Chapter 256 Observing the Straight Plow

Back then, Wang Ge couldn't even deal with a peddler in the village; Huan Lang's status in Linshui Pavilion was similar to that of Wang He now. How to handle affairs and arrange booth affairs.

In just one year, some people became famous, some brave men became cowards, and their busy work was wasted.How can Huan Lang admit defeat?

The wheat milling field is on the northeast side of the reed pavilion, which is very simple.

There are two utility houses in the north. A low fence wall is built from the outside of the west wall, using thin wooden boards of different widths. The fence wall only surrounds a small half circle and borders a large area of ​​thatched grass.

Wang Ge came in and checked the layout at a glance.

The small stone mill uses manpower, and a middle-aged man is pushing it.The big stone mill is pulled by a donkey, and the driver is a woman who is nearly fifty years old.The donkey's mouth is covered with a chewing cage, and a stick for hanging bean cakes is tied above the donkey's head.

In front of the west room was a thatched mat, on which Ah Shu, Mrs. Wu, and Mrs. Guan made shoes.

"Sister Cong is here." Wang Shu stood up.

Wang Ge: "Continue making shoes."

Wang Shu was obedient and hurried to work.

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Guan were terrified, and it was spread all over the pavilion. Wang Shu's elder sister was admitted as a craftsman.Craftsman!Is it an official, come here to check them?what to do?The two were flustered, their hands were flustered, and they couldn't rub the Miscanthus sutra rope well.Fortunately, Master Wang went to see the donkey pulling the mill.

This time it was the woman's turn to panic, and explained with a bitter face: "Is it Master Wang? I steamed the bean cakes myself. This donkey is very tame. The whip is to scare it. I have never beaten it."

"Ashu, I'll go to the wasteland to see you. I'll come to you at noon. Don't send me off." Wang Ge smiled at Yu again, and left the wheat mill.

Alas, she just realized that her identity has changed, she is no longer an ordinary farmer Wang Ge, but Wang Jiangshi!How many people who have never traveled far can distinguish the ranks of craftsmen?Including herself, she thought that all the craftsmen were officials when they were taking the test of craftsmen and craftsmen.And no matter how small the official position is, the ordinary people have nothing to fear, avoiding as much as they can, for fear of offending the other party.For example, the postman who asked her to feed the pigs in the county capital and still disliked her for her poor work, such as Youjiao, who lingered in the craftsman's test.Now that Wang Ge thinks of that Youjiao, he still hasn't completely shaken off his fear and anger about it.

In this kind of atmosphere, isn't it bullying to examine Miss Wu's ability to make shoes?There is no rush, let's go to the wasteland first.

As the weather got colder, the soil hardened and it became increasingly difficult to pull the plow and shovel the soil.Before shoveling the soil, the grass must be mowed. There are not so many iron scythes in the reed pavilion, so the children can only use clumsy methods, such as pulling them out by hand or cutting them with stone knives.No matter what method you use, remember not to pull out the rotten thatch leaves, because green thatch is harvested everywhere, and ten bundles can be exchanged for one liter of old grain.

The grass was dense and high, and a child as young as Wang Peng squatted inside, not even showing the top of his head.

Wang Ge called out to Brother, the little guy stood up immediately, waved his arms together, and smiled at her.

She came wearing gloves, and Wang Peng gave her the stone knife: "Sister, cut with a knife."

"You use it. I have great strength."

All the iron farming tools at home, except for bamboo strips, were all handed over to the Pavilion Department.The meaning of the father is that his family is not assigned to open up wasteland, but the pavilion is taking care of it, and people must be grateful.A hoe has to dig the ground, an iron plow has to dig the soil, a sickle has to mow the grass, and if the agricultural tools are idle and rust, it is called sin!

At that time, A Peng immediately asked, "Why didn't you also hand in the bamboo knife? The bamboo knife can also cut grass."

The eldest father rolled his eyelids, and the eldest mother gave the child the answer with a broom.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?" As soon as Wang Peng finished speaking, a child next to him squatted because he pulled the weeds too hard.After laughing at the child, Wang Peng forgot the question just now.

After pulling it for more than half an hour, Wang Ge asked, "Are you tired?"

"Hey, tired."

"Does your hand hurt?"

" doesn't hurt if you don't want to."

Brother.Wang Ge felt distressed and pressed his head against his forehead.

Apeng pursed his mouth and poked his neck forward like a monkey, so shy and happy.Looking into the distance, Wang Ge saw a few middle-aged pavilion folks coming from the place where the children had finished mowing the grass. They were using Lei Si to weed the roots.

After shoveling the soil with Leisi, you still have to dig deep to remove all the grass roots in the ground as much as possible.Finally, oxen are used to pull the plow to loosen and crush the soil.


Wang Ge went to pull the plow in the field.

The reed pavilion is poor, and the most straight-shaft plows currently have an extremely simple structure, consisting of only the plow bottom, plow tip (handrail), plow shaft, and plow arrow.The plow arrow is fixed, and the plow shaft is very long. Manpower or oxen are used to pull it in front, and another person is behind to hold the plow tip firmly and control the plowshare to break through the soil.There is no plow wall structure on the iron share at the bottom of this straight shaft plow.Wang Ge's family used this kind of plow when they opened up wasteland on sloped fields.

She went to another field.

There is only one Zhiyuan plow with the most complete structure, and there is only one reed pavilion.At this time, it is being pulled by two oxen, and the thick and long crossbar is a plow balance, which is mounted on the shoulders of the two oxen, and the people of the three pavilions drive the plow to plow the soil as a group.This kind of large straight shaft plow equipped with a plow wall, although the soil is deep, but it is not easy to turn the direction when it reaches the end of the field.Moreover, it takes three manpower to plow, which is really not cost-effective.

Wang Ge was waiting at the head of the field. Tingmin, who operated the plow tip, was nearly forty years old, panting heavily with exhaustion, sweat dripping from the top of his hair. "Uncle, Uncle, Uncle." She greeted each of them with a smile.

"Which little girl came here?"

She said bluntly: "I am a carpenter."

The three gentlemen glanced at each other, she is the head of the royal household, Wang Ge?The age is too young.

Wang Ge asked, "Can I help the plow turn the soil once?"

Who dares to refuse?Tingmin who was holding the tip of the plow reminded: "It takes a lot of energy, if you can't push it, hurry up and shout."

When the plow turns around, three people have to work together to lift the plow, and one of them has to yell at the ox to turn the corner.It was embarrassing, this was Wang Ge's first time manipulating the plowshare. Although there were two cows pulling the plowshare, she still exerted all her strength.The depth, width and narrowness of the plow are all the people holding the tip of the plow.After plowing more than ten steps away, Wang Ge observed that the soil was half as shallow as the previous plow.

"Abbe, don't let the cow move." She squatted down to the bottom of the plow to look carefully at the plowshare, then stood to the side, and looked at the position where the traction was stressed.Next to the shoulder of the ox, look at the shaft and the method of tying the ox like "lifting the bar".

The three gentlemen looked at each other suspiciously again.Master Wang is definitely not just plowing the fields with nothing to do, what does she want to do?
At this time, the neighbors who were watching the excitement stepped aside and commented: "Look, Ting Zhang Huan is here, and Ting Zhang Cheng is here."

"Don't talk nonsense, it was originally Huan Ting chief who went out to compete in martial arts, so Cheng Qiubao was in charge of our reed pavilion."

"Oh, did Chief Huanting win the martial arts competition?"

"Bullshit! You must have won. He is the head of the pavilion, and he can still show all the joy on his face?"

Wang Ge saluted: "Master Huanting."

Huan Zhen returned the gift: "Master Wang."

Ting Min looked at Wang Ge with even more respect.The Wang family didn't brag, this little lady is indeed a craftsman!
Huanzhen heard from Cheng Shuang that Master Wang had been watching the plow in the field for half an hour, and he was still watching, so he came together. "Is there a problem with the plow?"


He knew that Wang Ge would never look at the plow for no reason and try it out. "What's the problem? Is it serious?"

"Seriously, there are many problems."

Cheng Shuang walked around the plow, wondering.Many questions?Why... didn't he see anything?The plowshares and plow walls are not damaged, and the plow tips and shafts are also strong.

"Bosses continue to plow the land." Wang Ge no longer delayed the work of the pavilion people, Huan Zhen and Cheng Shuang followed her.As she walked, she described several problems with the plow.

In the back, Huan Zhen's expression was brilliant, and Cheng Shuang's was even more colorful!Tsk tsk tsk, it's not about the iron plow just now, it's about all the iron plows in the Jin Dynasty!

 Leisi (leǐ sì): an ancient shoveling tool.

(End of this chapter)

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