Chapter 18

Why Wang Tian was beaten, we have to start with the three teenagers entering the county.

Huan Zhen took him and Wen Shizhi to visit the clan uncle who had just taken office, and asked for a re-investigation of Meng's death on the grounds of learning to investigate cases.Unexpectedly, County Magistrate Huan had almost completed the investigation into the murder case of County Magistrate Jiang's family.

Two murders, only one murderer!It was Jiang Cheng, the eldest son of County Magistrate Jiang!
It turned out that the woman, Chang's family, was not the concubine of Jiang County Magistrate at all, but Jiang Cheng's.

Meng Shi inquired about Chang Shi's residence and took people to arrest her husband. Unexpectedly, it was the eldest son who was caught.Since then, the Meng family threatened the eldest son several times, asking the eldest son to cut off the relationship with the Chang family and send the Chang family away.Otherwise, Mrs. Meng will personally deal with Mrs. Chang.

The Meng family never expected that the eldest son had been so fascinated by the Chang family that he planned to kill his mother!
After the tragic death of the Meng family, County Magistrate Jiang saw that something was wrong with the eldest son, and only after questioning him did he know what kind of animal he had raised!But this is his son, can he still kill Jiang Cheng?Not only can't he kill him, but he has to cover up his crime for this traitor!Regardless of his daughter's objections, Jiang county magistrate hastily buried his wife, sent all his servants to a remote farm, and even destroyed the ox cart in which his wife died.

However, Jiang County Magistrate's appeasement and nurturing of traitors turned Jiang Cheng into a real devil!In order to keep the outer room Chang's family, Jiang Cheng has already killed his mother, is he still missing his father?
So, he took advantage of his father's deep sleep and stabbed him in the heart, causing magistrate Jiang to be killed immediately.Then, he killed the last stumbling block, the younger sister Jiang E, who had been questioning the death of her mother, and buried her in the vegetable garden to create the illusion of Jiang E's absconding mystery.

At this point, he can wait for the dust to settle. After a few years, people will forget about the murder, and it will be logical for him to accept Chang as his concubine.

The reason why County Magistrate Huan investigated the two bloody cases similarly was because Jiangcheng hadn't found out the specific circumstances of the murder of his mother.But there's no point in holding on to the other side, at most three days, they will definitely confess.

The three of Huan Zhen were not willing to make a fuss, so they begged to be accompanied by jailers to interrogate Jiangcheng and close the case as soon as possible, so the three of them didn't come to Yi County in vain.

The county magistrate Huan was busy with administrative affairs and wanted to close the case as soon as possible, so he agreed.

Who knew that Huan Zhen went to prison, impatient with Jiang Cheng pretending to be crazy, and drew out his dagger to kill him alive!Huan Zhen's nickname is worthy of being called "Yao Xu'er", he really dared to kill him, he would cut it if he said it, and he didn't even make a false move!

Even after Jiang Cheng got rid of all the bad things he had done in the past [-] years, Huan Zhen didn't stop.

The magistrate of Huan County was furious, beat his nephew, Wen Shizhi, and Wang Tian [-] sticks each, and sent their crimes to their elders immediately.

The Wen style is the most cowardly. When the criminal was cut alive, he fainted from fright, was woken up by a stick, and was knocked unconscious again.

Wang Tian was sent to his family's Qinghe Village, waiting for his father to send someone to pick him up.What awaits him is a more severe punishment.

In the early morning of the next day, more than [-] carpenters with ingenious skills in the carpenter category began to receive license plates and count the materials and tools used in the first exam.

In the afternoon, big drums were erected at the east, west, south and north entrances of the examination room.These four-faced drums are not called "Jihuagu" anymore, they are called "Better Drums".Every time a craftsman is eliminated, when he leaves the door, he picks up the drum hammer and hits it, implying that he admits that his skills are not as good as others.

From this moment on, the examination room was closed, and craftsmen were not allowed to visit.There are hundreds of people shuttled in the field, carrying materials such as bamboo stalks and wood.They were all dressed in the worst-quality burlap short brown. Regardless of men or women, their hair was untied or disheveled, and it was cut short and hung on the shoulders.Muxiang officials said that the more than a hundred toilers were all "lichen concubines", most of whom were committed by relatives for felony crimes, and they were sentenced to prison.

After the service period of Lichen and concubines expires, they become common people.But they are still different from ordinary people. The descendants of this kind of common people are not allowed to examine officials, nor can they examine craftsmen. There are only two ways out: farming and military service.

No more gossip.On the seventh day of the seventh day, the first exam officially began.

In Yinzheng, it was still dark, and a group of artisans from Wuzhi Township were brought by Muxiang officials to the south gate of the examination room, and entered slowly in a long line.All craftsmen are only allowed to carry bedding, and those who carry tools and fire will be deprived of the right to take a life-long examination on the spot.

Male craftsmen are searched by you, and female craftsmen are inspected by concubines.Fortunately, the craftsmen were very cautious and no one was found unqualified.

After successfully entering the arena, the Muxiang officials hurriedly arranged the examination positions one by one, and asked everyone to remove the tarpaulin covering the materials to check whether there were any missing materials.

The wooden township officials really worked hard, just going around the huge area like this.

The materials of Wang Ge are: bamboo and grass.Tools and auxiliary materials are: strip knife combination, saw, wooden hammer, bamboo ruler, twine, reed wadding.When Mu Xiangli came to her side, she hurriedly reported: "Complete."

After everyone reported, the Muxiang official loudly told: "Remember the exam rules! It starts at the beginning of the morning and ends at the beginning of the eleventh day. The exam lasts for five days. Try not to leave the venue early. Send the materials allocated to you. Use them all, at least to make a good impression on the examiners. Besides, don’t be affected by the sound of drums that are eliminated. Alright, I’ve been studying the art for several years, and I hope you can persevere until the end!”

As soon as he finished speaking, players from all directions began to shout: "Those who are not craftsmen leave the field! Those who are not craftsmen leave the field quickly!"

The wood town official left in a hurry.

"The exam begins!"

Zhang Qing's area was in front of Wang Ge. While moving the bamboo stalk, she observed what the other party did first.

Zhang Qing used the tarpaulin covered with the material to build a canopy.This is the experience that Mr. Zhao taught him. Now that the climate is hot and it is rainy season, even if it is not for rain, the canopy can also provide shade.

This is the benefit of having a teacher teach you.Wang Ge has counted, and also started to build a shed.First saw off four osmanthus bamboo stalks, sharpen the bottom of each cut, stand on the pile of cattail grass, and smash the bamboo stalks into the ground with a wooden hammer.Then twist the rope with twine, and tie the four corners of the oilcloth to the bamboo stalk.In this way, a simple tarpaulin shed is completed.

If you look at the entire examination room from above, craftsmen like Zhang Qing and Wang Ge account for at least two-thirds.

After Zhang Qing built the shed, he began to weave bamboo. It seems that his real craft is bamboo weaving, not straw weaving.

Seeing that the other party had no other preparations, Wang Ge stopped paying attention to Zhang Qing.

To create crafts with bamboo, one must first be familiar with the characteristics of various bamboo stalks, so as to distinguish what they are most suitable for.

Osmanthus bamboo: Because of the spots on the body of the bamboo, it is also called mottled bamboo.Their stalk walls are thick, heavy, high density, tough bamboo, suitable for scaffolding, farm tools, and furniture.

Compassionate Bamboo: Hsinchu is called Compassionate Bamboo because old bamboos grow in clusters, like mother and child.Their tips are curved and their walls are thin, and they are often used to weave living utensils.Two to three-year-old Cizhu can be stripped into fine bamboo threads and woven into very expensive handicrafts using bamboo needles and other tools.

In the past two months, Wang Ge has been using wild bamboo and sickles as bamboo knives to practice. No matter how she makes mats or baskets, what she wants to exercise, or awaken, is the basic skill of "splitting bamboo sticks".

She hasn't touched the special tools for bamboo weaving for many years, but luckily they are not much different from the ones used in her previous life.This is the benefit of traditional craftsmen. If you lack any tools, you can make them yourself as long as you have alternative materials.

In the first game, you must be sure.It is necessary to show the solid basic qualities of craftsmen, and also have innovations that can attract examiners.

One of her works is strips of osmanthus bamboo, weaving a combination of measuring vessels: bucket, sheng, he, and 龠.Measuring utensils are necessary tools for weighing grain in this era, from the imperial court and dignitaries to the poor and small households.To weave such items, one must accurately grasp its capacity; second, it must be strong and durable, and the inside of the container must be smooth and flat, and the grain must not be weighed completely and left behind when poured out.

 龠: sound yue, four tones.One 龠 is equal to half a heap; ten heals is equal to one liter.

  Thanks to all friends who gave rewards and monthly tickets: Yellow River Oujiang Taishan Yandang; Feng Xiao; Jian Shan Zhi; Mu.

  This is my second work, friends passing by, no matter old friends or new friends, please leave a lot of comments.grateful! !

(End of this chapter)

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