Chapter 275 News from the Market Pavilion
If you overlook Bintu County, the inside and outside of the city are like gray architectural sketches, with almost no other colors.The city walls are made of rammed earth, and almost all the people wear rough clothes. The houses of the people are built of earth, and even the courtyards of some poor families are separated from the road by only building a few layers of stones on the ground.

The four of them found a restaurant along the scent. Outside the restaurant there were many wooden stakes with many cars and animals tied to them.A tall wooden pole was erected next to the gate of the courtyard, and a wooden sign was hung on the end of the pole, with a picture of a cauldron engraved on it, and steam was rising from the cauldron.The wooden sign swayed with the wind, and the dense stick-shaped wooden pendants below knocked against each other, making a pleasant sound.

Wang Ge and the others led their horses outside, while Huan Zhen entered the courtyard alone.

It can also be seen clearly from the outside that it is a long and narrow house facing south.The stove house is located on the east side, much smaller than the main house. There are two small pottery stoves outside the house, and the meat is stewed in the cauldrons. No wonder the smell floats so far.The place for slaughtering and chopping meat is on the west side. This house is more like a shed with an earthen wall. The overall shape is "冂" and diners can clearly see how the two butchers disassemble the bones and cut the meat.

The space between the three houses is fenced with wood chips, and the house walls also function as courtyard walls.

There are ten diners eating in the open air, all of them are tall and tall, wearing military uniforms and wearing pockets on their heads, and they are divided into three groups of seats.It is precisely because there are soldiers eating here that Wang Ge and the others are relieved.

Huanzhen was about to enter the north room, and a girl of a different race came out. It was only possible to tell that she was not very old, and it was difficult to guess her exact age.The girl first enthusiastically led Huanzhen into the house, and soon the two came out talking.

It turned out that there was already a caravan eating inside, and the light in the room was also dim.

Huan Zhen asked Wang Ge and three to tie the horses to the stakes outside. There were only two empty felt mats in the courtyard, and the four of them sat on the felt mats near the courtyard gate.Starting from Youzhou, people used felt mats the most, and rough ones were not as comfortable as straw mats.

The girl swiftly entered the kitchen and brought tableware, bowls and other food utensils, and when she lightly placed the chopsticks in front of Huan Zhen, she poked her slender waist slightly, and asked as if she was very familiar: "Sir, will you go on your way after eating?"

"Temporarily staying in the guests."

"Where do you stay? If it's hard to find a place, I can..."

The more Wang Ge listened, the more he felt that something was wrong. As soon as he started to gossip, Wang Tian said in a distasteful way: "My elder brother lives next to me, every night by my side."

"Haha." Not far away on the felt mat, only one of the two soldiers sitting there laughed out loud.

The girl was not annoyed, she smiled and cast a glance at Wang Tian, ​​with this gaze, she immediately transferred her love to him, and Xiao Lang's eyebrows covered by dust were surprisingly handsome!Oh, what a pity, too young.

Wang Ge secretly "tsk tsk" twice. She still can't adapt to the degree of openness in a certain aspect of this era, and she didn't expect it to be even worse in the border county.Not to mention Wang Tian, ​​even the slightly older Sima Chong was a junior high school student in her previous life.

At the same time, the girl felt that she had been careless, so she looked closely at Sima Chong, who was the tallest. Sima Chong deliberately raised the left corner of his mouth, exposing his missing front teeth. some."

Wang Tian laughed "poof".

At this time, there was a sound of drums from the east. It should not be far from the restaurant, and there were people running to the east on the road.Wang Tian couldn't sit still: "What happened? Brother Huan, I want to take a look."

Wang Ge: "Shall I accompany Wang Langjun?"

Huan Zhen waved his hand, and the two got up happily, and ran as soon as they left the courtyard.Huan Zhen smiled, and when he looked away, he happened to find that Sima Chong was also smiling slightly, the other party must not be smiling at Ah Tian!

It's broken, Huan Zhen was secretly shocked!This is not a good sign, the three of them have to separate from Wang Ge as soon as possible.

The place where the drums were played was the market pavilion. The drummer had a leg problem. He leaned on crutches in one hand and held a drumstick in the other. The people who listened to his speech had already surrounded several floors. .

The drummer conveys two things in total.

The first thing is: on the 2th and [-]th, there will be a carpenter state-level competition held in Bintu County. The minimum requirement to participate in the competition must be an intermediate carpenter or double junior carpenter.The first place in the state competition can reach the first place in the county level competition three times when it is recorded in the craftsman's resume; No.[-] can reach the first place in the county competition.The topic of this assessment is the improvement of wood tools. For details, you have to ask the carpenter's office of the county office, and the registration is also there. I hope the common people will spread the news.

The next thing is: the lease period for a group of tenant farmers in the county capital pavilion has come, and these [-] tenant farmers will go to Guangping County and Taishan County respectively to become Ting residents there. As before, the rent-free period for Ting people to open up wasteland is three years.Therefore, Duting needs to add a hundred households of tenant farmers, not limited to ethnic groups and tribes, not limited to sons and daughters, as long as there are more than three adults in each household, and tenants who meet the requirements, old people over [-], and young people under the second Ding, will be recruited by Duting. Take two meals a day.Also go to the Duting Office to register immediately.

After the drummer finished talking about the most important thing, seeing that the crowd was about to disperse, he hurriedly said louder: "This time is different, Guangping County belongs to Sizhou! As long as you work hard, the officials will see it all. After three years, maybe You can also take your family to Sizhou, and your descendants will be born and raised in Sizhou in the future, and maybe you can go to the capital to meet the world!"

The people who had been crushed by life were so excited that they blushed and their necks were thick. Some people echoed and shouted: "What are you waiting for? Isn't the land for reclamation getting farther and farther away? If it's not hard, why should we leave the border after a few years?" Go to the county to enjoy the blessings? I don't care, I'll go to the pavilion first!"

"I'm going too, I'm going too."

"What should I do? My home is far away. Will I be late if I go back and come back again?"

There were also quite a few people, like Wang Ge, who went against the crowd and rushed to the drummer to inquire about things.Wang Ge's hair was all loose, and she managed to squeeze out half of her body. The surroundings were too noisy, so she stretched her upper body sideways and shouted: "Abbe! I am a carpenter in Yangzhou, double junior! This is the first time I heard about state competition. Match by match, can I also participate?"

"Have you changed to a permanent resident?"

Wang Ge was squeezed out again, but fortunately Wang Tian squeezed forward and rushed to say, "Abo, Abo, we have just arrived in Bintu, but even if we go to Xiangping County in the afternoon, we may not be in time to register."

Drumman: "This is common for you guys. Take a closer look. In Bianjun, there are the most carpenter competitions, so don't rush into one. Also, you can go to the county office carpenter shop in the afternoon to ask, in case only two days are available. There is no need to worry about the registration time."

Wang Ge squeezed over again, gnashing his teeth so hard: "Abo, what kind of fines are there for craftsmen who lose in the competition in Pingzhou?"

The drummer replied very seriously: "Cutting wood to build houses, making weapons, making coffins, making cars, haha, you will understand when you go to the carpenter's shop. But the girl is so young, she must be a craftsman with excellent skills? There are very few skills competitions in the county, no, I forgot to remind you, everyone! This state competition can only participate in Tiangong skills."

Wang Ge's heart sank. Could it be that Pingzhou didn't know that there was a branch of "army craftsman" in the carpenter category?
Behind the crowd, at some point, a group of female cavalry was parked, wearing rings and knives, and wearing armor and pockets. They all followed the leader and looked towards the drummer. At the same time, they also noticed that a little girl who had just squeezed out of the crowd was very interesting.The other party is obviously a girl from the Han family, she is only in her early ten years old, her face is full of loess, she must have just come from a long way, her headscarf is squeezed out, and she is wearing it in a random way.The human voice was so loud just now, but it couldn't cover her high voice, which shows that she has a sassy personality.

"Country guard, what a coincidence, isn't Liaodong County in a hurry to recruit cavalry?"

Xun Guan smiled and said, "Perhaps, it's really a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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