Chapter 308
Dawn breaks, and the distant sun gradually rises, exuding hope and rebirth.

Fans like Xiao Du and Li Ke who have their own fans have already started cheering at the venue arranged by the program group.

Although they are fighting to the death on the Internet, but now they are enjoying themselves happily.

Every fan who came was so polite.

The flags are fluttering, the banners are shining, and the cakes are fragrant.

It all looks like a summer feast.

But everyone knows that hidden under this warmth is the torrent and dangerous shoal.

Today, 6 students will enter the final through 22 stage duels.

In the studio, the program team is making final preparations.

Because of the popularity of the show, this time the program team spent a lot of money on the lighting and props on the scene, and 36 students are also nervously preparing.

Time passed in tension and excitement. When the program group began to let people in, the stage manager reminded everyone that the program would start.

The lights flickered, and countless neon lights popped up.

Although the students had already seen the light show on the stage, when thousands of fans shouted wildly in the auditorium, their blood was ignited and boiled.

Like a dream, like an illusion, both true and false.

With the opening of the "Golden Gate" behind the stage, Long Zitao walked out from the screen of lights in the light of the setting sun.

"There is a door that can only be opened by those with dreams."

"There is a stage, only those who pursue their dreams can have it."

His eyes fell on the edge of the diamond-shaped stage, where 16 young ladies stood.

Wearing the new Japanese-style student dresses made by the program group, they look youthful and profound.

"If the victory ahead is what you want, please follow me."

There was tenacity in Long Zitao's eyes, and he waved forward.

The 16 girls began to move according to the rhythm. Under the warm golden light, everyone looked like a fairy tale girl who came out of autumn.

The fans off the court were so excited that they kept shouting, just wanting to let their cooking know that someone is supporting her, this is the charm of an idol.

The singing begins in beautiful harmony.

This time the program group put all the best singing in front.

Duan Yuxin, Zhang Zijing, Wu Meixiang, Xu Qianhua.

"Please give me my world..."

The first line of the voice came from Li Zimeng, one of the three major singers in the base.

Her voice is like a sharp sword piercing the dawn, bringing light and power to the world.

"With courage there is nothing to be afraid of..."

Xu Qianhua's voice seemed to be able to shake the whole world.

The audience was silent under these two sentences, and then burst into strong applause.

"As expected of the strongest duo in the 3A group, the voice is so good."

"Li Zimeng's momentum is so strong today!"

"Xu Qianhua seems determined to win."

The fans off the field are full of confidence in the upcoming Dragon and Tiger Fight.

Then came Duan Yuxin and Wu Meixiang, who adopted extremely difficult jazz singing.

With a strong rhythm in the dynamic, this is the real professional singer.

Lai Ruohong, Zhang Zijing and Liu Feiyu performed a good high note next.

Up to here, this opening can be said to be extremely successful.

Whether it is stage performance or professionalism, it is absolutely first-class.

Then everyone took their positions, divided into two teams, and revealed the center of the stage.

Lu Xiaoxue, with braids, appeared cutely in front of the golden door, and made a "supporting leg" in the shining lights. It means independent on one leg, making dance moves.

Her movement is a standard dance step in classical ballet, which is extremely difficult.

In Mozart's Fourth Symphony, Luo Tiantian and Wu Meiying appeared like swans "spreading their wings and flying", followed by Li Shihan, Gao Yingxi and Su Ruiqi.

These few can either make gymnastic moves or jump.

Several people danced lightly to the melodious music.

The program group unexpectedly adopted the form of ballet for the second performance, which was both elegant and unexpected, and the effect of the program was instantly full.

Several people also performed inverted movements, showing that their basic skills are very solid.

Then the stage was handed over, and the other 16 girls began to dance the theme song of the program group.

The soundtrack this time adopts the style of rock music, and the 16 people dance with a certain degree of relaxation.

Then Qi Ziyue, Zhao Juke, Chen Yinghan, and Liu Feiyu began to sing the theme song.

At this moment, the whole audience was excited, and the meme of "Four Rich Women" has spread all over the world.

Some even yelled "Village Flower".

The last two eight beats gave Gao Ziyi and Qiang Yueting their singing voice.

Obviously, the opening session this time is mainly to show everyone the students in the middle circle.

Qiang Yueting's voice is as strong as ever, especially the final treble, which is full and beautiful.

Of course, this opening was also very good, and it directly blew up the scene.

The program team definitely lost their minds this time.

"This is a group of girls who are about to bloom."

"They are as confident, proud and brave as you are."

"The theme of this performance is 'live up to the good times'. I hope this performance will become one of the best memories in your life."

The fans in the audience began to shout in unison, and their hearts were full of emotion.

The visual, auditory, and psychological satisfaction brought by watching the performance at a close distance cannot be experienced by people in front of the screen.

"Today they will perform 6 songs produced by senior producers."

"The C position of each song is voted by the founder. After the performance, you have to choose your favorite girl."

"Before we perform, we invite out our mentors."

Although this opening scene is a bit long, it is actually to buy time for the girls who change their costumes backstage, especially the performance team in the first group.

Several instructors walked out in a row, full of momentum.

According to the program flow, Long Zitao invited each tutor to speak.

At the same time, several instructors were asked to write down their favorite students.

If the student gets the highest number of likes from the audience, the mentor who chooses her will win the "Most Bole Insightful Award".

Several mentors also kept "acting" according to the process arrangement.

The performance time of each of them is stipulated.

This process has been rehearsed several times, and the time is almost accurate to the minute.

"Next, we will enter today's youth competition."

"In the struggle of youth, there are not only the teachings of teachers, the company of classmates, but also the attention of seniors."

Long Zitao found that when he read this, no one in the audience made a sound.

Obviously, the audience didn't like the seniors at all.

Li Ke curled his lips even more. In his heart, village flowers cannot fall in love.

These so-called seniors are an eyesore to him.

But he also knew that this was just the effect of the show.

Li Ke was also very dissatisfied with the seniors in Ye Yuwei's group.

A good girl group audition show, what kind of seniors are there, and whether it is also a male and female CP.

This is one of the biggest failures of the program group!
The first group of students in the background was taking a deep breath to cheer themselves up.

Even though there were three performances, I was still nervous.

"Today they also invited their seniors."

"Okay, let's invite out the first group of contestants for tonight."

Long Zitao, whose heart was also hanging, finally received a message from the chief director.

(End of this chapter)

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