Chapter 328 Actual Purpose
Program group

Yang Xiaoyue naturally knew about this drastic change in the fan circle.

She herself was so annoyed that she almost dropped the cup.

In fact, whether these young ladies can make their debut is the result of negotiations with Penguin.

Playing and betting data is also an important reference, and it also depends on your actual popularity.

If you can’t vote, and you don’t have actual popularity, then unless your company can come up with the conditions that make Penguin’s heart beat, it will protect you.

But what kind of conditions can impress a company like Penguin?

Chen Yinghan's company has made it clear that they only need to enter the top 22 finals.

But now there is a major change, if Ye Lu and his family fight desperately, Chen Yinghan will definitely have a great hope of entering the debut position.

The program team was already suppressing the votes of Lu Ye's family. If they were suppressing Chen Yinghan's votes, it might cause great trouble.

"Xiaoyue, what do the Ye and Lu families mean?" Sun Miao was also puzzled by this.

"They are threatening us." Yang Xiaoyue's face was gloomy.

"Threat?" Sun Miao was a little puzzled.

"That's right. This time, we made Wang Na second in the vote and angered these two."

"If we continue to overwhelm these two votes, they will retaliate and vote for one of them."

"This person will directly break the balance of the current ranking."

"So the plan we originally negotiated will change."

Yang Xiaoyue frowned and explained that she felt a turbid air pressing down on her chest.

"So what, let's just keep making tickets." Sun Miao didn't take it seriously.

"If you vote again, there will be serious consequences. Will anyone vote for the contestants of this show next season? Will anyone watch it?" Yang Xiaoyue's words startled Sun Miao.

"What if they suddenly voted for Wang Na on the night of the finals?"

Yang Xiaoyue's words made Sun Miao immediately realize the seriousness of the problem.

If there are more Wang Na in the debut girl group, the group will be completely ruined.

The attitude of the program sponsors has already explained everything.

They would never sponsor a group with a different kind of woman like Wang Na.

After all, sponsors are just businessmen, and the girl group is an entertainment product after all.

"Their family will really do this?" Sun Miao still couldn't believe it.

"There is a high probability that they will. Since their cooking can't be treated fairly, they will be destroyed directly." Yang Xiaoyue felt that her guess was correct.

In essence, the fans of the Ye Lu family are not in the fan circle at all.

Their thinking must use the logic of normal people to infer.

Not long after the Ye Lu family released the announcement, Wang Na's family, whose data had soared on the voting list, suddenly collapsed.

But after more than an hour, all kinds of black material about Gao Ziyi and Wang Na suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Wang Na's biggest scandal is that she is the only person on the show who actually tramples on other people's superiors and eats human blood steamed buns, and that person is Lu Fangxin.

Relying on this kind of pulling and stepping, he won the second ranking.

In fact, fans of other families are happy to see Wang Nala stepping on Lu Fangxin, but Wang Na's second place moved everyone's cake.

The people who had deliberately voted for Wang Na in order to deliberately anger Lu Fangxin's family immediately turned around and began to follow the black Wang Na, especially the male fans, whose dislike for her had reached the extreme.

Gao Ziyi was involved.

The program team has been keenly aware that her use value is over.

The most important thing is that she doesn't have many people to vote for her. After two performances, her high position is entirely the result of the program group's votes.

Even if this is the case, her actual betting amount is very low.

Although there is a certain degree of enthusiasm, there is no way to convert it into income.

After Wang Na was sacrificed by the program group, she was also sacrificed by the way.

Ever since, her black material was exposed by the whole Internet.

Especially throwing Yang Ni's hand, snatching Qiqi's speaking time.

At the same time, Qiqi was also attacked by Duan Yuxin's fans.

This is even more fuel to the fire, because Duan Yuxin is a recognized royal family.

Her fans actually attacked Qiqi's singing as mediocre.

But soon, Duan Yuxin's few fans withdrew the offensive post.

At the same time, those fans also disappeared.

But in the eyes of Qiqi's fans, this is actually because the show crew doesn't like them.

The humiliation of being deprived of the big C position and being robbed of speaking all broke out in Sangong.

The number of fans of Qiqi is actually very large.

It's just that these people are mainly in the Two-dimensional circle, and are not very interested in seeing girl groups.

But it doesn't mean that they won't cast votes, criticize and retaliate against themselves.

What happened to the program group this time also made fans of other families feel unfair.

Almost all fans began to sympathize with Qiqi and criticized the program group.

Gao Ziyi became the target of fire.

Another major event happened during this period, that is, Jiang Mengqi, who was very popular in the show, was exposed to scandal.

Her slanderous materials are amazing, and someone actually slandered her as a small subject, and said that there was something wrong with her tattoo.

At the same time, she was also accused of having an unusual relationship with Yang Ni, as she was a younger sister in school.

All these black materials have some supporting evidence such as photos and previous Weibo.

But soon, Jiang Mengqi's company came out to refute the rumors.

The most important thing is that Jiang Mengqi made the right decision in her life, that is, to wash off that controversial tattoo when participating in the show.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell who did it.

Xiao Du, with bloodshot eyes, couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief as he watched the online public opinion flip.

"Xiao Du, I didn't expect the program team to abandon Wang Na so soon, and that Gao Ziyi." Mu Yunchu, who was wearing embroidered pajamas, offered her a glass of whiskey.

"This show is not just finished once. The second season and the follow-up operation are all things Penguin needs to consider. What they need in the end is an excellent girl who can attract people."

Xiao Du borrowed the wine glass and drank the spicy wine in one gulp.

Mu Yunchu gave him another cup, and at the same time sent himself over to snuggle up in Xiao Du's arms.

"There are also those companies that let their players debut for future benefits. Once they debut, they can seize resources and directly profit. It is much better than picking their feet at home."

"There is still a final battle, we must persevere, and Ye Zi must debut at a high position."

"Xiao Du, your health is getting worse and worse. Take a break these few days and leave the matter to me."

Xiao Du looked at the beauty in his arms, and thought for a while: "Okay, I've been too tired for a while."

Mu Yunchu lightly stroked Xiao Du's hand, and said unwillingly: "This time it's considered cheap for Chen Yinghan, we gave her more than 30 for nothing."

"This money is unavoidable, but fortunately, Lu Fangxin's support club can understand what's going on here, otherwise it would be hard for us to fight alone." Xiao Du laughed.

"I heard that Xinghe is gathering again, and they want to fight for Lu Bingbing's debut." Mu Yunchu's face showed a worried look.

But Xiao Du sneered: "The galaxy is just a mess, the general election has reached the most critical moment, where did they get the money to fight for Lu Bingbing's Dao position, saying that Lu Bingbing has no fans at all, it's better than that Gao Ziyi."

"Xiao Du, who do you think will replace Gao Ziyi? Li Shihan, Chen Yinghan, Liu Feiyu?"

"I can't say that well, but I think Jiang Mengqi's chances are higher."

"Jiang Mengqi?"

"Yes, don't forget the company behind them. If Gao Ziyi was able to enter the finals because of the funny people setting up a program group to bring traffic, then why should Jiang Mengqi?"

Xiao Du's words made Mu Yunchu fall into thinking.

"Although Jiang Mengqi is cute and dances well, she doesn't have a lot of traffic. There is no other explanation for her ability to make it to the 22-person finals except that the program team deliberately did it."

Xiao Du went on to say this: "And her black material didn't go viral sooner or later, so why did it come out when Gao Ziyi was hacked by the whole Internet?"

Mu Yunchu followed up and said: "Being able to enter the final circle means that their company may have reached an agreement with Penguin. Jiang Mengqi's hacking can only be a choice."

"Yes, this can only be inferred, but Jiang Mengqi's ranking after three performances is not high, and it may not be so easy to enter the debut position in the last battle."

Xiao Du and Mu Yunchu were discussing these times.

Various companies are actually doing final negotiations with Penguin.

(End of this chapter)

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