Chapter 80 All Admission
The sound of the big screen sounded again.

Now the entry is: "Three sun girl groups of long-legged culture."

The girls present cheered and shouted enthusiastically.

This girl group is very legendary. The members are three amateur high school students. After posting a video on the Internet, it suddenly became popular. It is a real girl group with a certain popularity in domestic entertainment.

This also made these girls look forward to them, but after these three people entered the arena, the audience could hear the needle drop.

All the people were stunned, and there was only one thought in their minds: this fucking meow can also be popular.

The three people who came in couldn't be said to be ordinary, but ugly, and they couldn't compare with this group of beautiful girls.

The most unbelievable thing is that they don't even have makeup.

All the girls have a thought in their mind: "This is for gaining a position, or they are blindly confident in their own appearance."

The three girls, the Three Suns, were also extremely embarrassed. The cheers just now made them feel elated, but now they are frustrated and resentful.

The company of three people is actually not a big company, and the resources are very abused.

Their popularity is entirely based on their own luck.

They lowered their heads and walked up to the seating area without saying a word.

Yang Xiaoyue, who was watching from behind the camera, had a smile on her lips.

This kind of contrast is simply what recording programs can and cannot ask for.

At the same time, this is also a good "hot search" topic.

It can cause the opponent's fans and the show to tear apart.

In fact, before the three girls went on stage, they jokingly asked the assistant director of the music show if he could do without makeup.

The assistant director also jokingly said yes, but unexpectedly these three really showed up without makeup.

Since they were so "willing" to contribute topics to the program group, Yang Xiaoyue accepted them all.

When the three of them lowered their heads awkwardly and angrily walked towards the selected seats.

Guo Xia stood up suddenly: "Hello, I've seen your MV for a long time, it's great."

The three girls were stunned for a moment, unable to understand why the other party was so enthusiastic about them.

However, this also relieved their mood, and the smiles appeared on the faces of the three of them again.

Seeing the captain stand up and say hello, the other girls in Flying Dream also got up and said hello.

They were a little puzzled, the captain was usually quite aloof, why did he pay attention to these ugly girls now.

In fact, Guo Xia felt the same for Huan Jing just now, because she was very strange, so she was ridiculed a lot.

However, he gained a foothold in the group with his excellent dancing skills, and because he was a serious undergraduate college student, he was later elected as the team leader.

That's why she took the initiative to get up to resolve the embarrassment of the three girls.

Next, there is a graduate of the Beacon State Berkeley Conservatory of Music: Ge Xiaohui

Followed by: Brother Friendship, a solo trainee from the two major studios of Starlight and Phantom.

One is Qi Ziyue and the other is Li Zimeng

These two people can be said to be radiant when they come out.

For these girls, these big production companies have a kind of natural envy and awe.In the bottom of my heart, I regard being an actor as my highest goal in life.

So everyone looked envious, and Lu Fangxin's eyes widened in shock.

She has seen many movies produced by these two companies, and this time she saw "live" actors.

I feel that I really didn't come to the big city for nothing.

To be able to meet celebrities, participate in girl groups, and perform on such a big stage.

The circumstances of his life are so bizarre that he could write a novel.

Then: Lu Xiaoxue from Huangtao Entertainment also came out.

Huangtao Entertainment is a company under Huaxia's famous toilet table, so Yang Xiaoyue asked the cameraman to take a close-up of Lu Jintong directly.

When Jiang Mengqi, Lai Ruohong and others saw Lu Xiaoxue, they were all wary.

Because they are following the same path and style, and they are all cute.

The debut girl group members must have this style, but it doesn't matter who it is.

Looking at the footage of today's scene, it is clear that Penguin attaches great importance to this girl.

And the company behind this girl is also very hard.

Then: Trainees from Noisy Live, Xiaocao Culture, and Xijing Media all came out, all solo trainees, named Zhang Jiarui, Lu Xiaoman, and Wang Qingyu
After that, Lin Jingru, an artist from CY Company from Baodao Province, came up.

Immediately her resume appeared on the big screen, as well as a talent show,

This daughter was originally a member of the Baodao girl group "Sister Gardener", and joined the current company directly after the girl group disbanded.

She is already a mature artist, and she is not young.

The girls present sighed enviously again.

Many of them are. After participating in this program, they don't know if there will be another announcement, but Lin Jingru must have one.

Then, a personal trainee without any company came out: Luo Fengwu

The girls immediately became interested in this girl's identity.

Because it's hard to imagine that no company can participate in this show, even if the show is not well-known now, but if you want to come, you must have a certain background.

Luo Fengwu waved to everyone very naturally.

She majored in editing and directing as an undergraduate, but she was actually Yang Xiaoyue's apprentice.

She is very beautiful, not inferior to any star. In order to control the movements of the participating girls, Yang Xiaoyue arranged her to be a trainee.

Then, Feng Aoxiang Culture, it turned out to be a little girl in school uniform.

Her name is Duan Yuxin, she has a round, simple face, slightly dark skin, and looks very healthy. She was originally an Internet celebrity, but her original company felt that her voice was very good, so she helped push it for a while.

Some of these girls like to play "vibrato", and some have seen her.

She was also specially invited by Yang Xiaoyue, who liked her natural voice and simple background.

When she walked to the seating area, there were not many seats to choose from.

In fact, she didn't care too much about the number of seats. She already felt extremely lucky to be able to participate in such a large-scale program this time.

So, when the handsome blond girl Yang Ni invited her to sit beside her, she sat down without thinking much.

To her surprise, the other party put an arm around her shoulders.

Immediately, a red cloud flew over his cheeks, his heart pounded wildly, feeling inexplicably shy.

In fact, Yang Ni also invited other girls to sit next to her, but these girls were afraid that she was a real "old iron", so they didn't dare.

Of course, there are also some who like old irons, but now that there are so many cameras shooting, it's hard to show it.

Lin Jiayi, who was sitting obliquely above Yang Ni, had a playful smile on her face.

Then, the individual trainees of Joy Culture and Shuangjiao Entertainment came out.

Among them, Joy Culture: As soon as Chen Yinghan came out, the audience burst into admiration.

"My God! It's so beautiful."

"The temperament is very ladylike, and she is very ladylike."

"It's really beautiful, those eyes are like a bay of clear springs."

Everyone was amazed at Chen Yinghan's beauty. Wearing a British school uniform and a bowler hat, she waved to everyone.

After Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin saw this girl, they couldn't help being taken aback. Didn't they meet at the train station that day? It's really a fate!

Chen Yinghan found a seat at random, and sat down quietly.

She also saw Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin, and she was very impressed with these people.

Because they can be said to be stunning in the world, I didn't expect to meet them here.

Now I happen to be with that Lu Fangxin again, who seems to be looking at her curiously.

She has seen this kind of gaze a lot.

So still maintain an elegant sitting posture, looking at the stage below without squinting.

After seeing the other party's profile, Lu Fangxin couldn't help but take a sneak peek.

At this time, Chen Yinghan couldn't turn a blind eye to it anymore, she tilted her head slightly and smiled.

Suddenly, Lu Fangxin felt that her whole world lit up.

The trainee of Double Pride Culture is Jiao Jinglan, whose mother is a well-known old star.

The young people in Huaxia have a deep impression and affection for her, and all of them are looking forward to the beauty of this big star's daughter.

As a result, when Jiao Jinglan came out, everyone showed disappointed expressions.

Obviously, she did not inherit the advantages of her mother, and some people even had a few words in their hearts: "This appearance ruined my childhood."

Fortunately, as soon as Jiao Jinglan came up, she warmly greeted everyone and shook hands with the people around her. She was very humble and kind, without any pretensions of a big star's daughter.This won her the favor of many people.

(End of this chapter)

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