I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 226 Ma Jianglang's Improved Equipment

Chapter 226 Ma Jianglang's Improved Equipment
The width of the ramps for attacking and defending the city has long been separated by neatly cut thorn bushes by the prospective craftsmen stationed here in advance.Each ramp is one foot wide, imitating the defensive width of the battlement of the city wall.

These prospective craftsmen were all candidates who were eliminated and punished in the county competition some time ago.They first transported the materials and tools for improving the equipment of the defenders to the top of the slope, and then divided them into two groups: one group collected maple leaves and laid them on the steep slope to make it more difficult for the attacking party to climb; The thorn tree should be split and its position should be moved to form a standard separation wall.

Now that the examinees and brave men arrived, the unlucky prospective craftsmen were not eligible to watch the competition and immediately withdrew from Kuaiji Mountain.

The slope is really steep, and every time you don’t step on it, you will slip. Wang Ge used both hands and feet. When he was almost at the top of the slope, he had hallucinations in his peripheral vision, and felt that the fallen leaves piled up under the thorns on the left moved.

Her doubts flashed away, and she continued to climb to the top of the slope.

Wang Ge read it right, the person who moved was the bandit Li Kui.

The brothers Li Dao, Li Mei, and Li Kui have not survived until now. In order to reduce the land occupation, they followed the direction of the thorns and put the legs of the person in front around the upper body of the person behind, so that the three of them only occupied one and a half people. .They only relied on special reed pipes to breathe, and avoided the trampling of so many prospective craftsmen. One day and one night, they used up all the remaining luck in this life.

But a living person is a living person after all, and the culprit is a culprit who has not received rigorous training. Li has been kneeling for a long time, and his whole body hurts. If he does not move his posture every few moments, he feels that his bones will fall apart and fall into the deep mud inside.

Just now he was in unbearable pain again, he would rather be found out than move, so he happened to fall into Wang Ge's field of vision.

On the top of the slope, [-] sets of material production areas for the city defenders are separated by white and gray frames. Each frame area has a fixed patrol guard, and there are also two patrol teams of ten people, one south and one north to patrol. .In the middle of every five production areas, a big drum is set up, and one county soldier, one inspector official, one ordinary craftsman official, and one drum official are summoned under the drum.

Wang Ge and Ma Cai first counted their reward materials and tools.

There are a lot of tools, including axes, adzes, hammers, saws, knives, hammers, chisels, ink fountains, millstones, hoes, spatulas, dustpans, brooms, baskets, sacks, and gloves of various specifications.

In terms of materials, except for the iron materials, Wang Ge's wood, bamboo, hemp rope, sand, winches, and iron chains are all there.

The wood materials are camphor wood and wild bramble branches.The material of camphor wood is soft, easy to chop, saw and polish.Wang Ge learned during the emergency training camp that hard wood such as Zhe wood and birch can only be used by government craftsmen, and they are all used in the manufacture of weapons.Any private craftsman who wants to cut down and manage such trees will be convicted of treason.

Don’t think you are smart, thinking that no one will find out about the secret logging. First of all, transportation is a problem. How can you avoid the checks of various pavilions and townships along the way?If a small road is opened, it will leave deep ruts. Who can guarantee that it will not be discovered by the people?

It is precisely because of the above reasons that the government will suppress the bandits year after year, because they are afraid that the bandits will collude with the rebel forces and hide the craftsmen in the mountains.But don't forget that there are domesticated falcons in the government office. There are a large number of people hiding in the mountains, buildings appearing, and forests are cut down in large numbers, all of which cannot escape the eagle's eyes.Each falcon has a fixed inspection route. If any falcon fails to return due to an accident, or is particularly restless after returning, the government will send scouts along the falcon inspection route to investigate.

Closer to home.

Bamboo materials include Ci bamboo and moso bamboo.Moso bamboo is also suitable for making weapons, but it is not as strict as arrow bamboo. Before private craftsmen want to cut down a large number of moso bamboo materials, they only need to report in advance and the government approves it.

There are three coils of hemp rope material, which is enough.

The winch is made of wood, the material is Zhe wood, and the hemp rope around the shaft is full.The winch comes with an instruction bamboo slip, which is not allowed to be cut and modified, only the length of the hemp rope can be increased or decreased.

Three bags of mud and one bag of sand.At the bottom of the slope just now, the examiner has explained that it is allowed to wedge wooden and bamboo piles into the mountain soil, but after the exam is over, they have to be removed and the soil should be restored to its original state.When making utensils, you can't dig mountains, grasses and trees as materials.Wang Ge had guessed all these before.

An iron chain, five feet long, with instructions on bamboo slips: it cannot be melted down, cut off, or lengthened with iron materials.Wang Ge understood that winches and iron chains belonged to weapons, they were lent to the master craftsman for use, and they had to be returned as they were.

Today, Wang Ge has realized that iron materials are far more precious than she thought before.There is a lack of high-quality iron ore in the Central Plains. Iron ore contains high sulfur and phosphorus content, resulting in brittle iron blocks after smelting, poor toughness, and cannot withstand forging.Therefore, the blacksmith's forging technology developed slowly.This is a vicious cycle that is difficult to resolve.

Ma Jianglang also finished inspecting the reward materials, and after the three of them sat around, Wang Ge and Ma Cai exchanged the wooden tablets engraved with pictures of equipment.Blacksmith Lang Liangshan knew his own role, and knew that no matter how hard the three of them worked, it would be impossible to make all the instruments within three days, and they had to be improved and eliminated again.He waited quietly.

Looking at the wooden tablet, Wang Ge lamented Ma Jianglang's intelligence.There are only two kinds of equipment improved by the opponent: rolling wood and trip rope.

Ma Jianglang combined the rolling wood and the bumping wood, and wedged them firmly in the ground with two "H" shaped wooden frames side by side. The rolling wood was vertically placed above the two cross bars, and the rope loops were hanging from both ends of the rolling wood (the position of the rope ring should be between two The inner side of the crossbar), the ring system hits the wood.

With such an improvement, the bumper can roll with the log above, changing the position where it hits the enemy.The difficulty is how to make the log roll freely?Also, if the track of the bumper is inclined, will it hit the wooden frame?Therefore, Ma Jianglang's improvement theory is good. When making a real utensil, the volume of the rolling wood and the bumping wood must be reduced, and materials must be added to the two wooden frames.In short, the gain outweighs the gain.

Look at the trip rope again.The trip ropes were originally used to deal with war horses. In this test for defending the city, the siege party is not allowed to bring war horses, so the five trip ropes drawn on the wooden tablets are used to increase the difficulty and impact speed of brave men climbing steep slopes.

The trip rope is very practical if it is added from the middle of the steep slope, and it just works well with her wolf hook or mace.

The reward materials for Tiangong skills candidates are obviously less, which Wang Ge discovered just now when he looked into the distance.Ma Jianglang only has three materials, wood, bamboo, and hemp rope.

These three materials, the improved trip ropes are all used.Fix both ends of the rope with wooden stakes, and wrap thorns and bamboo thorns around the rope.There is a hole in the middle of the bamboo terrier, and the hemp rope passes through it to prevent the attacking party from picking up the bamboo terrier and throwing it.

Why do you say that the trip rope has to cooperate with the wolf tooth racket and the wolf hook?If there is no equipment that threatens the attackers, the warriors can stop climbing the slope, untie the trip rope calmly, and use it as a weapon to attack the defenders.

When it comes to winning or losing, or even being injured in the game, Wang Ge thinks of a good wording to persuade Ma Jianglang to give up improving the rolling log and save materials.

"Ma Jianglang..."

"Wait a minute." The other party stopped her from speaking, he frowned, and hadn't finished reading Wang Ge's equipment diagram.

Ok.This person has a stern face, and he doesn't seem to be convincing.

Wang Ge smiled at Liang Shan, a candidate blacksmith, then stood up and looked down the slope, where the warriors had already started to compete.

Liang Shan came over and asked, "Does Candidate Wang remember Jiang Xiaosi?"

"Remember. Are you from Tuyi County?"

"Yes. Jiang Jianglang and I are both from Xunxi Township, and we met at the blacksmith shop in the village. He always talked about defeating brave men with Wang Kao, and it made our ears callous."

Wang Ge didn't waste time pretending to be modest, but directly expressed her concerns: "This time the terrain is different. The steep slope is not good for brave men to climb, and it is not good for us."

"Ah? I know how to blacksmith. Can Candidate Wang tell me something?"

Wang Ge's face is serious, she is blind!In the blink of an eye, there are two piles of fallen leaves, which are slightly undulating!
 Battlement (duǒ dié): A small toothed wall above the city wall.

  Adze (bēn): A flat ax for leveling wood.In ancient times, it was equivalent to a plane tool.

  鐁 (sī): Just understand it as a plane. The planed area of ​​"adze" is larger, and the planed area of ​​"鐁" is small.

(End of this chapter)

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