Chapter 282 Wang Yun's Conspiracy
Qinghe Village is three thousand miles away.

It was getting dark, and a group of elementary school children ran in a panic, leaving a strong stench in the place they passed by. They were surrounded by child servants building zithers, carrying Wang Yun on their backs.Wang Yun's back was covered in feces, and his hands were also covered in feces. He could only sob and couldn't wipe it off, which made his appearance even more pitiful, and made the little fellows who were running around even more indignant.

"Ah, why is it so smelly?"

"What happened?"

Xu Xun, who was running, complained about the reason: "Sima Ti pushed Wang Yun into the latrine."

"Can't you?"

"Not necessarily. I usually see Sima Ti leading people to bully Wang Yun."

"Pick the persimmons softly, and bully Wang Yun's poor family. Wang Yun is so pitiful."

The three elementary school children also followed behind the team.

Zhuzheng was afraid of polluting Wang An's house, so he carried him to the place where he lived. The boy servant in the same house knew what happened at a glance, and hurriedly brought the pots and buckets, and hurried to the kitchen to beat them. hot water.

Xu Xun told Sima Wujing: "You look after this place, I'll go find my master."

"Still, still looking for a wife?"

"Otherwise?" When Xu Xun got angry, his chubby little face stretched even further, and his facial features were all round.

"Okay." Sima Wujing turned his head and saw Wang Yun who had taken off his dirty clothes and sat in the basin. He was skinny and skinny. He secretly poked his stomach, which was almost as fat as Xu Xun's.Sima Wujing felt unspeakably uncomfortable, he squeezed away all his colleagues, found a towel, squeezed it back to the basin, and wiped Wang Yun's face and hands.

Wang Yun evaded: "Don't, dirty."

Sima Wujing grasped his hand tightly, really annoyed, scared and worried, and shouted almost without breath: "Sima Ti and I are not in the same group, you and I are just friends from heart to heart, in the future Sima Ti will bully you if he bullies you." Me, insulting you is insulting me! Don't worry, I will testify after Master Yuan comes, that it was Sima Ti who pushed you into the latrine, and I saw it with my own eyes."

Wang Yun sniffed his nose, nodded vigorously, and said in his heart: That's good, with you as a witness, it's Sima Ti's fault, he probably won't be able to stay in Qinghezhuang anymore, don't blame me for plotting against him, he never let me go, That's what I did.

Everything was as planned by Wang Yun, Master Yuan became furious, Sima Ti not only refused to admit his mistake, but also denied it as usual: "I didn't push him hard at all!"

"The latrine is so narrow, it was his bad luck that he just fell into it."

"No, I remembered, he was willing to lie in it himself, and I didn't have time to let go."

"He fell in by himself, Wang Yun, tell the truth, if you dare to falsely accuse me..."

Who would believe that Sima Ti, who is always arrogant and liar, is telling the truth this time?
Looking at Wang Yun again, he was so pitiful that he almost lost his mind from crying.Who would have thought that the child was very sober in his heart, and there was a little Wang Yun in his heart responding to Sima Ti every sentence.

"Well, you really didn't push hard."

"In order to fall in easily, I have deliberately eaten less in the past two months."

"You've seen it all. If you didn't have time to let go, it's because I grabbed your sleeve. Of course you can't let go."

"Of course I dare to falsely accuse you. In order to be able to rely on you, I swallowed my anger for half a year! Do you know what it means to be expelled from Qinghe Zhuang and abandoned by Master Yuan? It means that there will be no formal monastery to accept you in the future. teach you!"

The stars shine in both places.

Zhu Ying was injured, Wang Ge couldn't go to another room, and neither of them could sleep. One looked up at the dark roof, closed his eyes for a while when he felt uncomfortable, and then stared in a daze; He turned with difficulty and faced Wang Ge.

"Go to the latrine?" Wang Ge asked.

"No." After a few breaths, Zhu Ying took the initiative to say: "The stick punishment is lenient. I am a county soldier, and I have to follow the military law when I am punished. If you beat me like that, one stick will hurt your waist and two sticks will break your bones." The next thing to do is to keep your breath and suffer, and twenty sticks are just enough to kill people.

It was rare for the other party to say so much, and he must have been aggrieved and relentless, so Wang Ge listened quietly.

After a while, Zhu Ying said: "In these years, I have been in various garrison pavilions. I was promoted from an ordinary county soldier to a corps commander, a Shichang, and a Bochang. I was seriously injured twice. I thought I was going to die. Hmph, life is serious. Very serious. I boast, but I am really not afraid of hardships, injuries, and death, but I hate intrigue with my own people. I thought that war was just a matter of continuing to attack the north, but I didn’t expect that there were cold arrows and dark knives behind me!"

"The higher the military position, the more powerful the person I offend. During this time, there are many powerful children who have come to Bianjun, and everyone knows what they are here for! They want to compete with the soldiers at the bottom, but why!"

"Why should other people's bloodshed and martyrdom be credited to them? Who can fight and who can counsel, can't those officials see it? Don't they really know?"

"Prefect Xun has a great reputation and is the girl I admire the most. Unexpectedly, even she succumbed to those forces and sent me back to the rear. How safe, hmph."

Wang Ge waited for a while to make sure that the other party had finished complaining about his irritability, and then said: "I'll tell you the truth, sister, I thought I would see Governor Xun when I came to Xiang, but I didn't even have the chance to enter the county office."

Zhu Ying slowly turned over, turned her back, and returned to her usual coolness.

Wang Ge didn't care, and continued to say according to what he had just thought: "I am a junior craftsman, why do you think I have the opportunity to meet Xun Taishou?"

Zhu Ying explained: "No. The very busy, and she values ​​skills more than her background."

"Because I'm a girl, I thought that making Qu Yuanli was a very strong skill. Taishou Xun is also a girl, so he would take a moment to see me and encourage me. As Sister Zhu said, it doesn't matter about my background. But when I thought about it again, I only saw my own strengths, just like Sister Zhu, you only see your own strengths."

"Hiss." Zhu Ying turned around and took a hard breath.

"Xun Taishou is different from us. She stands in a high position and sees the strengths of many girls. Some of them may not be weaker than Sister Zhu, right? For example, Lady Duan? If anyone has the ability, she will love to provoke her." Trouble, big trouble, everyone wants to see Taishou Xun like me, who should the prefect see first? Who should solve the trouble first? She is a county magistrate, she spends her mind on this all day, Do you have time for work?"

Zhu Ying felt guilty, yes, since becoming a county soldier and being appreciated by the prefect, her temper has become more and more fierce every year. Whenever she encounters people who are not pleasing to the eye, she only wants to use force to solve them.Those who have been injured by her all these years, really have no chance to take revenge and kill her?Impossible, it was Taishou Xun who always devoted his mind to apologizing to those forces for her.

The Northern Expedition was about to happen, and more and more children of the rich and powerful came to Liaodong County. If she stayed in the defense pavilion with her usual temper, she would offend more people with deep backgrounds.If she dared to cut off other people's futures, wouldn't others dare to cut off her life?
Prefect Xun couldn't do what he wanted, and it happened that Wang Ge presented the new plow making method to Liaodong County. During the promotion of Xinli, Wang Ge was the hero of Liaodong County.So the prefect gave her this task, let her protect Wang Ge, and at the same time, it can barely be counted as a meritorious deed.

"You are young, but you think farther than I do."

It seems that Zhu Ying has figured it out.Wang Ge said apologetically, "I was the one talking nonsense, I hope sister doesn't blame me."

"Today's matter is indeed reckless, and there is no need to go to this point. Sima Tao's stick has no internal strength, so it can't hurt you. That guy is not a good person, but in this matter, I made a mistake." The county magistrate Show mercy to her with the cane, the favor must be repaid, definitely not for her to repay.I'm so confused, I just figured it out now, if the county magistrate is unwilling to accommodate, will Sima Tao's intercession work?
For a long time, Wang Ge thought that Zhu Ying had fallen asleep, and the other party said slowly, "I am also from Kuaiji County, Shangyu County."

"We are fellow villagers."

"Yes, we are fellow villagers."

At this time, Wang Ge didn't know that these two sentences were the last words the other party said to her.

(End of this chapter)

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