Chapter 258 Wind and Thunder Woodcut
He told Wang Ge's ambition to be a master craftsman within three years, and Huan Shi found out that it was Wang Ge who was eager to go to Bianjun.It is common for craftsmen to go to border counties and barren counties to get their resumes. Wang Ge has amazing craftsman talents and is not afraid of hardships. Maybe he can really realize his wish.

Huan Zhen saw that the uncle of the clan was silent for a long time, and just happened to bring snacks under the door, so he ate aside without making any noise.

The county office changed the minimum period for a junior craftsman to be an official to three years, in fact, to keep Wang Ge.If the old rules were followed for five years, Wang Ge might go straight to Shanyin County.Huan Shi's brows were wrinkled again, people are not as good as heaven, I didn't expect a little girl to be so decisive!
He clenched and loosened his fist several times, and he already understood Wang Ge's difficulty in improving the plow tool as soon as he returned home.This girl is really smart, and she wants to make another great contribution to the county office before leaving.For a carpenter, it is difficult to do more than improve the plow. So, how can the county office drag her and force her to stay?

Of course, the most profitable person is a county magistrate, and the new plow tool will make Huan Shi eligible to be transferred to the first county!Forget it, since she has ambitions, he will give her a helping hand, better fulfill her, and choose a border county that is more conducive to meritorious deeds! "The first difficulty is that the frontier county is far away, and you have to travel a long distance, how can you get there?"

Huan Zhen looked up in surprise, and the clan uncle agreed!He didn't care about eating, and said: "I asked Tie Lei to teach Wang Ge how to ride a horse, because I want to travel quickly, so I have to ask my clan uncle to issue a guide for business reasons, and then we can pass on the supply along the way." The official road leads to the passing of ordinary people, and the guarantor must be the county magistrate.

Huan Shi nodded: "I just got a fine horse named 'Bai Rong', and I haven't had time to tame it in the future. You can take it away tomorrow morning and give it to Wang Ge." Except for Huan Zhen's mount, the rest of Wei Ting are ordinary horses. I'm afraid it won't work that far.It's also a coincidence that Bai Ju happened to be in the official's house where Wang Ge lived temporarily.

"Understood, don't worry, Uncle Clan." A good horse is rare, and he will take good care of Bai Rong.

"The second difficulty. After the Junwu Competition, there must be many people staring at Wang Ge. These people know that you followed her to the border county, so they can guess your purpose."

"Wang Tian intends to go with me."

Huan Shi shook his head: "He alone is not enough. The sky is high and the earth is far away, who doesn't want to fight for such things as military exploits? But whoever disturbs the muddy water, wait to find out, three to five years, can you wait? So we have to choose another royal family Clan children are powerful, and they have to win the trust of the court."

The reason why Ling Huanzhen is not sure is that the two sisters and younger brothers on the wooden sign do not look like Wang Ge's younger brother.

After Huan Zhen left the county office after eating breakfast, Bai Rong looked back at the official house with nostalgia, and then walked forward freely without looking at the magistrate Huan.

With Wang Tian and Sima Chong in the same company, if some ginseng went to border counties to gain meritorious service or win military exploits, they would offend even the prefect of Kuaiji and Sili's official history.

Huan Shi: "The third difficulty is military exploits. What kind of merit is enough to make the court make an exception and reward you with the number of young guards?"

The next day, Menxia brought Bai Rongju over and told County Magistrate Huan that, according to the maidservant, Wang Ge went to the craftsman's shop just after dawn.

This time, County Magistrate Huan feels differently. Wang Ge is indeed urgent to improve the plow tools, but he is even more anxious to travel far.

Merchant Feng held up the wooden sign following the other party's gaze: "Mr., you can take a closer look. This is a sachet pendant, carved from a whole piece of wood. The two round wood pieces on the upper and lower inner sides are connected by shafts to the two outer rings. I compare them to each other. However, the pieces of wood inside are the same size as copper coins, and they can be rotated. See, right? It can be seen that the prospective woodcarver has a clever mind."

"I understand, the best candidate... Sima Chong!" Huan Zhen learned again, the clan uncle emphasized the word "chaotang", which meant His Majesty.Among the clan trusted by His Majesty, the only one living in Tuyi County is Sima Daoji from Hefang Township.Sima Daoji worked on history for Sili, but all those in Sili's office are his majesty's cronies.

The streets around the county office are the favorite places for the township peddlers.Huan Zhen also felt as if he had seen each other before.Shopkeeper?Shopkeeper... I remembered!In Jasher Village.

On the wind card, a little girl is carrying a boy on her back, hurrying along. Both siblings are frightened by the strong wind, especially the little girl, whose steps are all vain due to the strong wind.The boy grabbed it with one hand facing the sky, Huan Zhen turned the wooden sign, and on the back was... kudzu?
Just like the kudzu vines he asked Wang Ge to carve on one end of the bamboo ruler last year, they are all spiraling upwards, facing the sky angrily, showing perseverance.Is it a coincidence?Or is this wooden vessel really from the hands of Wang Ge?

Huan Shi smiled with a flick of his sleeves: "No need. As soon as you leave Zuyi County, the news will spread. Those who leave later than you may arrive at Bianjun first." The meaning of the juvenile guard barracks is different. Wubi was buried?What the nephew can think of, others can think of too.

This is the hardest.Huanzhen introspected, he thought of the war too simply, and the military officials in the border counties were so brave, how could it be so easy to make meritorious deeds?Furthermore, the situation on the battlefield is chaotic, and it is too easy for credit to be divided up, so you have to beware of backstabbing!By the way, he thought of another thing: "Uncle Clan, do you want to spread the word and let people follow my example?"

A embroidered bag fell from the cargo pole tied to the railing of the ox cart, and the salesman Feng didn't dare to pick it up because he was afraid of being hit by a horse.Huan Zhen got off his horse and took hold of his mount. Merchant Feng thanked him first, then picked up the embroidered bag, and looked at Huan Zhen again. He was pleasantly surprised: "It's the lord? Does the lord remember me?"

Huan Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and warned himself that he must not be conceited in dealing with things in the future, just like tonight, imitating his uncle's way of thinking about things, thinking deeply and carefully before doing everything.

Heartbreaking!County magistrate Huan was very depressed. This horse should not be called Bairong, but Baiyanlang.

It's a coincidence.However, what Huan Zhen likes is not the craftsman's skills, but the paintings carved on the two inner logs.The top is wind, and the bottom is thunder. There is no word "wind, thunder", but the viewer can know the meaning that the wood carver wants to express at a glance.

The military officials of ordinary background hate the children of nobles who steal credit the most. Once the three of them go, they will be targeted everywhere, and they will simply make a big fuss.

After Huan Zhen turned around a street, Merchant Feng came head-on with his ox cart.

"Yes, yes." Those who can ride horses are rich and noble people. Seeing that the other party is in a hurry, Feng Merchant immediately took out the most expensive box and opened it. "Look, my lord, here are all good things imported from Shanyin County. Look, how finely these wooden plaques are carved. They were made by the quasi-craftsmen of the county competition. This kind of craftsmanship must have been done by the carvers. I have passed the test as a master craftsman. And this pair of jumpers is made of seashells of various colors. When the sun shines, the colors shimmer, as if they have been put on a layer of powder. They are really beautiful."


Huan Zhen wanted to get on the horse after the other party finished speaking, but when he was perfunctory looking at the utensils, he was attracted by the falling wooden sign.

Looking at the thunder card again, the two sisters and brothers, wearing the same clothes, are sheltering from the rain under a tree, and there are raindrops scratched by carving knives all around their feet.Elder sister's left hand hugged brother's left shoulder tightly, and put her right ear close to her left waist. Her right hand awkwardly covered brother's left ear. Both of them shrank their shoulders, but brother's eyes were closed tightly and his face was facing down. , Sister looking at the sky, the panic is extremely obvious.

Rotating the thunder card, the "raindrops" on the back look messy at first glance, but if you distinguish them carefully, they can be gathered into four characters: the family of benevolence and kindness.

 Chuanshe: In this article, it refers to a place to provide food and housing for officials to travel.

  Jump off: refers to the bracelet.

(End of this chapter)

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