"Xiaoman, are you alright?" Meng Meixuan's expression seemed calm, but the tight grip on the other's hand already showed her state of mind.

"Fortunately, it's just that you can't do live broadcasts during this time, you seem to have lost weight." Lu Xiaoman also spoke softly, but his eyes were also extremely excited.

Lu Fangxin and Chen Yinghan were happily chatting with Liu Nian.

The three of them also wept with joy, and Liu Nian dragged them along and chattered non-stop.

The twins also ran over, more and more people in the small circle, and everyone became happy again.

Liu Nian is more confident than them about whether the two can make their debut.

"Yang Ni, are you okay?" Wang Miaomiao's face was full of envy and frustration.

"It must be fine! We are the only seedling in our group, and we will definitely be able to debut." Yu Xiaohong was still so forthright.

Yang Ni smiled reluctantly, she didn't think she would make her debut.

Like Lai Ruohong, she never walked the flowery road once.

Fu Xiaoyu and Qiang Yueting were also extremely happy, they chatted non-stop around their teammates.

Meng Meixuan and Wu Zixuan were also surrounded by people.

Only Ye Yuwei was a bit lonely here, she didn't have many friends, and her good friend Zhang Zijing was also taken away by her former teammate.

"Everyone calm down, calm down."

"We need a rehearsal now and we're going to play tomorrow."

Yang Xiaoyue shouted anxiously with the loudspeaker in hand.

She didn't feel like she should have called the girls back the day before the game.

Make it a day in advance.

But she is also afraid that these people will affect the emotions of 22 people.

This group cover song is her idea, and her hand is called memory killing.

This script has reached its final chapter.

Penguin wrote one third, the students wrote one third, the audience (fans) finished the last third, and tomorrow is the finale.

But the girls whose emotions had spread didn't listen to her.

After three months of high-pressure competition and training, the girls' patience has reached the limit.

It's not that they don't want to obey the command of the program group, but they just can't adjust their emotions.

They all have the urge to fight wildly.

Yang Xiaoyue wanted to shout again, but was stopped by Sun Miao.

"Let them calm down! The springs must not be too tight."

Yang Xiaoyue thought for a while and put down the horn in her hand.

"Tell the kitchen to have a sumptuous dinner." Yang Xiaoyue said to the field manager.

The joyful atmosphere spread throughout the group, and many staff members were also infected.

Many of them are fans of this group of girls.

Although they themselves were the ones who participated in the recording, they were also infected by these girls outside the bureau, and some of them couldn't even extricate themselves.

The program team has already fired four or five staff members who had obvious illegitimate tendencies.

The tutors are also almost helpless.

They stayed with these girls for more than three months.

At the beginning, everyone actually came here holding an announcement.

Unexpectedly, I integrated my true feelings into the program.

To be precise, it is integrated into these girls.

Every time someone is eliminated, they will also be sad.

Every time someone advances, they will also be happy.

In the past few days, they have almost spent their time directing these girls on stage.

It was great to see so many people returning today.

A group of girls had walked over to meet them.

Everyone had a warm and relaxing night.

Compared with them, fans almost stayed up all night.

Big fans like Li Ke and Xiao Du still need to organize everything.

The most important thing is to shoot and shoot, and anti-triads are no longer done.

Because of the shortage of manpower, all the support clubs of students who want to debut have gone crazy.

Money is no longer money in their eyes.

What they worry about is how to spend the money.

Almost all big fans did not participate in this last big battle.

At the scene, after receiving a 2-hour ticket and queuing for two hours.

More than 3 fans at the scene entered the studio.

The layout of the entire studio is extremely luxurious, with high-altitude LED large screens.

On the grand and grand stage, on the roof of the canopy, there are all kinds of dance lights like stars.

Amidst the majestic music, today's host, Uncle Bo, came up.

He looked very handsome in a casual suit.

In addition, there is also a hostess from another big station, Miss Gao.

Fans felt extremely sorry, they knew that Uncle Bo was chosen because he was the actor and had greater influence, but they liked Long Zitao more.

After all, Long Zitao is the mentor who accompanied these girls on their journey.

At this time, Long Zitao, who was standing in the background, also had mixed feelings. He looked at the girl next to him who was still touching up her makeup, arranging the microphone and costumes.

The fate of these people will be changed tonight, and they are the creators of it.

He looked at Ye Yuwei, this girl stood there tall and straight at all times, maintaining her image very well.

"Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Bo, a new director trainee." Uncle Bo said this because he is now working behind the scenes and as a director.

"Hi everyone, I'm Miss Gao from a beautiful island." said Miss Gao, who was dressed in a black evening dress and had a noble temperament like a swan.

All kinds of lights are lit up on the whole stage, creating a passionate atmosphere.

"Today, we're going to witness the moment when the celestial puppet girls form a group!" Uncle Bo said.

"Yes, I was very touched, but also very nervous." Ms. Gao is worthy of being a professional host, with both voice and emotion.

Uncle Bo looked at the audience: "Today, not only fans but also representatives of their management companies, as well as our colleagues in the industry are here."

The camera moved, and the audience watching the live broadcast saw a group of older men and women sitting on the right side of the stage higher than the fans. Shou Shou was also sitting there, with a nervous expression on his face.

"Now, let's invite our celestial girl." Sister Gao said loudly.

The fans immediately let out deafening shouts, and everyone was shouting the name of their favorite young lady.

This time it was still accompanied by a live band, and the camera deliberately showed the trumpeter.

Under normal circumstances, the army's charge is a trumpet to blow the signal.

So the significance of this lens is self-evident.

Then there is the sound of Western-style waist drums.

Everyone instantly felt that they had come to the campus sports meeting.

Isn't this opening the music played when the athletes come on stage?
Soon, girls came out of the LED waiting area with rainbow glass panels.

The emotions of all fans were instantly mobilized.

"Oh my god! Wang Miaomiao, Lin Jiayi..."

"All the participating students have returned."

This scene moved everyone inexplicably, seeing these girls again really felt like a dream.

The same goes for the girls on the field, who also feel like they are in a dream.

They really hope that their youth will be fixed here forever, and they will not grow old or decline.

The prelude to the theme song of the Tiandou show was played.

This theme is already the most popular music of the moment.

It is passed around by people in various circles.

Fans originally saw the recorded version, but this time, they saw the live version.

The camera quickly passed over the heads of these girls.

Fans feel that their eyes are not enough.

I want to see both the close-ups that appear on the big screen and the overall dance on the stage.

Many people couldn't help but jumped up.

On the stage, neon lights hit the girl in a pink dress.

They are youthful, beautiful as flowers, and their eyes are shining.

In the center of the stage, the 22 girls who participated in the finals had the most shots.

Their eyes are also the most confident.

As the music fell, the fans began to shout the name of their favorite girl frantically.

"Thank you, Tiandou girls, you are the best." Sister Gao walked onto the stage.

"They are simply amazing, everyone has the word dream written on their faces." Uncle Bo also came up.

These girls began to exit one after another, and some of them seemed to wake up from a dream, with melancholy in their eyes.

On the left side of the stage, the program crew also prepared seats for them.

Although they can't participate in the finals, letting them be in it can be regarded as a kind of compensation for their dreams!

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