Chapter 234 Huan Zhenxin's Wang Ge

Fu Jun threw the thin bamboo slices from the wolf tooth racket to the ground, which were all stained with blood.He said solemnly: "Look at it. This weapon is stabilized by four curved bamboos that go through the holes in the thick wood. The holes are special, and the four sharp bamboos are bundled into strong thick blades. Each thick blade is shaped like a wolf's teeth. , being pierced by a wolf-tooth blade will also break limbs and bones."

Sima Tao: "It's really hard to deal with. When I broke those bamboo blades, I found that they were too hard. What kind of bamboo did you use?"

Bian Dan: "Moso Bamboo. That is to say, we can only dodge when the mace hits us. If we can't dodge in time, even if we immediately admit defeat and the craftsman candidate pulls the boom, there is no guarantee that we will not be injured."

Sima Tao: "That's why we have to climb uphill in a vertical line, one person, one person, everyone has to walk like this!" What he gestured was exactly the "Z" shape Wang Ge gestured a moment ago.

Bian Dan: "Everyone's fighting power is different, what should I do if I can't hide?"

Sima Tao: "Hmph, that's not good enough, stay at the bottom of the slope and be a coward."

Huan Zhen: "According to the rules, the attacking party cannot keep anyone under half the distance from the Thorny Slope, otherwise it will be judged as cowardly and will be judged as a loser."

The rest were anxious, and some questioned: "There is this rule? When did you say it?"

Some were annoyed: "How could I not know?"

Everyone thought about it, and for a while, Sima Tao had no words to refute.

"Yeah. If there aren't enough people, how dare they light a wildfire on a windy day?"

"In your eyes, I am a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"Say it."

"Yes!" Sima Tao immediately shouted: "The back of the plank is flattened by the wolf's teeth. It is enough for two people to hold it down."

She is not only intelligent, but also extremely perceptive. Without Wang Ge's participation, Mrs. Nie's murder case would not have been investigated so quickly.

Outside the county military competition examination room, the head of Qian's caravan got into an ox cart of Shen's caravan.The back of the ox cart was open, and Zu Huan was facing the open withered grass.

Several people praised: "Wonderful! Haha."

Liu Qing: "Stop arguing. So what if there are more rules? Isn't it reasonable?"

How to ignite a wildfire so well?Who believes this is a coincidence?
According to my uncle's plan, Shen and Qian's trilogy will add up to nearly 300 people, and then they will form horns with the three hundred bandits hiding in the mountains. Killed one hundred of the quasi-guards, and picked up Su Jun by the way.Then, spread the news throughout Kuaiji County, and when the government offices were panicking and everyone in the county was panicking, they ordered the caravans hiding in the city to set more fires at night.

"In this group of craftsman candidates, there is a young craftsman who is weak. Every time the mace falls, the three defenders struggle to pull the boom. During this time interval, at least one or two breaths are needed. As long as During this short gap, we rushed to the two of us and held down the wolf tooth racket, the other party couldn't even lift the boom, and this weapon would become useless!"

Zu Huan: "Let's keep a few people. If things fail, I have to let my uncle know the reason."

Huan Zhen: "Many detailed rules are only announced before the exam. I only know this one more than you. As for where did I know it? Don't ask." Xie Yi came to him last night and told him that his uncle was fine. After chatting for a few words, Xie Yi thought that all the rules had been announced, but accidentally slipped his mouth.

"Add troops again?"

Chief Qian asked: "Let's act in advance? The location of the mountain fire is indeed the shelter of those bandits. Also, this mountain fire is very beneficial to the Kuaiji County Office! One is to increase troops to Kuaiji Mountain, and there are good reasons Second, we can use the excuse that there are few soldiers in the city to clean up and supervise suspicious caravans from other counties. At that time, our people, no matter in the guest house or in the Zhao's workshop, will no longer be safe Hide."

ah?Louder than anyone else?Sima Tao put his hands on his hips and was taken aback for a moment, what...death? "It's not really a siege battle! To lose is to shout 'admit defeat'!"

Zu Huan had a gloomy face and remained silent.Nonsense, act in advance, act in advance, doesn't he know that he should act in advance?But without the help of the three hundred bandits, can the uncle's plan be fulfilled with only Shen's and Qian's melodies here?And take that criminal named Su Jun away safely?
Overnight, a dilemma!

Zu Huan sighed, and smiled wryly: "After all, we didn't count on them."

"No! I just think that if we continue to procrastinate, what should we do if Kuaiji County increases its troops again without anyone noticing, and puts us under supervision on the grounds of investigation?"

The two spat at each other, and the rest took two steps back.

At that time, my uncle's soldiers and horses entered Kuaiji County from Yuhang County, first occupied Kuaiji Mountain and set up camp, entered to attack the city, retreated to Kuaiji Mountain jungle, and...

Master Qian misunderstood Zu Huan shaking his head, and discussed a second idea: "How about dividing the troops into two groups? I will take half of the people and only take Mr. Su away?"

Huan Zhen: "Tsk, I forgot, there is another rule. There are ten people in a team. If you admit defeat, the whole team will be eliminated immediately." Ignoring the angry eyes staring at him, he looked at Liu Qing, "You go on, it's your turn." gone."

"So when you encounter a weapon that is even more terrifying than the Spike, who do you let rush forward? Since it's not a real siege battle, do you dare to rush forward by yourself?"

Liu Qing took a deep breath, forget it, he can't beat Huan Zhen. "What Huan Zhen said just now... why do I think it's reasonable for the attacking party not to keep people below half of the slope? Because this time the teaching soldiers compete and imitate the siege, you are comrades who share life and death! Then no one can slack off, Fear the battle, hide behind and don't charge up! The second rule, huh... is also reasonable. If the commander admits defeat, or half of the soldiers surrender, doesn't that correspond to the "Shang Shu" saying that the former disciples turned against each other?"

Fu Jun suddenly excitedly said: "I have figured out a way to deal with Langya Pai!"

Fu Jun and Sima Tao thought they could win so easily against Wang Ge, who possessed such a rare craftsman's talent, keenness, and fearlessness of hardship?Langya Pai has such obvious shortcomings, Wang Ge can't think of it?

Sima Tao: "It's reasonable! As long as the craftsman's flag is pulled down, the number of heroes lost by each team of attacking the city will not exceed half. How many of us go uphill and how many of us stay at the bottom?"

"Does 'broken' mean injury or death?"

"Yes. Also, the few corpses that were carried into the county barracks just now were last night..." Director Qian briefly described the investigation of Yougu Tao, and then said: "It seems that Jiang Yang, the county magistrate of Jing County, wanted to borrow The chaos in Kuaiji Mountain is for personal revenge. Military officer Han Huang has not been exposed, don't worry."

The wildfires are getting fiercer.

Huan Zhen walked out of the woods, looked at Wang Ge's direction, and thought of all kinds of unprecedented utensils she made, such as fire folders, fire extinguishers, tumblers, bamboo dragonflies, rolling lanterns, eight slot boats, compass, movable wooden block printing, wolf Tooth spur.It seems that she is born to be able to see through some truths in ordinary things, and reveal the truths through artifacts.She was never stingy, and every time she calmly told how she had a sudden inspiration and found the truth.

Manager Qian didn't dare to say anything.

Zu Huan shook his head, where is the last power, Qian and Shen don't know either!

"Why don't you dare! At worst, I'll call for surrender."

I'm afraid, when the attacking side is complacent, the defending side has already figured out how to change the mace.

Zu Huan let out a "hmm" and asked, "Is it a little craftsman calling to break Tao You's disguise?"


"Little craftsman, heh, it's another little craftsman. How can there be so many little craftsmen?"

"It should be the same person as the craftsman mentioned by Ku Tu. Now I also believe that some people really interfere with luck and must be eliminated!"

(End of this chapter)

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