Chapter 317 Script Traces
"Is senior Lu Lu nervous?" Under Yang's instructions, Long Zitao went to the rescue against his will.

"I just can't calm down right now."

"Because I have never stood on such a stage."

"I'm afraid of dragging my sisters down!"

Senior Lu Lu followed Yang Xiaoyue's instructions and began to buy bitterness.

At this time, Lai Ruohong should have come out to answer the conversation, that is to say how good Senior Lu Lu is, how hard he has worked, and how grateful they are.

In this way, when fans hear it, they will think that senior Lu Lu is so good, and it is understandable to be in the C position!
But what surprised Yang Xiaoyue was that Lai Ruohong didn't say a word.

Just holding the microphone and looking at the fans with a smile.

Obviously, she rebelled against the program group out of extreme disappointment.

"Turn off her microphone immediately and let Duan Yuxin speak."

Yang Xiaoyue's anger was burning, but her reason made her make the most favorable decision.

"Senior Lu Lu worked really hard, and one day he practiced until the early hours of the morning." Duan Yuxin also said this in embarrassment, but she couldn't completely hide her feelings.

In fact, she didn't want to say it, because she and Lai Ruohong were also good friends.

But she was even more afraid of being kicked out by the program group.

"I'm sorry, Qiqi, I'm sorry." She kept saying in her heart.

When the former was speaking, Lai Ruohong didn't even glance at him.

She knew it wasn't Duan Yuxin's fault, most of the time, people couldn't help themselves.

Long Zitao continued to relieve the stage: "Senior Lu Lu, you performed very well on stage today."

"It's all with the help of my sisters." Lu Lu was also embarrassed.

At this moment, someone from the audience suddenly shouted, "Why doesn't Qiqi speak?"

"Qiqi! Qiqi!"

The deafening voice sounded again, this time the program crew could no longer pretend to be dead.

The instructors of the program group also looked down upon this.

There are many ways to praise people, which is to drive away your own audience.

"Zitao, let them speak according to the number plates."

Long Zitao immediately said: "Please speak in the order of your numbers from small to large."

The first person in this group to speak was Wang Na.

She smiled happily: "Hi everyone, I am Wang Na No. 3 of this group, and I am your Mala Na. I will make you addicted."

This is simply adding fuel to the fire. In other groups, the C person speaks first, and now it becomes speaking according to the number. Also, how is the number arranged.

Many "seven fans" put away their supporting things and went out, and other people who had finished supporting their little idols also started to go out.

Yang Xiaoyue was completely panicked this time, she wanted to have a tough fight with these fans just now.

If these people leave, the blow to the reputation of the program group is self-evident.

After that, no one will vote, let alone cast a vote.

"Xiaoyue, don't be arrogant." Sun Miao was also in a hurry and didn't care about other things.

"Qiqi, you speak immediately, and the program will give you a fair explanation."

In a hurry, Yang Xiaoyue directly crossed Long Zitao and spoke to Lai Ruohong.

"Hi everyone, I'm Maoxiang Qiqi from 'One Pot Stew'."

"Since the grouping ended, I feel that the composition of our group is a kind of fate."

Lai Ruohong is very experienced on stage, so he didn't ask to stay or complain.

Instead, she followed the script that she had communicated with the program beforehand.

When the fans in the audience heard Qiqi's speech, they all stopped again.

"Each of us has our own style and taste."

"Because we have different tastes, stewing together will become a delicacy that everyone likes. What I want is that everyone likes our stage."

Lai Ruohong's last sentence can be regarded as a peace for the program crew.

It means that it doesn’t matter whether I am C or not, the stage is beautiful, as long as everyone likes it.

Although her fans were still angry, after they calmed down, they knew that it was impossible to leave like this.

The others were also affected by Yuchi, and Yang Xiaoyue asked them to finish quickly.

This thing that almost caused a "riot" just passed away.

"Okay, please take out the like devices in your hands and choose the girl you like the most."

1 minutes is coming soon.

According to the procedure, the letterhead was read. Originally, this procedure was for Wang Na.

But afraid of causing anger again, he chose Lai Ruohong.

"Who will be the like king of this group?" Long Zitao shouted loudly.

Lai Ruohong's voice resounded in the audience, the actors invited by the program group over there have been completely suppressed, and now the program group can't even cheat.

"Zitao, announce Lai Ruohong as the praise king of this group." Yang Xiaoyue's voice was weak.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, Lai Ruohong won the first praise king since her today's program group. She bowed excitedly to everyone and tried not to cry.

Wang Na had a fake smile on her face, with resentment in her eyes.

In the waiting room, everyone cheered, and Qiqi's shout resounded throughout the room.

While Lu Fangxin was happy for Qiqi, she was also very disappointed, because in the 6 performances, except for her, the others were all C-rankers who got the thumbs-up.

It was a major blow to her fledgling confidence.

She even had a sense of fear, feeling that her fans were about to abandon her.

In order to further stabilize her emotions, Yang Xiaoyue even asked Qiqi and her group to go to the auditorium to interact with fans at close range.

Across the railing used to prevent accidents, Qi Qi excitedly ran over to shake hands with fans.

As a girl group member, she is very familiar with this.

"Qiqi, come on, I'll vote for you, I'm a fan of Ye Yuwei."

"Qiqi, don't be afraid, we will send you to debut, I am a Lu Fangxin fan."

"Qiqi, I'm Qifan, all my bank deposits will be cleared tomorrow."

Listening to the voices of these fans, Lai Ruohong was extremely excited, and felt that his life was so meaningful for the first time.

"Thank you, thank you, but don't spend money on voting for me, thank you..."

Qiqi, who feels that her debut is hopeless, doesn't want to waste fans' money.

With tears in her eyes, she tried her best to smile and look cheerful.

Many fans cried when they saw this. If they hadn't had some scruples, they would have scolded the show crew long ago.

On stage
"Today's performance is all over, thank you six popular seniors for coming to help out."

"Tell me. Is today's game exciting?"

Although everyone had great opinions on the final performance, they still gave face.

Long Zitao continued in an unhappy atmosphere: "The next task for you is to invite all the celestial girls."

"You need to choose your favorite group among the six performances tonight."

Following Long Zitao's voice, all the girls came out from the backstage door.

This time it's not sparkling gold, but dreamy violet.

Everyone was so beautiful that they shone, and the six groups were photographed in six rows, with C taking the lead.

This process was not told to the students beforehand.

Everyone is thinking that it will be another foreign affairs reward!Like the group with the most likes last time went to the Strawberry Music Festival, everyone became nervous.

Perhaps this time is a better opportunity to show your face than a music festival.

(End of this chapter)

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