Chapter 218 The Lamplighter

The county soldiers in front of the hut waved their spears at the tall and short country soldiers, telling them to bring the criminals into the house for questioning.

The short soldier said to the high soldier, "It's all right, I'll take him in alone."

"Okay." Gao Xiangbing was honest as usual, taking what others said.

The width of the gate of the hut is just enough to accommodate the width of the yoke.

There were no windows in the house, and only when light came in, the door was closed again.

Dark suddenly!

The attack was sudden!

First there was the sound of people struggling violently, followed by the crash of spears falling and shackles knocked to the ground.

Soon, these noises were gone.

"Huh." Someone blew.

Out of thin air, a ray of flame lit up the candle lamp on the desk.

Both the short town soldier and Su Jun were trampled on the ground by the county soldiers, and their foreheads were held up by daggers, no wonder they didn't dare to struggle.

Su Jun tilted his head slightly, and the dagger pierced his forehead. Fortunately, he had already seen the lamplighter.The other party looked old and imposing, with short gray and white stubble on half of his face.At this time, only the other party was sitting upright, and the five county soldiers were all standing, which showed that the other party's identity was indeed unusual.But on the way to the valley, and in the past few days in the valley, he observed carefully, and he was sure that he had never seen this lamplighter.

Poor Su Jun has been a criminal for too many years, and has never taken a photo of Shui Ying, so he doesn't even know what he looks like.

But the dwarf soldier knows!So when he saw clearly that the lamplighter had the same appearance as Su Jun, he instantly associated many thoughts, and the more he thought about it, the more fearful he became.

The soldiers from the two counties continued to use their daggers against the short soldiers and Su Jun, and two more came forward, tied their hands behind their backs, tied their legs tightly, and tied cloth strips around their mouths.The cloth strips were all tied with big knots, which happened to be placed in the mouths of Su Jun and the two of them. I don't know what kind of medicine they had been soaked in. Su Jun and the short soldier soon felt their mouths numb.

Is that all right?

How can I!The short town soldier screamed in pain, and his right arm was twisted and dislocated by the county soldier.

Su Jun's left wrist joint was the same. He was not afraid of this kind of pain, but frowned.

Immediately afterwards, the iron knife hidden in the sleeve of the short country soldier was taken away.

Only then did the lamplighter speak: "Zhang San, Shanyin County, Fangting, and Tingmin."

"Zhang San" is the name of the short soldier.

"A year ago, you, a family of seven, went to the Nuwa Temple. There was heavy rain on the road, and the ox cart rolled down the mountain. Only you survived. The rest of you fell into the rapids at the bottom of the mountain, leaving no bones."

Zhang San endured the pain in his arm and dared not make a sound.

Su Jun lowered his eyelids, and finally knew something was wrong.The voice of the lamplighter sounded so similar to him, and at this moment, seeing the white stubble that took up half of his face, Su Jun let out a smile.Before coming to the valley, the soldiers cut his beard short for no reason, so that's why.

Lamplighter, pretend to be him!

The lamplighter ignored Su Jun at all, still only looked at Zhang San, and asked, "Jing County is quite far away. After you separated from your family, you haven't communicated with them. How can you be sure that they are still alive?"

Zhang San was terrified, and instantly felt countless cool winds pouring into his scalp.His family was picked up by someone sent by his employer, and only the bullock cart fell to the bottom of the mountain.How did the other party know such a secret thing?

"On the [-]th of last month, criminals in Jing County slaughtered all the civilians, old and weak in the city under the order of county magistrate Jiang Yang. Your parents and youngest son were all killed that night."

"Woooooo!" Impossible!Zhang San's eyes were shattered, and he tried desperately to break free from the command of the county soldiers, but he couldn't.Impossible, impossible!He did such a dangerous thing for his employer and gave his whole family's life to surrender. What kind of beast is Jiang Yang? How dare he kill his family?
Lamplighter: "Don't worry, I know what you want to say. You want to are working for the ancestor governor, what is Jiang Yang? How could he have the guts to kill your family?"

Admit it, the most secret things have been exposed.Su Jun on the side closed his eyes.

Zhang San trembled and stared at the ground with a guilty conscience.No wonder they sealed their mouths with cloth strips. It turned out that there was no need for him to answer anything, and the other party had checked everything out.

"Jiang Yang is just as you think... Zushishi wants Su Jun, what is Zhang San? What is Zhang's family?" After finishing speaking, the lamplighter picked up the cloth towel folded on the case, got up, came over, and squatted next to Su Jun. face.There is a long needle pinned to the cloth towel, and the needle is covered with twine.

Su Jun couldn't calm down anymore, what did the other party want to do?
"woo woo woo woo!"

Amidst the horrible screams, Su Jun's eyes were pinched tightly by the lamplighter and his eyelids were stitched shut.

During this process, the county soldiers dragged Zhang San away, bringing his face close to Su Jun's.

Black threads, red blood, the sound of piercing flesh and threading, creepy.

The lamplighter sewed up one eye, then sewed up the other, and said, "He doesn't even know his own face. It's better to have eyes than to have no eyes. Don't worry, I'll sew you up after he's sewed up."

Zhang San gasped and stared at the boss.What's the meaning?Since he entered the hut, he has been interrogating him alone. Isn't it to save his life and use him to connect with the rebels?
"Woooo..." Su Jun's thumping suddenly intensified, and blood mixed with other colors flowed out from the slits of his eyes.His eyeball was pierced by a needle.

Zhang San drowned in fright.

After the lamplighter finished sewing, he wiped the blood on the cloth towel and sharpened the needle.With half of the line left, he gestured in front of Zhang San's mouth: "I know everything about you. What's the use of keeping you?"

Can live, who wants to die?Still tortured to death!Zhang San is eager to express his usefulness, he knows that there are internal agents among the criminals, he can help the lamplighter impersonate Su Jun more smoothly!He didn't give his life to Zu Cishi anymore, he gave his life to the lamplighter!
Outside the craftsman examination room.

There are more shopkeepers than yesterday.The sun was about to set, and nearby farmers closed their food stalls and prepared to go home.Jiang Youguo, who pretended to be a shopkeeper Feng, bought a wheat cake and sat down on the ground, facing the examination room.

"Hello!" Jiang You called to a shopkeeper who was leaning against a tree and looking into the examination room.

The shopkeeper, wearing a big flower on his head, came over carrying a load, and smiled in a rough voice: "What are you calling me for?"

Jiang Youyu tore half of the cake and handed it to the other party: "Take it, it's not easy to go out. This cake is hard to chew and swallow, I can eat half of it."

After the shopkeeper took the cake, Jiang Youguo stopped looking at him and continued to look at the examination room, sighing.

The shopkeeper sat down and asked, "Are you worried?"

"Haha, no. It's just choking."

"What do you think this is?" The shopkeeper took out a cloth bag from the basket and unwrapped it.

Jiang You's eyes straightened: "Meatloaf?"

"Yes. Don't think I'm stingy. If you weren't willing to give me half of the wheat cake, I wouldn't be willing to part with your meat pie. Take it, half for each person. Oh, take it!"

Jiang Youguo's eyes were red, and he said gratefully: "Then I, then I can eat it." He chewed, "Hey, the meatloaf just doesn't choke."

The shopkeeper also ate happily. The meat pie was left for too long, which also irritated his throat. He coughed several times. cough.

Jiang Youkuo handed over the bamboo pot, looked at the examination room and said sadly: "I regret coming to Kuaiji Mountain. I knew that the craftsmen had been taking exams in it, so I might as well collect some utensils in the county town. I am from Tuyi County, are you who?"

The shopkeeper's suspicion was dispelled by the other party's constant nagging. He took the bamboo pot and still carefully sniffed it before putting it in his mouth. The water was fine, but he didn't drink it anymore. "I am a native."

"The locals are good. I heard that the 'Muzhuli' in the city is full of carpentry workshops. Every night, just picking up scraps can be sold for a lot of money. Is this really a good thing?"

"Ah. That's it."

"Ah!" Jiang Youkuo covered his stomach, "I have to relieve myself, do you want to go together?"

The shopkeeper's face was very ugly.

Jiang Youkuo scratched his head in wonder, picked up the burden and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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