Chapter 313 Fangxin's Performance
"Next, invite Lu Fangxin and her team members."

Following Long Zitao's words, Lu Fangxin and the others who had been waiting in the background immediately tensed up.

Lu Fangxin now feels that she is about to suffocate.

Although she has undergone countless trainings, she still can't sing a sentence in tune.

Her teammates were equally worried, because there was no one in the group who could really sing.

But Long Zitao didn't immediately let them take the stage.

Instead, they invited their acting assistant brother: Maomao
This Maomao also has his own background, and he is the target of a company that will run a group of 11 people for his debut, so he has the opportunity to sing alone.

This original song is still very good, Maomao's voice is very soft, singing a kind of breezy youth.

After one song, Long Zitao stepped forward to go through the process: "Is the new song going to be released soon?"

Long Zitao was envious of Maomao.

He also wanted to make a song that went out of the circle, but he was always unsuccessful.

The man in front of him who was too shy to speak could do it.

And he's only been in the industry for a little over a year.

"Stop publicizing, I dare not." Maomao still knew the occasion.

This is in a celestial show, promoting one's own album belongs to occupying other people's resources.

"It's okay, tell me!" Long Zitao laughed.

In fact, he only said this with the permission of the program group.

Otherwise, it’s useless even if you say it, and it will be cut off during post-cutting.

Obviously Mao Mao didn't know, which made Long Zitao a little strange

"Take the performance just now as a warm-up performance!"

"I hope that everyone will not take it seriously on the Internet, we are just for the show."

"There are more exciting performances to come."

He was extremely humble, which made many people on the stage laugh.

At this time, Yang Xiaoyue said in the headset: "It's time for the process."

At this time, Long Zitao gradually realized that there must be a conflict between Maomao's company and the program group, and the program group deliberately did not tell him about this process.

In fact, Maomao's company made Penguin put pressure on the program group, but Yang Xiaoyue was very angry. He didn't want to have this kind of publicity on his program, which would make fans feel that the program was nondescript.

So as Long Zitao guessed, Maomao was not told about the process.

But Yang Xiaoyue couldn't hold Penguin's high-level executives hard, so she could only ask Long Zitao to say unilaterally, and she didn't care whether the other party took over or not.

The situation was exactly as she expected, Mao Mao was still very intelligent, and directly rejected the propaganda.

"Then please call out this group loudly."

This time Maomao was stunned, opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Because he didn't know how to call the younger sister who worked with him later, by name, or by the name of the group, he only knew Lu Fangxin.

Yang Xiaoyue has already started urging her.

Long Zitao could only shout for him: "Please get out of Lu Fangxin's group."

The golden door opened, and the scene erupted instantly.

Fang Xin!Fang Xin!
Crazy shouts almost turned the stage over.

Li Ke was so excited that his whole body trembled, his adrenaline soared, and he almost cried on the spot.

The girls in the waiting room were also carrying Lu Fangxin on their shoulders.

So beautiful!

Fangxin is a real princess!

so beautiful!
Fu Xiaoyu looked at the screen enviously, she really liked Lu Fangxin from the bottom of her heart.

Chen Yinghan clapped her hands vigorously to cheer her friend on.

Lu Bingbing on the field was also full of emotions, because she finally saw her own light board, and there were a few of her own fans there cheering for her.

Tears nearly welled up in her eyes.

At the same time, she also realized that it was impossible for her to make her debut, because it was impossible for her fans to come so few, and the program group must have stopped them.

Actually, Lu Bingbing was wrong.

The program team was angry that Xinghe did not put Ye Yuwei to death and caused great trouble, and the direct consequence was to suppress Lu Bingbing.

Wu Meiying stuck out her playful little tongue when she came out, because she felt that what she was wearing today was too sexy.

Because she is very young, she usually wears casual clothes, just like a high school student.

But today they all wore black gauze suspender dresses.

"Hi everyone, we are..."

"Youth Dreadnoughts."

Lu Fangxin led everyone to shout together.

Luo Junxiang over there leaned on his arms and stared at Lu Fangxin with perfect eyes.

He felt a fire burning in his chest.

"Our slogan is..."

"Don't be afraid of anything, Mao Mao will take you into the world."

This sentence made the audience laugh, and Mao Mao also blushed.

"The song we bring is 'Don't Live Up to Your Youth.'"

Long Zitao also laughed, "Are you ready?"

"Ready!" Lu Fangxin said confidently.

Although she still had no idea in her heart, Chen Yinghan told her that she must be full of confidence. This is something that an idol should bring to her fans.

Along with the dreamy lights, the mist sublimated from dry ice diffused on the stage, seeming to envelop the whole world in this dream.

Wu Meiying, who was leaning against the Mediterranean-style door, began to sing three eight beats.

There is no other way, for the sake of the overall effect, the actual C of Lu Fangxin can only be sacrificed.

Otherwise, let her sing the first sentence, and the stage will collapse directly.

And she didn't know where to enter the beat at all, and she couldn't sing even if she wanted to.

Next is Lu Xiaoxue.

She was standing on a very abstract staircase built by the program group.

Today she wore braids, and she was sweet to the bone.

She also sang her own aria under the background of the lights of the sea and sky in the early morning.

Although she can't sing, she can still catch the beat. As for the timbre and pitch, it depends on the difficulty of the song.

She sang well, Weiwei was at the scene of a car accident.

Jiao Jinglan continued to sing the last part of the verse. Her timbre is really not good, but she can sing in tune.

However, this song has been lowered and re-arranged, and the difficulty of the song has been lowered by a notch, otherwise she would not be able to sing the chorus.

The first part of the chorus was given to Lu Fangxin. This arrangement is very inexplicable.

This chorus part is the most difficult part of this song. Not only does it have a lot of key changes, but it also needs to go straight up by one degree.

Lu Fangxin sang very devotedly and completed this part without being too out of tune.

Seeing Lu Fangxin's performance, Ye Yuwei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

According to stage standards, this was definitely a failure, but it wasn't to the point of a car accident, at least it wouldn't send people away.

For Lu Fangxin who does not attract fans with strength, it is enough to be able to do this.

The instructor on the stage also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but Long Zitao had complicated eyes.

The second part of the chorus was sung by Qi Ziyue. She played well, at least she sang correctly. She is the only one who has sung correctly so far.

The part that Lu Bingbing got was Wu Meiying's part just now, and she sang it repeatedly.

She sings while standing in front of a three-way mirror on a ladder.

Maybe it was the disappointment of his own future, or maybe he felt the regret of the dying youth written in this song.

Originally, her voice was mediocre, but this emotional voice still moved many audiences at the scene. Many people were surprised that there was such a singing person in the base.

Wang Qingyu, who was sitting in the waiting room, almost burst into tears when she heard that, she hated Ye and Lu to death.

Several people came down from the ladder, began to walk, and posed a few poses.

In fact, the dance to this song is also very beautiful.

But Lu Fangxin couldn't even learn to sing, let alone dance, so she directly turned the dance into simple walking and posing a few poses.

(End of this chapter)

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