I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 101 The Lieutenant's Young Carp [Thanks to the leader: You are my despicable]

Chapter 101 The Lieutenant's Young Carp [Thanks to the leader: You are my despicable]

What is "solitary happiness"?It is the spinning top of later generations.

The origin of the spinning top is very early. Although there are different opinions about the place of origin, the spinning top unearthed from the Hemudu site in Zhejiang is definitely the earliest object that can be traced back in human civilization!

Unfortunately, due to wars, natural disasters and other reasons, few written records about this object survive.In the Jin Dynasty where Wang Ge lived, it was called "Dule"; in the records of Tang Dynasty, it was called "Yuanzhuanzhiqi"; in Song Dynasty, it was called "Qianqianche";

In other words, the written records of the name "gyro" first appeared in the Ming Dynasty.

After Wang Ge cut out the inverted cone pattern of "Du Le", he took a look at the three small fish. The color was strange, but he didn't know how it tasted?And look at the thief standing on one leg, looking a bit silly... Bai He, don't you think it's too perfunctory for me to just cut a cone?
Forget it, let's carve some patterns.

She first drew a white crane on a plane about the size of a copper coin on the top of Dule.The connection between the neck and the body of the crane is the center of the plane, and the shaft will be wedged from here later.After confirming the pattern, she moved the candle to the nearest one, and then she would bake her face and start carving.

In the previous life, wood carving skills were included in the second batch of intangible cultural heritage.Wang Nanxing's lineage inherits relief sculpture, openwork carving and hollow carving.

One thing needs to be explained, although relief and openwork techniques have appeared since the Neolithic Age, there was no such thing as "relief sculpture" in ancient times.In Li Jie's architectural work "Zao Fa Shi" in the Song Dynasty, there are records of carving terms such as "the ground is concealed, the ground is protruding, and the ground is protruding".The first two refer to relief, and the latter refers to openwork.

When Wang Ge first cut the knife, he really wanted to carve a little crane shape. If he was busy, he should not be able to delay his dinner.Tonight is New Year's Eve, even if she is the only schoolboy left in the abbot, there will definitely be good food.

But after carving a few knives, she forgot about delicious food and concentrated on carving.Carve a few times, blow the sawdust a few times, and cycle again and again.She seems to have turned back to Wang Nanxing, or her past and present lives have overlapped, and she just lives in an old house.

After a while, due to her extreme concentration, she no longer remembered to move the sawdust to the side. Fortunately, she blew downwards, and not much flew into the candle oil.

Chi Xiao was about to fall asleep, but was woken up by the sound of firecrackers in the distance, but fortunately, it was far away, so it didn't scare it.Its hearing is good, and after the sound of firecrackers disappeared, it heard the slight sound of wood carving.Every little tickling made its little heart itch, ticking, tickling, so itchy, so comfortable, so comfortable, just like the owner felt when touching its little head.

But it doesn't know that its master Xie Youru is furious at this moment!
The three young carps he carefully raised in clay pots disappeared!These three juvenile carps are the best of the carp, and they are spiritual. They have become quite sensible after only a few days of raising them. When they see him coming, they will wag their tails and gather around them.

Who dares to take it without telling him?Who dares to enter his inner room privately?
Only that naughty boy!

Xie Youru ordered: "Xiangmu, quickly call Xie Ju!"

You naughty boy!People in the capital city were rumored to smoke rats in the house, regardless of whether it was true or not, but more and more people spread the rumors, and some people questioned Xie Ju's name as a prodigy, and what's more, said Xie Ju was a fool.The Xie family had no choice but to order the son to leave the capital and take refuge in Nanshan Guanshu in Kuaiji County for the time being.

Unexpectedly, he still refuses to accept discipline!Do you still want to lose your face at Nanshan?Don't you know that once your reputation is trampled, it will be difficult to make up for it with ten times of effort in the future?

Xie Juzheng felt very bored with the Tibetan drama during the banquet, and it happened that his father sent a child laborer to call him, and he was quite happy in his heart.

Walking along the road, hearing the sound of firecrackers and seeing the shining lights, gradually, the childlike innocence that was deliberately suppressed was inspired by the New Year's Eve.Passing by a red carp lantern, it looks much better than the ordinary carp lantern in front of Wang Ge’s house. Xie Ju stretched out his hand, making the bright scales of the lantern reflected in the palm of his hand. He grasped it stubbornly, thinking that he was holding the red carp lantern, and didn’t want to let it go again. .

He wants to give this scarlet color to Wang Ge.

Because he stopped silently, Akiki realized it after walking two feet away, hurried back, and gently urged: "Mr. Zhonglang, don't play any more, the county captain is waiting for you."

Xie Ju was taken aback, and said "OK".

It's just that during this walk, he no longer saw joy on his face.Aoki dared to urge him, so it can be seen that when my father sent the other party over, he must have been too lazy to save face for his son in front of the servants.

New Year's Eve, what happened?Why is Father like this?
As soon as Xie Ju arrived, Xie Youru first ordered Ximu to close the door and leave, and then asked: "What are you holding in your hand?"

"Go back to Father, it's nothing."

"Then open your hand."

Xie Ju bowed his head and did not move.

"I tell you to open your palm!"

"Father, can you tell the child first what you are looking for? Or no matter what is lost, the father will first believe that the child stole it."

Xie Youru heard the sadness of the second son, thought that Ah Ju was weak, and today was New Year's Eve, so he held back his anger for a while and said: "I keep three young carps in my house, as you know, my father usually has two hobbies, raising cranes. , raising fish. But now the fish are gone, you are the only one in my house who can come in and out as you like, if you like young carp, it’s okay for my father to give it to you, but you have to tell my father, let alone be like a smoky mouse..."

When Xie Ju heard the word "smoked rat", his body stiffened to the point of pain.He still lowered his head, and he didn't wait for Father to speak before replying: "I did come here today, but I didn't steal any fish."

"I didn't say you stole!"

"Taking without telling is stealing. Whether the father says it or not, it has already judged the child's morality."

"Are you still reasonable? If you are not guilty, why don't you dare to spread your palms..."

Xie Ju spread out his hands and said: "When I came here just now, I saw the beautiful lights and thought I could catch them. Father, I don't have anything in my hands, do you believe me?"

Xie Youru's teeth itched in anger, if it were the eldest son, he would have buckled the pot and beat him twice, but this naughty son broke his heart and made his liver hurt!Every time I teach a lesson, I always contradict again and again. If I let go, wouldn't everything be clear?

"Father, I want to go back to the monastery. Go back now."

Xie Youru's hands were trembling with anger, he picked up the clay basin, deliberately wiped the naughty child, threw it out of the door, and shouted: "Come on! Send Xiaolang-jun back to the abode! He will not be allowed to come back if he half regrets it!"

There was a knock on the door of Wang Ge's house, but unexpectedly, the child servant brought over the dinner, which was still hot.There are meat soup, meat sauce, and a wheat flour steamed bun.In this era, steamed buns are also called steamed cakes. Their shape is the same as steamed buns in later generations, and there are steamed cross patterns. After biting open, there is a mixture of vegetables and meat inside.

Chi Xiao looked at Wang Ge, and then at the three young carps on the ground.

Wang Ge was amused by its greedy look, pointed at the little fish and said, "Eat it."

Chi Xiao still looked at her, looked at the fish, looked at her, looked at the fish... After struggling for an unknown number of rounds, he swallowed the smallest one.

When one person and one crane became close, Xie Ju was being carried by a strong servant, trekking through the night to return to the monastery.

Jiashe Village, north of the village.

Wei Shi was gagged, tied to the bullock cart, led by Ren Suzhi, escorted the woman to the township, and took Jia Qin's body away.Tomorrow, all will be escorted to the county government by the township officials.

Huan Zhen saluted, and watched Ren Suzhi, Cheng Shuang and others go away.

Tie Lei jumped coldly, and asked: "It's New Year's Eve. Huan Lang, can you make do with the night in this room?"

"Where the wicked woman Zhuzi lives, you dare to call Huan Lang to live there!" Tie Feng reprimanded his brother.

Huan Zhen smiled and said, "I haven't seen my younger brother Yun for a long time. Let's go to Wang's house."

The three of them were not in a hurry, they led the horse and walked slowly.Although there is no night ban on New Year's Eve, the farmers are very careful and only light firecrackers on the widest road, and throw them into it while burning.Children danced around the firecrackers and sang nursery rhymes, and the elderly laughed and laughed loudly.

At this time, there was no one else around, and it was confirmed that the sound of firecrackers could completely cover up the nearby conversations, so Tie Feng dared to ask: "Huan Lang, the case... is closed?"

 In the "Scenery of the Imperial Capital" written by Liu Tong and Yu Yi in the Ming Dynasty, it is recorded: Yang Liuer works and spins a spinning top.The willows are green, let the bell go.Yang Liuer dies, kick the shuttlecock.

  New Year's Eve: "New Year's Eve" first appeared in "Feng Tu Ji" written by Zhou Chu in the Western Jin Dynasty: on New Year's Eve, each phase gives gifts, which is called "feeding the year".

  The play of Tibetan 彄 (kōu): also called Tibetan hook.A game often played before the ancient age, one hand hides a hook, and the other guesses the number.

(End of this chapter)

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