Chapter 253
Huan Zhen flipped pancakes with long chopsticks, cooked in two cauldrons, did not use iron mines to add firewood, and mixed salted radishes. Standing alone by the stove, he was busy working happily.

Wang Tian was dumbfounded: "Brother Huan, you made these? When will you cook?"

"There is no cook in the reed pavilion. If you don't do it yourself, you have to send the people in the pavilion to do it, which will delay the land reclamation."

Tie Feng harnessed the ox cart, and after dinner he had to send Wang Xiaolang to Qinghe Village, he was about to enter the house when he heard this and went out again in shame.How can there be a reason why the master cooks and waits to eat?But the two of them are stupid, they can cook well, but cooking will only waste food. After two times, Huan Lang didn't use them anymore.

When the meal was ready, Tie Lei came out with a plate, which belonged to Tie Feng, and he went back to the house to bring out his own.There was a straw mat in the courtyard, and the two brothers sat facing each other, and Tie Lei poured half a bowl of Suobing in one gulp.Tie Feng asked in distress: "Have you rested yet?"

"Yeah." Tie Lei choked on the cake, and Tie Lei nodded twice.

"I knew Kuaiji Mountain was in such a mess earlier, you should have stayed in Weiting."

Tie Lei swallowed the cake and said with emotion: "At first I thought Weiting was difficult, but after this experience, I realized how safe this place is." In order to curb the bandits, so many tourists died just in the craftsman's examination room.

That's right, after listening to his brother's story last night, Tie Feng also felt that there must be a war in Kuaiji County.The lives of the people are still ordinary, and in the ordinary distance, many unknown warriors sacrificed their lives to hold up the barrier.

war!Is it the same as the imagined bloody fighting?While worrying, the aggressive blood in Erlang's bones began to surge.

"How do you get past a wolf's hook?"

Wang Erlang stopped in front of the elder, held three breaths, blushed and scratched his head. "Father, mother, I, I am in love, already in love, cough, in love..."

"The second wolf hook is wider than the first one, so don't worry about the first one at all. The brave man can take off his coat, connect it, and twist it tightly to form a thick rope. Three twists are enough. One stands on the other's shoulder Put the rope on the barbed log at the front end of the second wolfhook. All the logs have thorns, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. After putting on three ropes, the brave man pulled down hard. The three craftsmen could not fight ten brave men. of."

Seeing Erlang catching up, Jia Yu said guiltily, "Stop talking."

On the way back, Wang Weng avoided his junior godwife: "From now on, don't say anything about being capable or not in front of the children. As long as your heart is upright, it doesn't matter whether you have ability or not. Besides, what is ability? It is called ability, and Hutou can recite books is called ability. Isn’t it true that Ah He walks horses and fishes, and Ah Shu weaves square shoes? Ah Peng used to be so lazy, but now he pulls weeds every day, and his little hands are full of cracks. Doesn't it hurt? He will be happy when he comes back someday, isn't that his skill?"

"In the village, the drum knife lady who has bought pork a few times."

Huan Zhen: "Untie it slowly, don't break the javelin." In an instant, the javelin became the thorn shaft of the wolf's hook in his eyes.Use softness to control rigidity!
Use softness to control rigidity! !
How did he think of it!
At the time of You, the three of Wang Ge arrived at Qinghe Village.The sunset glows through half the sky, and the cattle and sheep return to the pen. It's so beautiful here.


After thinking about it, Tie Feng couldn't accept Huan Lang's failure to pass the exam.What's the matter, what kind of "wolf hook" is really irresistible?Hundreds of brave men in the entire county have all been eliminated. It is estimated that the news has been spread everywhere, and it will spread to Sizhou and then Luoyang in a short time.When Wei Ting knows the news, will he not regret letting Huan Lang test the state guards in Kuaiji County?If you take the exam in Sizhou, you will definitely succeed.

The point is not this!If coats are considered sharp weapons, they will be required to take them off when attacking slopes one by one.What made Tie Feng dumbfounded was that it was so simple to restrain the overwhelming wolf hooks!Do you want to tell Huan Lang?
Needless to say, Tie Feng, at this moment, Huan Zhen thought of a way to suppress the wolf's hook.He was practicing the flail hammer just now, and almost hit himself in the face, and the face flashed away, entangled with a loose strand of hair.Wang Tian helped him untie it, saying, "It's so tight."

It is doomed that Wang Yun spends less time with his family and spends more time away from school.Little children stand on the side of the road and bow to say goodbye, the top of their heads is not as high as the railing of the carriage.

Wang Ge and his classmates happily met each other, and there is no need to elaborate on all kinds of politeness.During dinner, Xie Ju, Bian Xun, Sima Nandi and the two siblings gathered around the case.Wang Ge happily ate pumpkins. Last year, when he was taking the artisan exam, he saw pumpkins being sold at a food stall in Qinghe Village. A small piece sold for two cents!After more than a year, I finally got it.

Sister and brother Wang Ge didn't know that they were going to have a second aunt soon. Today, the wind was strong and the three of them were ashamed, but even if they were full of wind, the little anion was very happy, and the sister sent him to study.

At the beginning of the morning.

Sister Wang Yun said, "I'll be back at the end of next month."

"I can't help it. Except for the trip rope, there are only wolf hooks on that group of ramps. The first one is completely covered by the second one, and the brave man doesn't get close to it. Let the craftsman pry it, and neither can touch the brave man nor reach it." The second frame above it is equivalent to abolished. After the wolf hook at the top is caught by the rope, even if the craftsman pulls the suspender, the end of the barbed rolling log can only sink, which helps the brave man to quickly lower the weapon After pulling it down, the brave man put the long sticks five and five together, and inserted them into the gap between the two rolling logs at the front."

After Wang Ge finished talking about her situation, she asked, "How are you guys? Are you going to stay in Qinghezhuang for a long time?" The more she thought about it, the more abnormal she felt.All the formal schoolchildren from Nanshan come here. If we really want to exchange academics, the assessment at the end of September is enough. After the exam, we can go back to Nanshan. Why delay it until the end of October?

In the afternoon, the official road turned to a small road, and the ox cart was too bumpy. Tie Feng carried Wang Yun on his back and walked. Wang Ge led the ox. After a while, Wang Yun fell asleep.

I'm so anxious to die! "Which girl?" Jia Yu asked directly.

"But during this process, how can the craftsman sit still and wait for death?"

Tie Feng asked Wang Ge: "Competition on Thorny Slope, if you are a brave man, choose to fight or avoid war?"

The boy servant built the zither and waited outside the village early. Wang Ge has the official status of a student of Nanshan Primary School, so he can go to the abbot with Hutou.

Jia Yu felt an empty space in her heart. Before her grandson left her sight, she was already thinking about it uncomfortably. Wiping away her tears, she muttered: "I really don't know if it's better to have skills or not to have skills."

Tie Feng still stayed overnight in the outer courtyard.

In this era, people's sources of news are very slow. According to several people, Wang Ge once again excelled and became the only special junior craftsman in the county.When they heard that the assessment of the quasi-guard army had ended ahead of schedule on Thorny Slope, all the fellow students were surprised.

There are quite a few teenagers on the road leading to the manor.Around October, there will be adult children entering the university again. These young people are also the children of the Wang clan. There are rich and poor in the same clan. The poor families will no longer be busy with farming in October, so that the children can study leisurely.In Qinghezhuang, all the students enrolled at this time were unofficial schoolchildren.

Tie Feng was startled, and there was a confrontation.In this situation, even if it consumes the strength of the craftsman candidates, they can still win.If a team of brave men can't win, the next team will continue. "It's that simple?"

Wang Ge walked a few steps and then turned around. The elder parents, father, and second uncle were still in place.She shouted, "I'll be back tomorrow."

"The rules do not allow brave men to carry sharp weapons privately, and they do not say that they are not allowed to fight with coats."

Xie Ju shook his head: "I don't know. My father only sent me a letter once, so I can feel at ease here."

Sima Nandi picked up his chubby little arms and pouted, "Hmph!" She had a letter from home.

Wang Ge knew that her father was Sima Shao, but he couldn't talk too much about confidential matters with these children.

What Bian Zi sighed was another matter: "Wang Tongmen, my Uncle Ji was eliminated by you." Her Uncle Ji is Bian Dan, so shameful, she was eliminated by avoiding the war.

(End of this chapter)

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