Chapter 325 Family Greetings

two thirty in the morning

The event is finally over.

Ye Yuwei and the others felt that they were about to starve to death.

They haven't eaten anything since noon, for fear of problems during the performance.

With such a large amount of exercise like them, and without eating, the stomach naturally reacted strongly.

"I'm starving to death!" Fu Xiaoyu felt like he was going to faint.

"If I die, can I eat people?" Qi Ziyue walked feebly.

"I want to eat and sleep, I don't want to lose weight." Lu Xiaoyu stuck out her cute tongue.

"Yuwei, don't you feel hungry?" Zhang Zijing, who was holding the former's arm, felt that the people around her were like iron men, and there was no sign of fatigue or hunger.

For today's performance, they didn't even drink much water.

One is that I am afraid of going to the toilet, and the other is that I am afraid that there will be problems during my performance.

"Hungry, I haven't eaten much all day, but I have a camera."

Ye Yuwei's words shocked Zi Jing, she didn't expect the former to have such perseverance.

"As idols, we must maintain our attitude at all times, otherwise a black photo will cause unexpected consequences." Ye Yuwei said very seriously.

Zhang Zijing nodded, subconsciously looked around.

I saw Meng Wu, Lai Ruohong, Jiang Mengqi, Li Zimeng and their manners are very good.

Gao Ziyi and Wu Meixiang hooked up shoulder to shoulder, both of them looked exhausted.

What they didn't know was that it was in a room in the base building.

Uncle Bo is wearing an apron and chopping stuffing. Beside him are two large glass bowls for mixing stuffing, one with leeks and the other with celery.

This is a plot specially arranged by the program group, which is the warmth before the war.

Today is to use the form of a family banquet to show it.

Uncle Bo smiled while rolling out the dumpling wrappers, "Fortunately, it's 22 girls, not 22 song boys, otherwise this would have to be packed more."

His hands and feet are very nimble, it can be seen that he is very good at cooking, and the dumplings he makes are also good-looking.

While it was being wrapped, the 22-song girl walked in from the outside.


Everyone applauded in surprise.

Not only did he see Uncle Bo again, but also because he saw the dumplings, his eyes lit up.

"Girls have worked hard."

"Uncle Bo is working hard!"

The girls bowed almost simultaneously.

At this time, the aroma of dumpling stuffing wafted in the room, and many people couldn't help drooling.

"are you hungry?"


"Then whoever knows how to make a bag can do it together."

Lu Bingbing was the first to raise his hand: "I can, I can roll dumpling wrappers."

When Ye Yuwei heard this, she couldn't help but want to laugh, that's what Lu Bingbing would do.

The only time she rolled dumpling wrappers was on a food show produced by Xinghe herself.

Usually, these little idols like Xinghe are either cafeterias or takeaways.

It seemed that Lu Bingbing wanted a shot.

Zhang Zijing was stunned, she didn't know how to play musical instruments since she was a child.

Although Meng Meixuan and Wu Zixuan were laughing, they were also thinking, and neither would they.

"I will too. I packed it well." Fu Xiaoyu immediately leaned forward.

She does know how to cook, she has worked as a dance teacher and rented a house by herself.

"I will too, let's come together!" Duan Yuxin also laughed.

"Then what should I do if I can't wrap it?" Gao Ziyi suddenly asked such a question coquettishly.

Uncle Bo couldn't help smiling: "If you don't know how to wrap it, just wait and eat it together."

At this moment, Wang Na came over and sat in front of Uncle Bo, and said with a straight face, "Mr. Bo, I'll just sit here and watch you make dumplings."

Not to mention the other girls, Yang Xiaoyue almost fell to the ground when she saw it.

This Wang Na is disgusting!Do you think this time is a candlelight dinner specially prepared for her?
Uncle Bo is a prince who admires her and cooks love dinner for her alone.

Is this still the persona of that independent woman?

Gao Ziyi over there looked at Wang Na with a cold face.

Ye Yuwei wanted to laugh in her heart, is there something wrong with Wang Na's mind?

Not to mention how disgusting she is for "acting like a baby".

They are doing a program to select idols, and idols must abide by the rules of idols.

It's no wonder you don't get sprayed to death for fans to see you like this.

Also, Uncle Bo is so old, can he not have a wife?

What would ordinary viewers think of such a publicity?

Ye Yuwei didn't know if this clip would be cut into the feature film.

If it was cut in, Wang Na would probably be finished.

Uncle Bo was also extremely embarrassed, being looked at affectionately by this dark and fat woman, his skin got goosebumps.

However, he, who is old in the world, quickly dealt with it: "Everyone, remember to wash your hands well."

As he said that, he went to the place where the water was boiled to look at the pot, leaving only Wang Na who was making fun of herself.

Everyone else couldn't help but secretly wanted to laugh, and Gao Ziyi was even more elated.

Lu Fangxin naturally understood, and couldn't help laughing playfully.

Lu Bingbing's behavior towards Wang Na at this time is four words: "bring shame upon oneself".

A group of people went to wash their hands, and when they came back, everyone was playing and bagging.

It was very lively talking and laughing.

At this moment, Gao Ziyi leaned in behind Meng Meixuan, her chubby face was full of fake smiles: "Meixuan, can you make me a heart-shaped dumpling?"

In fact, although Meng Meixuan hated Gao Ziyi's hard-working way, she would not show it.

Three days ago, Gao Ziyi didn't practice well and almost ruined the performance, which made her extremely annoyed, as well as her hard-working speech on the cruise ship.

"No!" Meng Meixuan didn't even turn her head, her voice was extremely stiff.

Gao Ziyi could only push aside in embarrassment.

She wanted to rub against Ye Yuwei again, but the former immediately put down the dumplings and walked to the other side.

Among the 22 people, only she and Wang Na did not make dumplings.

Others, whether they know it or not, are working hard there.

"Teacher, do you often make dumplings at home?"

Lai Ruohong pinched one and placed it on a board covered with oil-absorbing paper.

She made dumplings very beautifully, and she often did housework when she was young.

"I used to make dumplings a lot. At that time, my partner and I ran around the market, and I made everyone's meals. Now there are fewer."

Uncle Bo's down-to-earth words won the favor of many girls.

They are not the little girls in the school who don't know the world.

Know that to be successful you have to work hard.

Soon, the dumplings were made, and after they were cooked, the group of girls who felt they could eat a cow began to eat like crazy.

This time it can be said that the food was overwhelming.

"Zi Jing, eat more. We have consumed too much physical energy in the past three days. If we don't eat meat, our physical functions will decline and we will get sick."

Seeing that Zhang Zijing seemed to be controlling her appetite, Ye Yuwei reminded her.

A sweet smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Zijing's mouth, and he began to eat.

Li Shihan, who is very kind, is still helping everyone make dumplings.

The girls who ate about the same amount felt unspeakably satisfied.

We started talking about today's performance and promotion.

The mood suddenly became low again.

Everyone knows that today's performance is not good, and they feel very regretful in their hearts.

"We won't talk about the game today, let's have a good meal of dumplings."

"it is good"

The girls answered weakly.

"There is a better link, who do you miss?"

"If I miss my family, I will call your family."

Everyone was taken aback by Uncle Bo's words, and then they were pleasantly surprised. Could it be that his family members were also invited to the show.

"Ah! Is our family here too?"

"Who is here?"

"My parents probably won't come, they don't like my business at all."

"Mine too, I almost didn't make it when I was in art school."

Lu Fangxin stopped her chopsticks and watched excitedly. She didn't know what her parents would do to her seeing her like this.

"Yinghan, if my parents want to beat me later, please stop me."


"I ran out with Miss Ye Zi secretly."

When Lu Fangxin told the truth at this time, Chen Yinghan couldn't help but widen her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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