Chapter 221 Xie Yi's Deduction

With the character of "Su Jun", he would only provoke a few words when inspiring people's hearts, other than that, he would not speak for a day.

After the soldiers left, the terrified criminals gradually stopped being terrified and became silent.

Uncle Yuan Yan lowered his head, eyes closed.The calmer the person who just joined him, the more it shows... This person is likely to be an insider among the criminals.

Besides this one, are there any other internal responses?
Zu Yue has no generals under his command, so in order to show his sincerity in recruiting Su Jun, the person he sent to meet him must be the person Zu Yue trusts and is closest to.Could it be his nephew Zu Huan?
Don't be impatient, just pretend to be Su Jun, the secret will be revealed soon.

In the middle of the valley and the second mountain, "Dead Leaf" turned over, revealing an irritable and hostile face, and the person "Bah, Bah" twice, spitting out fishy grass roots.

The person next to him couldn't get on his stomach anymore, looked up to the sky, groped for the cloth bag, pinched a handful of wheat grains and put it in his mouth, almost choking: "It's so slow, I've already drunk two pots of water."

"Let's stay here every day, why don't we go to the front mountain and slaughter some little beasts."

The third "Dead Leaf Man" warned in a weary voice: "Don't mess around, do you know how many brave men there are in Qianshan?"

"Afraid? I can kill two with one hand."

"What if we meet five or six at the same time? They have bows, but we don't have anything."

These dead leaf people are either notorious bandits or thieves with bad records, and the people who hire them are not simple. Some claim to be from Danyang County, and some claim to be merchants from Wu County and Wuxing County.

However, the missions of the bandits are the same. Before coming to Kuaiji County, the bamboo cards given to them by their employers, except for their place of origin and name, are all true, as well as the bamboo cards themselves and the guarantor officials. The ability is very powerful.The bandits disguised themselves as ordinary people, or followed the caravans to Kuaiji Mountain. The booth officials along the way could not detect any flaws. To be on the safe side, their employers did not allow them to carry weapons, nor farm tools.

After a moment of silence, the third withered leaf man said again: "You didn't realize that the falcon flew away yesterday and hasn't come back..."

The bandit who looked up to the sky saw a black spot appearing in the sky, and hurriedly interrupted him: "Whatever you say. Don't move, don't move anyone!"

After the eagle flew over the mountain, just as they breathed a sigh of relief, a very bad news came forward from the back: the three Li Dao brothers from Danyang County had disappeared!
gone?When did you see me?Did he get lost at night, run away and give up, or...felt aggrieved by hiding here, and went to the front mountain to kill Yongfu privately?
If those three idiots are captured alive by the brave man and tortured out of this hiding place, then they continue to lie here, wouldn't they wait to be caught by the government?But it is difficult to send people to find Li Dao and the other three!Who knows which direction the three idiots are going?

How to do?
The bandits began to be restless. Looking at the slope from a distance, countless "turfs" moved and retreated, waking up with a huge monster, and it seemed terrifying to stretch its body.

At this time, the falcon "Yun Chasing" had already flown over the Valley of the Sinners, continued to move forward, found no danger, turned back, lowered, approached the Valley of the Sinners, and entered the forest.

It waited quietly not far behind the hut, until noon, no one came.

Then return.

As usual, Yunzhu flew over the hills where the brave men were shooting and hunting, and saw the brave men leading the horses back, and saw the brave men fighting for the spite of.

It went around the craftsman's examination room again, and saw a team of horsemen entering the examination spite of.

The examiner looked up at Falcon, but he didn't care.The eagles that appeared in the sky during the assessment were all from the county office.

The examiner did not expect that the twenty thieves Cao sent by the county office were all fierce and fierce, and they were not inferior to the county soldiers, and they were led by Xie Yi, the uncle of the county lieutenant.Xie Yi first inspected the corpses of a few culprits, and rewarded those who have meritorious service, heavy rewards, and standing rewards, in order to inspire people to be brave.

Behind Xie Yi, one is Lu Bandit Cao who once cooperated in the investigation of the think tank case in the emergency training camp, and the other is surnamed Tian, ​​who looks not much older than Xie Yi.

Xie Yi already knew the details of the killing of the bandits. He stopped at the corpses of Mrs. Baba, Qi Duoren, and Dazhi Chong. These three were easy to identify.Kutu and eunuchs only have their heads intact, and they are packed in wooden boxes.

After all the inspections, Xie Yi said: "A bandit is a bandit, and his mentality will never become stronger with the improvement of his ability. Did you find out that they have something in common. They are afraid that the government will recognize them, and they are afraid that after disguised as ordinary people, Real people are not afraid of them when they see them. Therefore, no matter how you disguise yourself, you must retain the characteristics of your nickname."

The chief examiner was relieved, Xie Yi's words were tantamount to confirming that the corpses were wanted criminals.In this way, those wandering family members who died in disasters can get more compensation.

Tian thief Cao knew that Xie Yi was teaching him, so he re-examined the corpse thoughtfully. "I understand. Although they changed their clothes, some dressed as old men and some as peasant women, what they changed was only their coats. For example, the beards of polysapients are still the same as those in the wanted portraits, with neatly cut corners and eyebrows. The tail is also long. Only in this way can it appear that everything he says is inscrutable and convincing to others."

After Xie Yi praised "Yes", he signaled Lu thief Cao to stay here.He left with the examiner and said: "The eunuch, nicknamed 'Jiao Jiao', was a bandit with his elder brother in Mogan Mountain in Wuxing County, and later fled to Xuancheng County, hiding in Jing County. Although this person is not in the court It's in the most wanted list of the Wei Mansion, but he has done a lot of evil. His brother also has a nickname, so the examiner might as well guess."


There is an explanation of this beast in "Erya": Jiaojiao, carob-like, cannibal.

Xie Yi: "That's right. The woman cannibal, and the eunuch cannibal too. The baboons kill baboons, hehe, these two bandits may have had a grudge for a long time, but they solved a problem for us."

The chief examiner didn't know the details of killing the eunuchs, but Xie Yi knew how much he knew, so he explained in detail what happened yesterday when Jiang Youguo investigated the case, and then all Youkuo and the brave men killed the bandits together.He worried: "In the examination room, there is likely to be an accomplice of the eunuch. Could it be '貙'? What is his identity in the examination room? Tourist? Craftsman? Or examinee? The intelligent insects started, endlessly, and the scorpion died, and the scorpion had to be checked. After the scorpion was found, what would it lead to?" Speaking of this, he smiled wryly.A bandit is a bandit, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, why don't you go to the county military competition examination room to make trouble?Why have you been making noise in the craftsman examination room?

Xie Yi said: "No matter how many people come, as long as they show their flaws, they can be found out. The difficulty is that time is tight." The real trouble is only a few days away.

The chief examiner misunderstood, and said: "Yes, the fifth assessment will be held tomorrow, and the venue needs to be moved, and some tourists and craftsmen will be selected to go there. If they are selected, it will not be troublesome."

Xie Yi looked in the direction of the utensil shed, and said: "What can be confirmed now is that Zhuo is not a craftsman, but a tourist. It can also be confirmed that the purpose of this bandit is not for the candidates."

"Why such an inference?"

"The two brothers, Jiao and Jiao, were not well-known in Moganshan because they were not good at learning martial arts. When they arrived in Jing County, they were appreciated by others. After years of hard training, they finally got the skills. People's energy is limited, and they have no time to learn craftsman skills. So they pretended to be You can pretend to be a craftsman or an examinee, and you will be spotted if you are not careful. If their task is to kill a certain examinee, they should do it on the way to Kuaiji Mountain, and they will not wait for the examinee to enter the examination room."

Therefore, only check the game!
 猰貐 (yà yǔ): like chū, tiger claw, cannibal, walks quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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