Chapter 211 The Criminal Su Jun
The county soldier looked serious: "It's all gone, let's go. I don't know which little craftsman? In fact, I really know... Hey, I can't say it! Why are you being targeted by gangsters?"

The rest of the county soldiers were gearing up: "He did it on purpose, beat him up."

The warriors quickly dispersed to avoid being accidentally injured.

Wang Tian knocked down Huan Zhen's arm: "Could the little craftsman be... Ang Eh?"

Huan Zhen understood that Ah Tian was vaguely expressing "Wang Ge", and was about to answer him when Yu Xi, a brave man, poked his head into the room between the two of them, asking as if he had heard the secret, "Ang? Is there anyone with this surname? Jiji? Shanyin County?"

Yu Shi and Huan Shi have always been on good terms, Huan Zhen poked the other's head back and said, "Don't you know that Carpenter Ang is so famous?"

At this time, the quota for the first shooting and hunting competition of the county martial arts competition came out, and only the eliminated ones were considered.Some people have already figured it out, and they will stay in the rest area after being eliminated, waiting for the follow-up competition.You can't come to Kuaiji Mountain in vain. If you fail, you can see more, accumulate experience, and prepare for another battle next year.

Tomorrow's assessment items will be announced accordingly: shoot arrows at Maochu time, set off at Chenchu ​​time, and enter the second mountain to prey.Each person has [-] arrows, and if they have hunted [-] mountain beasts, they can finish the battle on their own initiative.Everyone must return the day after tomorrow afternoon before applying for approval.

Starting from tonight's dinner, all the brave man's rations, including the meals carried during the subsequent games, will be replaced with today's prey.One prey can only be exchanged for one meatloaf.The daily redemption time starts with dinner and ends at the beginning of the day.

Elimination rules: The ferocity level and quantity of mountain beasts are the primary selection criteria. If the results are the same, the final elimination will be carried out based on the length of time.

In the end, the military military officer of the county army warned: "Every time you enter the mountain after that, there is a risk. Before the beginning of the Hai Dynasty, there are those who give up the game, come to me! Those who want to give up the game after missing today will be punished first, and then the identity of the country soldier will be abolished!"

In the rest area, the people who had been busy for a day have left one after another. They are all nearby farmers, and some have stayed. They have set up pottery stoves to sell cooking and barbecue.

In addition to the trilogy and servants brought by the brave man, there are also some people who are dealers who trade leather goods and riding gear.

Not to mention that the rest area is becoming more and more lively, but that among the people who left, there was a middle-aged man with a sad face. He couldn't hear what the military officer was lecturing in the examination area, so he didn't waste any more time.

The culprit who caused the exposure and death of Duo Zhiweng and Qi Duanren was a little craftsman, right?
No matter who she was or where she was hiding, he would find out and kill her.

Qi Short's death is not a pity, but Dazhiong saved him.After accepting this deal, no matter whether it is made or not, he "Kutu Langjun" will die, so let's repay the grace of saving his life before he dies.

The setting sun slowly sank on the mountain peak, blooming the last dazzling brilliance on the top of the mountain.

In the distant valley, the two hundred criminals were restless, feeling that something was wrong.

The number of pottery stoves has decreased, significantly less!
A middle-aged criminal asked the fellow criminals behind him: "You are right this morning. It seems that these soldiers don't intend to give us dinner. What do you mean when you say someone is coming from the north? Who wants to Come? Is it related to us?"

The flail swung, causing his neck to hurt unbearably, and without waiting for a sound from behind, he said angrily, "If I can get out of trouble, I will kill all the carpenters first, huh, huh...kill all the carpenters, kill all the carpenters." He was hungry and tired , shortness of breath.

He hated the craftsman who made this two-person shackle. After coming to the valley, his shoulder bones were pressed every day, as if they were growing backwards into his body.This taste is unbearable!
The gray-haired criminal behind seemed to be able to see through other people's minds, and said, "This kind of shackle was originally used to escort Hu Nu."

"I'm not Hu Nu!"

"Heh, beating and killing at will, even worse than livestock, how is it different from Hu Nu?"

"What nonsense? Talk about business."

The gray-haired criminal raised his eyelids slightly, and murderous intent burst out from the gaps in his disheveled hair.His tone was still the same as before, calm and unhurried: "These soldiers frequently look to the north. They are those who are expecting to take over us. What do you want to do after taking over? If you want to sell us as laborers, why did you bring us to the valley? Why? Don’t go to the slave market? Are we only allowed to come here without thinking about leaving? Then, what does this valley look like? Does it look like a pit? A pit where people are killed at will.”

The criminal next to him heard it and asked cautiously: "Is it impossible? We have 200 people."

"Well, it's more troublesome than killing two people. Hmph, hum, hum, hahaha!" the gray-haired criminal made no secret of his sarcasm.

County soldiers and country soldiers began to eat dinner.

The criminals shouted: "Give us food!"

"I want to drink water!"

"I want shit!"

The pawns simply ignored this useless commotion.

The group of people surrounding the gray-haired criminal was eerily quiet.

The silence will always be broken. "If it's true, sit and wait to die?"

"What can I do? I can't run anymore."

"How about finding a way to lure a county soldier over and work together to hold him as a hostage?"

"Work together? Someone must be timid then!"

"The military attache will not let so many of us go for a single county soldier."

"Then find a way to capture the military officer as a hostage."

"Dream, loosen your shackles, and give you a knife, you can't beat the military officer."

"Then what should we do? This won't work, that won't work, we can't really wait to die. Why don't you give us food tomorrow? We don't even have the strength to fight!"

The gray-haired criminal closed his eyes, as if he was asleep, and let the surrounding chatter, not participating at all.He didn't fall asleep, but thought about his miserable and unwilling life.His surname is Su, his name is Jun, and he is from Ye County, Changguang County. He was dismissed by the court as Xiaolian...Later, because of his outstanding talent and learning, the Changguang County Department recommended him as the master book... The court rejected it again, and the prefect was reprimanded.

From then on, he had no talent, and no one dared to use it.Later, he returned to the village, gave charity, took in the refugees, lowered the rent of the tenants, and hoped that his fame would spread far and wide... Ha, in the end, the court charged him with gathering refugees to cause chaos!

On the way of his life, there seemed to be a pair of vicious hands, always blocking his forging ahead, each time pinching his throat with precision, making him step into the prison step by step.Why, who did he offend?God is so unfair!
In this season, as soon as the sun sets, the sky gets dark quickly, and the cold air gushes out in all directions.

However, the rest area of ​​the county martial arts competition examination room was once again boiling with the screams of Yongfu who was defeated. "Amazing, terrific! I went to the craftsman's examination room and wondered what if some gangsters really showed up? I didn't expect that I was almost late, and the fight had already started!"

Boom... This brave man is surrounded.

"What? Say it quickly!"

"Hey? Squeeze gently, my shoes, who stepped on my shoes."

Huan Zhen kicked the shoe away calmly, and as soon as the brave man who couldn't find the shoe got out of the crowd, Huan Zhen forced a short A Tian into the gap.

In the center, the two brave men squatted down and let the interpreter brave man step on their legs, half behind the crowd, the interpreter brave man raised his voice and said: "Don't worry, let me speak quickly. The gangster took revenge from the worm, and when he came up, he held a Yougu hostage, and only waved his right fist, and it was difficult for the other Yougu to get close to him. In addition, he was worried about the hostages, so he did not dare to shoot arrows. One Yougu threw two lumps at the bandit. Shit, to break the deadlock, but this gangster's fist is so fierce that even the spear shaft was broken easily. You Yao, who stepped forward desperately, was smashed and vomited blood under almost all blows."

The brave man Sun Wu shouted angrily: "That's why he didn't meet me!"

The rest told Sun Wu not to brag.

Explaining the brave man: "This bandit is always pinching the hostage's vitals, constantly changing positions, making people afraid to throw spears at him. He are clearly waiting for me to enter the urn in advance, tell me, how do you know I will Come?"

The surrounding noise disappeared instantly, what do you mean?Is it because the craftsman's examination room knew that the bandit was going, so he just waited for the rabbit?

The explainer narrowed his eyes, and asked everyone in an inscrutable manner: "The examiner came out at this time. Guess what the examiner said?"

(End of this chapter)

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