being stunned.

A trace of displeasure flashed across that naturally cold face.

"Zi Jing, I'm just talking to Ye Zi." Zi Xuan smiled charmingly on purpose and got up to leave.

Zhang Zijing didn't say anything, and sat coldly where Wu Zixuan was sitting just now.

The experienced Ye Yuwei certainly knew what the former thought.

"You guys talk, I'm going to the practice room to get some things."

After Wu Zixuan went out, Zhang Zijing couldn't help but said, "Yezi, why are you so close to her? You know her fans blackmailed you all over the Internet."

Zhang Zijing, who hadn't learned to hide her feelings too much, suppressed anger in her voice.

"Zi Xuan came here to win me over." Ye Yuwei directly explained the reason.

"Win you?" Zhang Zijing seemed to have heard the Arabian Nights.

"This sister has never been my opponent."

Ye Yuwei became extremely serious and told the other party her analysis.

Zhang Zijing is not stupid and sweet, she is also a girl with strong wrists.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get this announcement from the many trainees in the company.

"It seems that the so-called prince and princess are all fake." Zhang Zijing sneered.

"Yuwei, if nothing happens, you will make your debut, but I..."

"Nine points depend on hard work, and one point is destined."

Ye Yuwei didn't say that the other party would definitely debut, because they all knew that Zhang Zijing's debut position was very dangerous.

Except for the four of them, Duan Yuxin and Li Zimeng are all "chosen by heaven", that is to say, the remaining 36 people will compete for 5 debut spots.

Fu Xiaoyu, Gao Ziyi, Yang Ni, Chen Yinghan, Liu Feiyu, Li Shihan are all hot and likely to debut.

(End of this chapter)

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